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About BlueSkye48

  • Birthday 03/05/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Tacoma, Washington
  • Interests
    Cars, automobilia, antiques, collectibles
  • My Project Cars
    1948 Plymouth Club Coupe, 1964 Barracuda, 1966 Dodge Polara Conv, 1965 Lincoln Cont. Conv, 1984 Ford Bronco

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  • Biography
    I am 29, proud owner of a 1948 P15 Club Coupe, basically stock
  • Occupation
    Apprentice Electrician


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  1. I just used Staples from a hand staple gun, they were the same width as the original staples, and easy enough to bend once through the holes, while not pulling out easily. were a slightly different gauge but are working fine for the last 3 months or so.
  2. doing the voltage drop basically solved my starting problems so make sure you do that as soon as you can
  3. I google searched it, since Fiat acquired chrysler I believe the site has changed Fiat Chrylser Automobiles Historical Services 12501 Chrysler Freeway CIMS 410-11-21 Detroit, MI 48288 USA http://www.fcanorthamerica.com/company/Heritage/Pages/Build-Records.aspx the link should take you straight to the order instructions page Nice to see from someone Close By in the Northwest!!!
  4. I would peg it as a dodge lid, and I would expect it to fit but just have different emblem holes, but I'm no expert so don't hold me to it
  5. so I worked it out, the battery i had gotten in march had failed, they replaced it and I put it in, all problems solved! it is nice to have all the new parts though
  6. Finally got the old girl running! Went straight to work after Also saw this nice Dodge pickup the other day in the same lot!!
  7. the one I got matching this description was a 2 wirethe picture at the top is one of the 5 or so that they carry, but not the mopar one
  8. once i sort out the electricals I'll gladly post one from work
  9. I found it does turn by hand and by jump pack the starter whizzes up nicely I will try to check my grounds, (only one i know is battery to block, should there be others?) and have my battery tested
  10. These are what I have $100 @ Andy Bernbaums $20 at O'Reilly's Original
  11. I got the 73-10 ohm from them when I got a new tank, seemingly works great (bottom listing) http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=276/mode=prod/prd276.htm
  12. as long as its art my girlfriend doesn't seem to mind my various LeMans posters and classic racing photos here and there. But she also has me hang up Captain america wall art and WWII signal corp posters my grandpa made... hopefully she feels the same
  13. I tried this, seems to have a good positive ground to the block, full power to the battery terminal on the solenoid obviously (6.1v), and nothing on the starter side, even when hitting the starter button turning the key does drop the battery to about 3.8 v but i assume that to be normal... I will have to try this, but im pretty sure the engine is fine... I tried jumping it post to post last time, and the connections kind of just popped/sparked, that was with old cable and yeah, both new ones looked exactly like that, but are new, NOT NOS or anything still could only bolt down one side also hoping to get a hold of my friend, who got my taillights working, he does a fair bit of electrical.
  14. i had the battery tested, and it also holds a good 6.2, it replaced a bad one in january should be 0 from andy bernbaum
  15. I didn't test them together but tested 3 seperate solenoids, and the starter works on its own how do I turn the engine by hand? from where i mean I bought the car in October, generator rebuild in November started an ran like a champ (once or twice a month) till early April, The problem I have is the Starter should be fine, like I said, i tested it out of the car, it worked very well, I also took it apart and cleaned it up, everything still looks new internally. at that point I also got the new cables and upon installing it all, it went from a slow crank, to no crank and the solenoid started clicking very loudly. I then replaced it, new part clicked just the same. took apart and reassembled the starter once more, still just clicked. Then I got correct gauge cable, (my error) and installed it, still Clicked, and finally another rip off of a solenoid Still just getting the loud clicks. The starter was rebuilt before I bought the car, it shouldn't be the problem...
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