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1940plymouth last won the day on December 26 2016

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451 Excellent


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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • My Project Cars
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  • Location
    Neversink, Catskill Mts of New York
  • Interests
    Old cars and woodworking

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  1. Greg, when I did my floor twenty some odd years ago, I got sound deaden material and a nice ribbed rubber mat from a good carpet store in Liberty, both have worn well, but it's time to replace both now.. Just food for thought
  2. Are you going to Rhinebeck weather permitting on May 7?

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    1. JerseyHarold




      My wife and I are thinking about going, but we have some family matters that may keep us away.  I'll keep you posted.


      Thanks for writing,


    2. 1940plymouth


      understandable, I am hoping to be there Sunday, but with my bone marrow cancer, and congestive heart failure, it depends on how I fee.  I do have a good friend going with me in the Plymouth and he may drive,  thanks for the consideration, 

      Take care,


  3. I was out yesterday afternoon with my Plymouth after my oncologist visit. can't post photos as I haven't figured out how to delete the ones I have posted.. First time this month that I have had her out and about
  4. Thanks for sharing
  5. Glad to see you out and about with your Fargo, the roads here are white with salt and calcium chloride with a possible 4-5 inches more snow today, Growing up on the NY-Quebec border, the roads were treated as they are today and I would have the old girl out to get her some exercise. I did have her out Christmas Eve for a jaunt. I haven't yet figured out how to delete photos so I can post some recent photos. Go get Fred, I love that truck and Happy New Year
  6. Happy New Year to you from Cooper, Patty and I in the Catskills of NY
  7. Tim, I tried doing what you mentioned, can't seem to find out how to delete the photos, I guess I am not as smart as the computer. Any help you can give would be appreciated. Thanks, Bob
  8. for the admin, when you get time, could you please delete most of the photos that I have posted, then I can post some newer ones when time permits.. thanks so much
  9. Just wondering if you have had the Studebaker out this summer, If memory serves me correct, I am thinking you have her road worthy no. Also, how are you feeling? Inquiring minds want to know LOL thanks, Bob
  10. Greg jus wondering how you are feeling now? I am on the following meds since my heart attack in '12 and valve job this past Dec Metoprolol tartrate 50 mg twice a day Furosemide 20 mg twice a day, but now down to once a day Atorvastatin (Plavix) 20 mg but a 1/2 tablet so it would be 10 mg now pacerone 100 mg once a day, it did start out at twice a day this is one where I have to have my eyes checked at least once a year warfarin sodium 7.5 daily as directed, but I have to have it monitored by blood tests to make sure my blood doesn't get too thin and last but not least, a baby aspirin once a day
  11. Greg, I am so pleased that you are ok and there was no apparent damage.. I haven't had any mini strokes, but I have had four minor heart attacks with no damage, and my aortic valve replaced so I can understand and you are so correct in quick actions to be taken
  12. Busycoupe, You still using that coffee mug? Just had to ask
  13. if you and Greg do it the old fashioned way in Dec, please, please take lots of photos, Seeing Ruby move south in Dec, sure would warm up the cold winter nights here in the Catskills
  14. Tuesday I drove the Plymouth up to Roscoe, then over to Arkville and along Rt 28 to the Ashokan Reservior. I wanted to stop at the diner in Phoenecia, but it was closed, this was approx. 1pm or so. Are they closed for good or just a day of rest? I got some nice photos of the Plymouth with the Indian at Big Indian and would you believe the aerator at the reservoir was working, got some neat photos but they would have been better if it hadn't been so over cast. I then came back home via 28a and Peekamoose and Sunddown How are you doing? Take care, Bob
  15. So glad you are home, take it easy, do some PT if required, like everyone has mentioned, take it slowly and don't over do
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