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Don Colliau

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Don Colliau last won the day on October 21 2018

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dexter, Michigan
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Plymouth Suburban

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  • Biography
    I am into street rods and hot rods I have a 1947 Dodge Coe
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    Dexter, Michigan
  • Interests
    Hot Rods and Street Rods

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  1. 49 suburban bumpers
  2. I haven't been around for quite some time because of my wife's health issues. Sorry about coming right back with a question. I have a 50 Suburban and I have a line on a pair of 49 bumpers and guards. I am really liking the ribs on them. Can anybody tell me what the differences would be for the mounting if any? I may be able to get the mounts too but if not i would like to know if i can make mine work. Thanks, Don Colliau
  3. I may be able to help you identify the Fatman parts. Pictures will help and a description. i have Fatman parts on my 50 suburban. Don
  4. Thanks! It will help. I have one and I would like to get them set up to reproduce on a CNC tubing bender. Probably won't sell a lot but they are extinct now. I made my own for my 50 suburban and I have not been happy with it. So I will have this copied and install it.
  5. Can anybody tell me the part number for the fuel fill tube for a 1952 Suburban? I bevel it is listed as the outer tube. Thanks, Don
  6. I added a Power steering pump because I put in a power rack. I don't think your can get a manual Cavalier rack. I did send Fatman pictures of the inital set up to assure myself the tie rod angle was good to the lower control arm angle. They agreed that I was on the right track!
  7. I found that if they are not too far out of wack that the shaft can be bent to line them up parallel to the body.
  8. That looks like a nice solid car!
  9. These are old stock items advertised on EBay. No one that I know of makes them new. I have a pair of 51/52 i bought and didn't use.
  10. So, nobody answered this question. I will. I went ahead and bought another pair of rocker mouldings for my Suburban. The after market parts are thicker stainless than the factory with the steel inserts in the back. They snap on the clips as good if not better than the originals. Info you may be able to use.?
  11. I see some of these for sale from time to time. They do not have the backup steel in them like the factory parts. Does anybody know if they are to be used as is or is the back up steel supposed to be inserted into them? Thanks, Don
  12. With the Hot Wire Auto system I started with, everything was ready to plug in and run. All the connectors were wired on the harness. With the Mega Squirt system I have changed over to, I wired everything Chevrolet style with the exception of the alternator. It required a alternator plug and a external regulator to make it work. I bought that stuff on line out of Grand Rapids MI. The alternator in the newer Mopars is computer controlled, so they have come up with a system to wire around that.
  13. I used the fatman kit in my 50 Suburban. I highly recommend it. Keep in mind that you still have to make the parts fit and add rack mounting holes to the brackets. As with all projects some assembly is required. Don
  14. And to others who may be interested here is a video from cruising the Coast. We put around 2500 miles on the wagon and had a ball! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiG6_hs30vM
  15. Keep on it and you will have a nice car when your done!
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