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    new york
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    cars and a little bit of everything
  • My Project Cars
    1940 plymouth p10 military staff car

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    have been working on cars for a hobby since the 60s
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    Upstate New York
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  1. I installed one relay for my headlights. Which works great, my headlight switch was getting too hot and would blow the fuse on the switch. I installed the relay in the drivers side kick panel, and ran a wire from the battery which is under my front seat with a inline fuse at the battery.
  2. Update replaced windshield gasket yesterday took about 2 hours to install. Had a friend help wouldn’t be able to do myself. Trick is to take your time put one side in then did other side and worked slowly back and forth. Used string and soapy water Put gasket splice on bottom in center.
  3. Hi Andyd Thanks for the info. I have put this seal replacement off for a few years. Time to do it so I can take car out in the rain
  4. Thanks for the reply Tom. I was looking on utube didn’t find anything on wear to join gasket. Good idea using clear 3m sealer. Bought seal from Andy Bernbaum. One side glass broke taking it out. Just got new glass today. I read to use a thin rope to help seat gasket. Won’t be putting back in for few weeks. Need to get couple of friends to help, it installs from inside. Will post again after I install glass. John
  5. Hi have a couple of questions. I’m replacing the windshield rubber seal. Where should the rubber be joined together. Do I have to install both pieces of glass at same time. Should I use a sealer after windshield is installed. Thank You
  6. I also have a 1940 Plymouth. My radio and my lights use the same power wire. What Andyd was saying to check the power that goes to your light switch The power wire connects to the light switch and to the radio. I would also check the wires on your starter solenoid to see if loose. I have had new fuses that were bad check with a meter
  7. Bought a radiator on ebay said it fit 40-41 Plymouth. It looked the same as my 1940 radiator. When I went to install and pulled out old radiator I found out mounting bracket was different and couldn’t use.
  8. They sell 6v halogen front seal beam head light bulbs that give a better light at night and draws less juice
  9. Changed my rear window gasket few years ago. Used a little weather sealer where rubber meets each other. After a few months rubber seamed to shrink about 1/16 “ so I put sealer. No leaks.
  10. Running pertronix ignition in my 40. I changed because when I used points and put a dwell meter on and revved engine the dwell would change and get smaller meaning the point would open. When driving and gave car gas going up hills if I stepped on it the car would cut out. When I let off gas motor would come back on. Tried three different distributors same problem. Tried different points same thing. I had a problem with the pertronix when first installed due to low voltage, it has to have the correct voltage I had 5.6 volts an it ran like sh-t. Problem was small rag sucked into back of generator while installing pertronix engine now running great
  11. When you went back to points did you rewire the coil back to original
  12. DJK thanks for the reply I will look at what you said about taking off bottom plate. Thanks
  13. Few years ago I put regular grease in steering box. Now it seem the grease it beginning to dry out. Couldn’t get any of my new grease in box. I read about the grease fitting in another forum . I do have a needle fitting for my grease gun and will try that. Thanks to everyone for there input
  14. Hi I have a problem with my 1940 P10 steering box leaking oil. I read a post of putting in John Deere corn head grease. They talked about drilling a hole in the bottom of the box and putting in a grease fitting. Taking off the top cap and filling it thru the installed grease fitting till grease appears at top cap. My question is where is the best place to drill the hole in the steering box. Thanks, Johnboy
  15. Hi Marc did you have to buy a 5 gallon pale. Still waiting for my friends back to get better so I can check his fluid drive.
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