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Everything posted by Bingster

  1. Plyroadking, what yards are in Des Moines? Any 1946, 47, 48 Desoto S-11's? I'm not far.
  2. Actually, I've had feelers out to salvage yards for this part, and I'd rather have a sound one that I can blast and cleanup. And I like to see photos of what I'm getting. Really, in some ways I trust a salvage yard over a vendor because at least you know they took it off a car and it will be the real thing. I've had good luck with these yards.
  3. Thanks!
  4. I think that this thread has gotten very off topic and it isn't too productive to continue. I have a feeling that the moderator has his finger on the button to close this thread anyway, so let's bow out gracefully and call it a draw!
  5. Just for the record, 'cause someone asked, here's the part in question. Parking lamp lens retainer for a Desoto S-11. Yes, I see that there is a pair on ebay, but they want $80 plus $14 shipping and I only need one. AB says they have a NOS for $45. Yes, a fair price. I just hate the hassle of returning things. And when I said "That's it," I meant that the last two posters hit the nail on the head.
  6. That's it. What's the use?
  7. Thank you, John! You're exactly right. And yes, I did talk with someone at AB and they do have the NOS part I want. All I was asking is if anybody had bought NOS from AB and it turned out not to be NOS. I'll tell ya, I've been on this forum for about seven or eight years now, and even back then there was a lot of AB bashing!! I have purchased parts from AB, but as I haven't put them on the car yet, I cannot tell their quality. The gist of what I got from what you folks said back then - and I was a newbie soaking up every word you said - was the word "overseas." If I got a bad taste for AB it wasn't from me. It was from this forum. Why am I being singled out here? I know that a new fella has bought the company, but his inventory, isn't it about the same? Also, going back to the elbow the guy bought, if a company sells products like that, then why shouldn't I be cautious? I'm not personally bashing anybody. They're a company and their reputation is built on the quality of parts they sell. And as I said, this goes back a long way with them. So, read my post carefully. I said not one word good or bad about AB. I only referred to another poster who was not happy with his purchase. Since his post is now public knowledge, what exactly have I done wrong? I actually am looking for an elbow like he purchased from AB - and I'm very grateful to him for having saved me $40. Really now, who among you would not be? And by the way, have you noticed how often lately that posters have begun apologizing right off the top for asking their questions? I have to wonder why they feel they have to do this. Could it be that they have been watching this forum and are afraid to be told to go and "look it up themselves," that it's all been said before? Nobody needs their "dad" on here telling them how stupid they are for asking a question. John has it right. Isn't that what this forum is all about?
  8. I knew when I saw your name Don, that I was going to get a reprimand of some sort!! Thanks. I'll just order my part and find out for myself like the guy who ordered the elbow!!
  9. Has anybody bought NOS parts from Andy Bernbaum? I never really think of them for NOS, but they have something I need. But after the other fella in the radiator hose elbow post said his Bernbaum elbow was crap, I just have to think twice .
  10. Bob, did you use single-stage urethane enamel or what? Looks nice.
  11. Bob, I'd still like to know what gun you used.
  12. A wonderful job! I had to go back and re-read the post to see if that really was the same car. What gun did you shoot it with? Base/Clear? And it seems you painted it in sections, guess cause of the wood. Do all your own woodwork using old pieces as patterns? How long did this all take you?
  13. Okay, try this.
  14. Guess it won't. I'll try and find a method.
  15. Mmmmm. Good point. Here's an expired link that shows his photos. What do you think of the cross-section? Rocker Patch Panel _ eBay.htm I don't know if this will open. Rocker Patch Panel _ eBay.htm
  16. Well, as he explained it to me, it makes good sense. He has original aftermarket patterns and uses those. You can imagine that body shops in the fifties would be in need of these parts after the cars were on the road awhile. I think at $85 a pop it's worth a try. Maybe buy one first!
  17. He told me he has somebody make them up for him. He's out of '47 Desoto but will do another run.
  18. Anybody use Rocker King sheet metal parts? They have rocker patch panels for various years and cars. 20 gauge metal. I can't be certain if the profile is accurate or not. He said that they make these from original masters of aftermarket parts that were released in the fifties as original rockers began to rust out. $85 a piece, I believe.
  19. I believe there was a special tool to adjust the center spring. But I'm sure the guys will have another solution.
  20. That web site brought up a question I was thinking of. Will replacing only one leaf spring make the two rear springs unbalanced and thus affect the ride?
  21. I was looking over that custom upholstery link and it seems too good to be true. If it is what it says it is, it seems fairly easy to get accurate upholstery for vintage cars.
  22. That's what I thought.
  23. stores.ebay.com/temeculavalleymopar This should be a link to one of their pages. Let me know if it doesn't work. It should come up on Google as TemeculaValleyMopar. url.htm
  24. I compared Temecula's radiator hose kit to Bernbaum's, and although they did include the tube and Bernbaum didn't, Temecula's price was a good deal more. Same product? I don't know.
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