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Everything posted by aero3113

  1. Still no luck. I am now not sure if my drum is cocked or it just might be how it is cast. I used Aero kroil and heat now with the same results. I am starting to get frustrated and don't know what else to do. Am I missing anything? Only other thing I can think of is a bigger BFH.
  2. I think I found my problem. My puller was off a little bit causing the drum to get cocked just a little bit. I adjusted the "minor" adjustment and now the wheel spins freely but I can see the drum wobble a little. I will let it sit over night and maybe it will pop off. If not I will reposition the puller to different holes and try again tomorrow. Too late in the night to start using the BFH .
  3. I tried that, no good. I took the e-brake off and now noticed that the left rear drum brake is dragging . It should spin freely even though the right wheel is on the ground right. Do I need to adjust the minor brake adjustment to get the drum off? where on the back plate is the minor adjustment and if I do need to adjust it how much and what way do I turn them?
  4. In the tech tips it says that the wheel must spin freely to remove the drum. I know that they are talking about brake drag. Is it ok that I have the e-brake on and the car is jacked so the left rear wheel is off the ground and the right rear tire is on the ground. Should both rear wheels be off the ground or does that not matter?
  5. can I keep the car in gear to keep the drum from spinning?
  6. My left rear brake drum will not come off. I have a BFH and a drum puller. I have pounded as far as I can go. I left the nut on the axle incase the drum pops off. Should I leave the puller on over night and maybe it will work its way off?Any suggestions?
  7. Go to a boat supply store or a trailer place they should have the dust caps.
  8. What is the correct part # for the parking light bulbs and tail light bulbs for a 50 Plymouth?
  9. Still looking for a right hand rear fender stone guard for a 50 Plymouth in good shape (pot metal). Anyone have one they can part with?
  10. its weird that the rear blinkers work and not the front
  11. My 50 Plymouth had #2 in the second batch of pictures when I first bought it. I changed it to a replaceable canister fram filter like #1 in the first batch. Here it is installed
  12. Wouldnt the ground be good because the parking lights work. (Blinker and parking lights are the same bulb) Is the socket the ground ? I have a wiring diagram but left it at my parents house when I moved. I have to pick it up next time I am there.
  13. Last week when I drove the car they worked.
  14. My front blinkers are not working on my 50 Plymouth.The front parking lights work and the rear blinkers work what could be the problem?
  15. Very Cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYRpzdjENWQ&NR=1&feature=fvwp
  16. Thanks Bob
  17. Here is how we did up the 50 Plymouth for our wedding.The ribbons matched the bridesmaids dresses.
  18. I was told that Dremmel has some bits that can cut glass. Maybe you can do it yourself ?
  19. Is it the linkage that goes from the choke solenoid to the butterfly? Just the Rod?
  20. After my 218 warms up the RPM seem kind of high until I step on the gas then it goes back down. What do you guys think would cause this?
  21. You know its funny,I just found out about crater lake the other day when I looked on the back of a quarter.And was wondering if it was formed by some sort of astroid and made the crater.
  22. I had the same problem when I first got my 50 Plymouth. I adjusted the linkage and now shifts into reverse great. If you have a manual it explanes how to make the adjustment.
  23. The Plymouth was a BIG hit. Off to Mexico tomorrow!
  24. Should I check them cold and hot or just hot?
  25. I want to do a retorque of my head bolts on my P-20, what is the torque value?
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