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About daddyo23

  • Birthday 05/23/1956

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern Minnesota
  • My Project Cars
    none at moment, looking

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  • Biography
    married, 3 kids, 9 grandkids.Track chaplain for NHRA through RFC.
  • Occupation
    Truck driver, retired. Part time minnow slinger at bait shop


  • Location
    Owatonna, MN
  • Interests
    playing Blues,drag racing

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  1. Let me know what he says, Ed. I've been thinking about it, too. Maybe a joint venture...
  2. Saw this one at Back to the Fifties. Guy said they had over 100k in it. It was nice but not 100k nice.
  3. Saw one at Back to the Fifties. Shop from Illinois built and the guy said they had over 100k in it. It was nice but not 100k nice.
  4. That sounds like a good time. I'm going to mark my calendar.
  5. Glad to hear that Bob.
  6. That's a fair assesment of the movie. Kids got it for me for Christmas. It's not bad, if you want to borrow it Ed you're more than welcome to.
  7. Glad it moved quick for you. Hopefully things will work out and you can start another project.
  8. mine was a 1956 Buick Special. Paid $75 for it. Had alot of fun with that car until the power steering went out. Made it a little harder to get around in parking lots.
  9. If you have a tool truck coming by, check with them. Usually a standard stock item.
  10. I'd like to go but I have a wedding on Saturday. Nice looking coupe.
  11. I have one that I don't have hooked up. If you have the face that's in good shape maybe we could swap. Send a PM if interested.
  12. Some of the head bolts go in water, too. You can use "plumbers paste", the white stuff in the little jar from Ace to coat the threads and it will fix it.
  13. Fantastic! Kinda gives you a new perspective and appreciation for life.
  14. Glad to hear your good news. Keep the fight up.
  15. I'm putting a 318 in my '48 at the moment. I haven't got all the linkage figured out yet but what I did was to take that bottom nut on the column loose and turn the ring so my lever in the car was up in the "park position" and the ring that moves the shift rod was up as high as it could be with the engine in place. I think I should be able to bend the rods to work the shifter. The 904 trans I have has park in the back and the gears go forward. I can use the stock bellcrank to move it. I'll get some pics when I start the bending process.
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