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Everything posted by splat1955

  1. Thanks Shel, Norm & Norm, Okay, so, I'm taking it that the heads of the bumper bolts were oval? Didn't know that...but that is cool! I may be running by the local Ace store here today, I may drop in and see what they have, but Normspeed, if you could take a look and see if you have the bolt that goes through the guard and let me know size, length and thread pitch or threads per inch, I'd really appreciate it. I'd take a guess at it but I never get that stuff right the first time. Really, if I knew if that particular bolt was as far as being 3/8, 7/16, 1/2 " for example, and the length, threads per inch isn't probably as important...as long as I can find nuts to fit what ever I end up with. I'd really like to find some of ovals along the way, but for now, even if I could find some used ones or like Shel said, at the hardware store....I'd be able to get the 3 parts of the bumper together to mount against the bracket. One more question...is the " oval " head the same as a " Pan " head bolt? I see them described that way on a website, but not sure.
  2. Hey, thanks Shel.....I had a feeling that the chrome parts didn't last as long out that way. Mine aren't so bad but I just wanted to keep an eye out for better. That piece of trim is the only trim on the car that has any damage. I've missed a couple of that particular trim piece on the bay since I got the car....didn't really feel as it was important then because of other things needed fixed or replaced...like the gas guage sender and such. Thanks again for keeping me in mind on your visits to the yard.
  3. Hey guys, I'm trying to put a front bumper together...kind of a mock up, to see if it's going to work and if it will go together since the parts are from 3 different '48 bumpers. First, I believe the front takes 5 bolts. I'm not sure of the size...can anyone tell me cause I think the seams that are hidden by the guards may a different size than the bolts at the 2 ends. Then there is one in the middle. Again, can anyone help me out with size and thread number per inch? Does anyone have some spares (they don't have to look good) that they may want to part with? I'd even buy some new ones, if I new what size they are supposed to be. If anyone with the same bumper set up with me could check theirs out, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hey Shel, No need for the measurement......Tim's right, there is a slot at the bottom of the window garnish.....I didn't see that when I took it off. Thanks Tim. So, there must have been slots in the original door panels for the tabs in trim to slide through, then probably just bent behind the panel to secure. So, how complete is the D24 Shel? Do I need to start going through my car and making a list of what I need? Actually, I'm not missing anything...but can you take a look and see what the door and window handles/escutchons look like. Mine are okay....could be better. Oh, can you check the LF fender stainless? I didn't notice until a few days ago, but mines been pancaked in a 6 inch section. Can't really think of anything else. I wish I had one of those around here. I'm going to have to stretch my reach a little and see if there are any good yards in Sacramento. I just hate going down the mountain into that mess. Anyway, thanks Shel for looking out for parts for me. I appreciate it.
  5. Hey Tim, Thanks for the memory flash back...I needed it. Guess a few of you guys did know what they were......Hey, in your post where you listed the 156-154 & 153 trim.....can you tell me what those numbers are? Are they different trim options? Any idea where I can find a pic of a panel with this trip part so I can try to figure it's position better. That pic I included here is not the best....plus it would be great to see some various interiors and styles that used this trim. And thanks again for the heads up. Brian
  6. Hey, that's the way I learned also...many years ago. And used a variety of materials as well. Ahhhhh, the good 'ol days.
  7. Hey David............who in Santa Maria did you have paint your car......just wondering if I knew him. I'd like to talk to you about maybe doing the re-graining my my Dodge too.....I'll PM you when I know when I will be down, but PM any info you have on doing it like how soon you will be doing it again, how long it might take to do (probably just the dash), cost, etc. Thanks. Brian
  8. I've got a '48 Dodge and I think the pass. side control arm has been replaced cause I've got the standard " thread in " type of Zerk on that side. On the drivers side, I think they are the pressed in type. The front zerk on the drivers side control arm looked as though someone had super glued it in....and it fell out. The collar is still pressed in it though. I didn't want to try and work the collar out, so I went to the parts store and got a straight zerk. 1/4 by 20 threads.....stuck it in a socket and just threaded it into the collar. At least it's keeping dirt out. I've tried greasing it, and the grease went somewhere I guess. After I get the car of the jackstands this weekend, I'm going to try greasing it again. Anybody know how to pull out the pressed in type of zerks?
  9. Hey Guys, Remember a while back...couple months maybe I'd found some parts in the trunk of my car and I posted them here for you to ID for me. Well, you guys ID'd all of them for me but some metal strips that I had found. Today I was going though some ebay listings I'd saved. One of the listings was a '48 Dodge...I hadn't really looked close at the pictures that had been attached to the listing. Anyway, tonight I noticed on one of the front door panels that there were some strips. A closer look and realized that those are the strips that I had in the trunk. Anyway, I've posted a pic of my strips and a pic of the door panel that was in the listing. Do any of you still have these on your door panels...or are they a fairly " rare bird". I think I'm going to use 'em this winter when I try my hand at upholstering.
  10. I'd be interested as well to see if Crane still carries the part #. Let us know.
  11. Hey Frank, Both both my separators are harbor freight units...my separator/Oiler is a harbor freight unit as well. They've held up well for over 10 years although a couple of times I've had to use some teflon tape on the fittings, just because I'd moved them to different locations in my garage, so the fittings loosened up while moving....but that's to be expected. You can get them on sale through HF for $20.....I even dropped one a while back....broke the oiler half of the unit....didn't need 2 oilers anyway, so I just unscrewed the oiler half and put the separator in line for another hard line that feeds through the side of my garage to a retractable airline at my garage door for filling tires or anything else I might need air for outside. As far as glass beads....I use those in my bench unit for primarily cleaning up parts....takes the rust and paint down real quick. I use the sand in my portable outside for blasting differentials and other parts like that...too big for doing inside and plenty of air outside so as not to have to worry to much about inhaling silica....Inside, sands not the best choice for health...should wear at a minimum a mask. Even outside I've read that it's wise to wear a mask, so I just wear one of those " throw away " masks....and sometimes nothing if it's windy. Oh, and sands way cheaper than beads. Jims right about bagged or beach sand......they generally need to dry out a bit before using.
  12. After reading what Tim has found on his Dodge, it does sounds as though these wheels probably are what my Dodge was delivered with....or at least a like set....is that right?
  13. Hey Dave......Yeah, guess we are old SB County boys. I know Orcutt real well....and VAFB....my father was a missle planner for McDonnel Douglas. Have you ever been out to Jalama Beach? You must have if you were in Lompoc. My family lived on Jalama Rd from the time we moved into the area....I think I was just a couple months old. Anyway, my parents finally moved off of Jalama Ranch about 10 years ago....been out there for over 40 years. I'll get in touch via email before I make the trip down! Would love to see your new old truck.
  14. I too have a smaller bench type....and then the portable 40 lber. I use glass beads for my bench blaster and sand in the portable which hold much more sand than my bench holds beads. Both I run off my 60 gal 5 HP. I try to remember to drain my tank every few months or so....but even when when I do, there's moisture in the tank, I don't have a problem with the bench unit and beads. I've only used the portable a couple times but again, no problem with moisture in the sand although I do run 2 separators....one near the tank and another on the opposite side of my garage that feeds the bench unit and separate lines for tools with an oiler. I once screwed up though and hooked a hose to my portable mistakenly off of one of my hardlines that that is for my tools and has the oiler inline....didn't do much good for blasting sand. Had to clean my portable out and replace the sand. But, get a good full size separator and drain the tank occasionally...a good insurance just to keep the bottom of your tank from rusting and getting weak and also from sending rust through your lines and tools.
  15. Hey guys, Just trying to determine if this wheel in the pic, which matches the other 4 on my car could have been the original wheels for my '48 Dodge. I've read a few things about wheels having multiple mounting holes, locating holes, etc....but not really sure what years or models those types of wheels would have been on. All I'm really trying to figure out if all 5 wheels that came with my Dodge, like the wheel in the pic, could have been the originals or the same as the originals that would have come on the year and model of my car.
  16. Hey David, How long you lived in Santa Maria...I lived there for about 22 years before moving up here to Northern Cal 5 1/2 years ago. Grew up and graduated in Lompoc....lived in Santa Barbara, Isla Vista and Goleta for a lot of years....even Casmalia for a year or two. Los Alamos, Nipomo too. Anyway, I get down there from time to time, still have some family in the area. I plan on driving my '48 Dodge that way, hopefully soon, before winter on it's maiden " long " run. Anyway, good to see someone here from the place I still call home. Brian
  17. Hey......thanks Jerry. I'd never heard of those guys...but I haven't been up here real in NorCal very long.....I am going to contact them tomorrow cause the site says they carry spring isolators...And I need a couple pretty quick. Thanks for the heads up on those guys! Brian
  18. I've done what Grey Beard has done...not to the Dodge I have now, but an early chevy some years ago. Since then I've used it on a number of different things....but as Grey Beard said, It works and it's easy. I used it recently on the hardtop that sat on my Jeepster body. That foam with the adhesive was and is used a lot for between a camper shell and the bed rails but it's also used as weather stripping for door entry ways and a ton of other household uses. It comes in different widths, thicknesses and even density of the foam itself. I used to hunt all over for the stuff years ago...but now that it's used for everything, you can find it at any Home Depot/Lowes type stores....probably all the little hardware stores have it as well. I keep a ton of different widths in my garage for all around use. Give it a try Shel...of course, I think it comes in 8 ft. rolls...but hey, then you've got it.
  19. Hey Norm, is that the guy we were talking about? With the parts? Just wonderin'.
  20. Hey jtw........Let us know what ya have....If it's like ours, could you check to see if you still have the manual....Thanks Brian
  21. Hey Harold...that's pretty cool. Yeah, if you get a chance, give him a call and see if he's got the manual....The worst he could say in " no".....Let us know. Brian
  22. Well, looks like I opened a can of worms.....but it's good to know that we already have a few of us looking for a manual....maybe if one of us finds a copy, we can make a few and get them around to all of us that have the analyzer. I've put the pic and question to 3 other forums as well this afternoon....so hopefully, something will come our way. Thanks guys.
  23. Hey Harold, Thanks.....the part # on mine ends in 500.....instead of 400 as yours does....maybe no difference or a little later. Anyway, yeah, if you find anything out more about it or someone with a manual that's willing to copy it for us, let me know.....I'd really like to have one. I'll post the same question on a couple of other forums with pics also and see if we get any leads from those as well. Oh, and I think you are right about it being built by somebody else and Sears put thier name on it. Thanks again. Brian
  24. Hey Norm, That's actually the power switch...it says' "Digital Power " above it. The white plug just below it is " Volts/Ohms. Good point about a switch to go from 6 to 12.....But nothing like that. Would have thought that would have been on one of the dials. Possibly a 12 V only unit.....just seems odd though..
  25. Hey Ed....naw, it says KV.....Here's a couple more pics of the panel and meter face...a higher resolution, hopefully a better pic.
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