update on progress, which has been slow, but is moving forward again.
back in feb/march, the machine shop did their thing. bored the cylinders to .060 over, installed a completely new valvetrain, ground the crank .010 under, milled the head and block, fit the rod bushings and wrist pins, etc.
sat in the garage until a few weeks ago. installed the rings on the new .060 over pistons. installed the new main bearings and crank. then had to find a rear main seal (VPW - thank you very much!!), because the one i had been sold was a bolt to the outside of the block type, and my block doesn't have that. installed the rear main, then the rods/pistons fit to the cylinders.
put the oil pump back in. got the oil pickup assembly back on (taking pictures of it beforehand really paid off), then went to work on the timing gears/chain. needed to make a new oil tube for the crank gear lubrication system. used some steel brake line and a steel cable holder, and bent it to fit. should work. installed the new timing chain (after aligning the marks, and making sure #1 was TDC). used thread sealer/teflon on the timing chain cover bolts that pass into the water jacket. got the balancer installed over the crank, and added the jaw gear to the end. that's where i finished for the evening. hope to have just about everything else installed by the end of the day tomorrow.