In an attempt to make life for myself and others easier I propose this for those who wish to do an auto trans swap and look to those here to confrim the idea I plan on doing.
In typical fashion the tried and true method of rear engine mounting with an adaptor and auto trans...modern non oem type!...has been use of the front engine "center" mount and homemade rear adaptor brackets off of the trans adaptor to "re- 3 point it" and "also adding" the newer trans' rear tail bracket.
I gotta ask why! In my mind it'd be easier to take the front flathead 6 engine mount and remove the center rubber mount and solid mount that mount bracket to the back plate of the timing cover and use the outboard mounts of that bracket with bisquit mounts...that mount was usually bolted directly to the frame via 2 bolts per the new idea would be to use the inboard bolt holes as bisquit mounting for the tail that as per the newer trans' needed mount. With a new front 2 point mount all that would be needed is the trans tail mount and the flathead 6 would be 3 point mounted like any other engine/trans combo.
I can't see the adaptor plate "not" taking the weight of the engine and trans together since other big block/heavy engines do it that way.
I'm not looking to buck the system nor tick other's off with this, but it just seems the easier me....and for other's.
Thoughts, gentlemen, on the practical application of this idea?