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Everything posted by 38plymouth

  1. I had the grommet from something else. I got lucky and it fit like it was made to be there. If I had to guess I would think it was from a sbc valve cover. I would bring the road draft tube to the parts store so they could match it up.
  2. The wipers work exactly like they did before. I think the fittings were 1/4 inch. I can find out for sure because I discovered last night that the plastic barb fitting I used softens a little from the heat. I need to change it out to a brass fitting. I'll try to post some pics. The parts I remember were a short nipple, a tee, a street elbow and the nipple. All should be 1/4 inch.
  3. I'll sell ya a brand new kit for $75! Just kidding. It is actually simple to do, the hardest part is driving back and forth to the parts store for fittings.
  4. I added a pcv valve to my car by removing the road draft tube and replacing it with a rubber grommet that fit the hole perfectly. I used a little black RTV to make sure it stayed in place. I then plumbed it to the intake manifold hole where the wipers get vacuum. I simply used pipe fitting's to "T" it. I used rubber fuel line between the valve and the intake. I hit a major snag when I started the engine and discovered that the pcv valve just created a massive intake leak. Through trial and error I discovered that a pcv valve is supposed to suck closed when the engine idles( I thought in order to be closed it should stay open) and spring pressure pushes it open when you rev the engine (vacuum drops). I went to napa today and bought a handful of valves and started trying them until I got one that closed at idle (sucks in) and opened (pops back out) when the engine revs up. It works perfect now. In case anyone cares I used napa pcv valve #2-9400. I also learned that you have to leave the breather cap holes open so it breathes. If you block off the holes you won't get vacuum because air has to go in so it can get out. It works great now and I did the wholw thing for maybe $20.
  5. I think I figured out the vacuum leak problem last night. I feel like a moron for not figuring it out sooner. I was thinking that I needed a pcv valve that had a stiff spring in it so that at idle, when vacuum is highest, the spring would hold the valve closed. I discovered last night it is the opposite. I need a soft spring so that when vacuum is high at idle it sucks the valve in and it closes. Then when you drive and vacuum drops off the the spring pressure pushes the valve open so it sucks crankcase gas. I had it backwards. I'm stopping at napa today and I'm going to buy several with light springs and I'll try those tonight.
  6. I called the pick and pull and they only get $12 a rim. I was told they only have late model cars there though. I better call them again and see what they really have, thats where I originally planned to buy them.
  7. We don't have them around here. Part of my problem is I don't really know what size tire to ask for. I think mine are 6.00 16 or 6.50 16. I have to look tonight. I remember they are about 27" tall.
  8. I saw that, the problem is shipping from NC to NY.
  9. I can't believe how hard it is to find an inexpensive set of 15 inch used rims for my 38. All of the junkyards around here have only late 1990's to 2000 vehicles. I really can't afford new wheels and new tires so I'm kind of stuck. If anyone has 4-15 inch original type or plain steel wheels at a good price I'm very interested. Secondly I may be forced to buy 16 inch radials and just put them on my stock rims. Has anyone bought any 16's that are about the original size? I don't want expensive cokers or anything like that. I just want a set of regular radials.
  10. I read that post before, it still isn't clear to me how he did it. I think he means he drilled a hole in the bottom of his air cleaner and hooked the line from the pcv valve to it. That's what I'm thinking of doinf but I don't really want to drill a hole in my original air cleaner.
  11. I believe them when they say it won't work, that's exactly where I put mine and it creates a pretty good vacuum leak. It does make the idle jump around and the exhaust sounds great with duals. But, it shouldn't be like that.
  12. I have never seen an inline valve. Wouldn't it make more sense to use a vacuum source above the throttle blade so that vacuum increased when the rpm's rise? That way the valve would be closed or nearly closed at idle and then it would open when driving. It seems like that could eliminate the vacuum leak.
  13. I don't see how it could be backwards, one end has a barb type hose end and the other end fit's into the grommet. When there is vacuum it pulls open the valve and creates suction and a vacuum leak.
  14. I'm using the wiper fitting and it has a tone of vacuum there. I think it might be too much because it creates a vacuum leak and a rough idle. Some people recommend different pcv valves but I tried several and it doesn't change it much.
  15. The problem I'm going to run into is they only have late model cars. I do have a guy down the road with a ton of old cars in a junyard but he is thinks everything he has is gold plated.
  16. I'm going to the local pick and pull soon to hopefully find a set of 15" steel wheels so I can add radials. I'm keeping the stock 16"s wide the wide whites. I used to have a list of veicles to look at that would have wheels that should fit. I lost the list and haven't been able to find anything on the net. Does anyone have a list like this?
  17. Any idea what to use for this fitting? I never even knew there was a plug there until last night when I was reading the manual.
  18. When you grease the bearing don't you have to screw something into the threaed hole to pump the grease in? My shop manual talks about screwing in a temporary fitting to grease it. What do you use, just a zerk fitting??
  19. I use walmart brand syntheic in every engine I have ever owned. From lawn mower engines to a drag engine. I have for years with no problems. There are only a few companies that make oil, then it gets bottled for retail. I'm not paying for a fancy bottle when it isn't necessary.
  20. I hope these are right. I know I can get them from Bernbaum but I would rather not have to do that.
  21. Well crap, they measure about 24 inches from end to end. I'm going to crawl under the car tonight and hold one up to the pan and see if it looks right.
  22. Thanks, I'll measure them this afternoon.
  23. So these are not the correct gaskets? This is getting frustrating, napa can't look up anything that old and they told me this was the right set.
  24. I tried buying a pcv valve for a 6 cylinder at napa. Unfortunately the current employees there don't think you can look up anything unless it's on the computer. When I worked there we looked up parts in the books and we went by dimensions, etc. for guys working on old stuff. The best they would do was hand me the box of valves. I picked the one with the tightest spring inside. One thing I don't understand is I pulled the oil fill cap off and plugged the opening with my hand. I thought that would seal the vacuum and I would notice a difference in the idle, it didn't make a difference at all.
  25. I thought I needed the opening in the cap so it would suck in clean air. If you close it off where does the air enter the engine?
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