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Everything posted by 4msfamly

  1. Sounds awesome!! Congrats!!
  2. I can't get over how nice this looks! What kind of starter / alternator works? I'm assuming you'll have to fab a bracket for the alternator? Does the LA starters just bolt up! Glad you go the fitment issues taken care of! How much did you end up trimming for the headers? Marc
  3. I️ sent you a pm about my frame.
  4. That's a rattle job? Great work!
  5. What color yellow is that? Or which paint line?
  6. Oh I'm really liking your truck. Are those 17 x 8inch wheels? What size tires did you end up going with? Love the hemi! I'm not sure that's the stock location of the generator. Will you be staying with that or upgrading to an alternator? How about the water pump?
  7. Can you tell me which Jeep shackles you used? Did you use these in front too with the drop axle? I wasn't sure if you did the fronts as well. It looks like they mount into the original mounts? Trucks looking great! How's it steer with the new axle? Any bump steer issues?
  8. Can you post more of the 41?
  9. Mr Smog... Can you point me to a build album on your '41? How'd you do the mounts for the cab, brakes, etc? Feel free to post them here or in the OT section. I would love to see more. Thx!
  10. We're still here! Been lurking for some time. Finally got the brake conversion done. Stops well! Also replaced the radiator with a used one from a Isuzu Trooper... the bad part is that one of the tanks split, but the good news is that it fit fairly well. The problem is that I'm at a cross roads with the truck, and trying to figure out which way to go. It drives, but it drives like a '55 truck... no power steering, lots of turns lock to lock, no syncro mesh on the 3 on the tree, need a new rear axle, etc etc. I'd like to daily drive it, but in the city, I need better than a good farm truck. The fumes from the Poly 273 sure are lethal too... Been thinking of doing a Jag IFS swap for the front, a "modern" LA 318 or 360 with a newer trans, and a rear axle swap. As much as I love the Poly engine, the amount of money for a possible rebuild, trans adapter, etc... I'm finding 318 with trannys for about $600 on Craigslist easy. I'm also been thinking of just buying a SWB Dakota and swapping the cab / body over onto that and calling it done (and eventually putting a newer 318 or 360 in that). Not sure if either is less work from the other... which has been paralyzing my moves.
  11. I second using the OldDaddy kit... he really helped me out when I had some minor issues.. nice to be able to "talk" (email) a real person that is invested in making your kit fitment a success.
  12. make sure there's a bit of slack where it goes into the master (about 1/4 to 1/2")... you don't want it too tight to the master, otherwise the system can't refill on the upstroke. Good luck! Marc
  13. Your truck looks fantastic!!! Did you have to source new turn signal trim rings, or were yours that good looking to start with.... mine are pretty rusted out on the bottom from rain. The interior looks great too! Stock bench seat recovered? So many questions!! Do you have a pusher electric fan? I can't see one in the pic... or is it turning so fast I can't see it? Again... great work! Marc
  14. Wilwood has an excellent reputation in the racing community, so I'm pretty sure their stuff would be ok for our trucks... this is the one I was going to order...http://www.summitracing.com/parts/WIL-260-11179/ I like that you plumb the front and rear into in from the master, and it splits the fronts for you... no T fitting down the line. It also has the brake light switch built in as well.... I dunno about the residual valves.. the only purpose of using them is to prevent "back flow" from calipers that may be mounted ABOVE the master cylinder. I know other trucks (Chevy AD's) use them(?) with their retro fits, but others on the board have updated their masters without having to utilize them. So I guess I'll forgo using them with my update. Got my Matco flaring tool in the mail yesterday.. so I hope I can go forward with mine soon too! Marc
  15. Just wondering. Charlie's kit is great, but isn't it a 5x4.5 rotor used? Marc
  16. I love your project, and you're doing great work, but save your life and invest in some REAL jack stands and ditch those cinder blocks! They've been known to collapse suddenly, and kill those under them. Search Member abolton's thread. He has a '54 (same frame as yours and my 55) that he put a 360 and 727 tranny I believe. He did do some firewall work, but I think that was mostly related to his MII swap and the cross member. Regardless, there's some great ideas in his thread. Great pics! Marc
  17. That looks really good! Great job! What kind of paint are you using?
  18. I actually like that "bob tail" short rear end.... welcome aboard!
  19. Sorry I was thinking of the front track width of the CV from outside of tire to tire. . I think I'll go attack a local taxi with a tape measure and see. might be better than using a cop car to measure!
  20. Any chance for the wheelbase measurement? Please? Marc
  21. Ha! Nope... just a pair of ramps to get the truck up... As far as beverages... if I start drinking, it won't EVER get done! (pflaming.. I sent you a PM about your adapter). Nope.. just good old rocks under my back! I have been wondering if it would be easier just to take the bed off for the rear part of the re-tubing. Marc
  22. Just wanted to clarify for others... I looked up the Cherokee master that was used by 4mula-dlx. Seems to be off a 95-98 Cherokee, or Grand Cherokee. The ones before this year are the all metal masters (no plastic tank), and the lines come off the other side of the master. I'm not a part expert, but this is what I've found off of my dective work on variious part web sites. It looks like it's a 1" bore. Bought one off RockAuto for less than $50 before shipping. Can't wait to get it and start making some brake lines! Thanks all for the info!
  23. Any chance you could post the track width (outside of tire to outside of tire) for me? I'm not sure if the CV frame would fit inside the fenders of a C3... love the look of your truck! Can you explain your mount a bit more? Looks like it's 3" channel? Did you have to shim between the frame and the front of the channel at all? In my '55 the frame has a pretty good coke bottle shape to it, so I think your Fargo might be an easier mount up than mine... however, if the track width works, I might just splice in a frame mount for it. Thanks for your time! Marc
  24. I guess it was a short ride to the alignment shop.. so not much time to get an impression on how it handles? Your truck looks awesome! Marc
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