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Desotodav last won the day on December 23 2017

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659 Excellent


About Desotodav

  • Birthday 05/01/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Brisbane, Australia
  • My Project Cars
    Dodge 108 coupe truck


  • Location
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Interests
    Desoto, Dodge and Fargo 108(b-e) model trucks

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  1. I'm interested how you solved your door latch  problem 

    my left hand door has same problem image.jpg

    1. Desotodav


      Hi Craig,

      Is your door latch piece not moving in and out?... that could be either from need of lubrication or a broken spring.

      I found that most issues from door latches are that they get moisture in there and start to rust. I had replacement stainless steel springs made as a replica of the originals knowing that they would not rust and snap over time like the original ones.

      The coiled-looking springs need to have their end/s inserted in place and then the center twisted (to obtain tension) and pushed in the housing slot in between the two tabs on the latch mechanism piece. I hope that all makes sense!

      Drop me an email with photos of your latch mechanism if you wish and I will be able to see better what is going on. My email is:   davinc@bigpond.net.au


      Davin (aka Desotodav) 

    2. Craig Rutter

      Craig Rutter

      Hi Davin

      I have been off line for a while due to Covid  and Life 

      I am here in the Uk with my 1949  B1B Pilothouse pickup, Looking for a full 3 speed gearbox.  Whats my chances ? 


      if Anyone could help , I would very much appreciate it, Don/t know where to start.


      Mobile  +44 (0) 7771520037   Phone  watsapp , Facetime would be appreciated 

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