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  • My Project Cars
    1951 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe, 1966 Chevelle


  • Location
    Walden, NY
  • Interests
    cars & grandkids

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  1. This was my first time going to Hershey. I walked non-stop for 8 hrs on Thursday. I enjoyed the car show on Friday but getting there on Thursday is not optimal for the swap meet. Gotta think about how to do things next year.
  2. Dansk

    Great Race

    I may see them in Montgomery, NY on Thursday
  3. Same here, I'm interested as well. I'm looking for wheels for my '51 Chrysler
  4. Thanks Dartgame but you jinxed me!!! It went flying and I can't find it. I'm going to try a 3/32 e-clip on reassembly. I've always called them juicy clips, ""Juicy where that went?""
  5. I'm cleaning up my distributor for my Chrysler 251 and would like to remove the vacuum advance if possible. Two screws hold it to the distributor housing but I'd also need to disconnect the arm from the plate inside. I don't want to break it. Can anyone shed light on how it comes apart and back together?
  6. I knew a guy that worked in a pinball parts place. They rewind coils for the solenoids on those. Maybe you could find a coil rewind service?
  7. Most paintless dent places will not work on older cars, the metal is too thick for their techniques. At least that is what I was told at me local place.
  8. I always wondered why the guy with a car has to pay to get in but the spectator is free. Not always, but a lot of times.
  9. A great write up, thank you. I'm missing one point, you say that adding .002" to the specification does not work, so what specification are you setting the valves to? Is it trial and error?
  10. Wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to remove a breather/ oil fill tube without damaging it? I'm assuming it is a press fit??? This is on a 251 straight 6. thank you.
  11. One of Keiths video's just saved me today. I was trying to remove my manifolds with the engine in the car and they wouldn't budge. His top end video showed that there is an additional bolt in the center accessed from underneath and you cannot see it from the top.
  12. It can't be cost, what other reasons make you want to make the change?
  13. ok, I had a closer look...likely not a tool at all because it is solid copper. The oxidation made it look like steel. I'm guessing some sort of buss bar.
  14. This metal bar was wrapped in paper and was in the trunk along with a service manual on my '51 Windsor. Any ideas on what it is?
  15. That's the tool I use and it works great. I just did a whole car using it on steel lines.
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