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Jim Yergin

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Everything posted by Jim Yergin

  1. Michael, The problem is not with the number of holes. It is the offset on the flywheel. The crankshaft on the 230 is slightly longer than on the 218. If you use your 218 flywheel, it will sit too far back and your starter will not engage. You need a flywheel for a 230 if you want to be able to start your car. The 230 flywheel has a deeper offset that moves the flywheel forward and allows the stater to reach it. Jim Yergin
  2. Yes. Jim Yergin
  3. Even though I did not use a flywheel from Vintage Power Wagons I did go with a ten inch clutch. My flywheel had holes for both sizes. Not hard to find the ten inch pressure plate and clutch disc (mine came from Len Dawson) and then no need to drill new holes. Jim Yergin
  4. Vintage Power Wagons has them. http://www.vintagepowerwagons.com/pdf/parts/01engine.pdf Jim Yergin
  5. You do have a different master cylinder. The one in Don's picture is for a P15 and mounts underneath the floor behind the pedals. The one on your car should be in front of the pedals under the steering column, right? In any event it should also have the relief port. Jim Yergin
  6. Don, Sounds like your hammer story about the original hammer that has only had its head replaced twice and the handle three times. What's left on the engine that was original? Jim Yergin
  7. Congratulations. What a great day. Have fun. Jim Yergin
  8. Bob, On my '41 P12 there is no transmission support. There are only the front and rear engine mounts. I installed my O/D transmission just fine without any additional mounts. It just hangs off the engine. I would think your P10 used the same frame as my P12. Jim Yergin
  9. Try Northwest Transmissions. http://www.nwtparts.com/ Jim Yergin
  10. Thanks. One of the tabs on the hub broke. Jim Yergin
  11. Pete, Thanks for catching my error. You are correct. Jim Yergin
  12. The input shaft is not unique to the R10 overdrive. It is the same one used in the regular transmission. Check with Len Dawson, Mitchell's, Collector's Auto Supply, etc. Jim Yergin
  13. Jim, Thanks for the response. The sprocket does bolt onto the hub with three bolts but the hub itself is pressed onto the end of the camshaft with a key way. It is the hub that I need to replace. Jim Yergin
  14. It looks like I have to replace my camshaft sprocket hub. Has anyone ever done this? Do you have any tips on the best way to remove it and to install the new one? Can I do this with a puller or do I need a press? Thanks. Jim Yergin
  15. Bill, This is what is listed for George Asche in the Links section of the main P15-D24 site: 1693 Fertigs Road Venus, PA 16364 814-354-2621 Jim Yergin
  16. Very nice. Is that a radio speaker on the rear shelf? Jim Yergin
  17. Actually I used a set from a 1937 Plymouth car I found on eBay. Here is the thread Greg mentioned: http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=13293&highlight=shocks Jim Yergin
  18. I have had good luck with Vintage Power Wagons. http://www.vintagepowerwagons.com Jim Yergin
  19. If it is the pump, it can be replaced without removing the radiator. At least I did it that way on my '41 Plymouth. Of course you won't be able to remove the water distribution tube without removing the radiator, etc. Jim Yergin
  20. Finally got my copy in today's mail. Was really interested in reading the article about the '41 woodie. Very nice car. That original wood is amazing. For the record, the two taillights sticking out from the sides are not original to the car. Shame that the featured owner couldn't feel comfortable driving it and ended up selling it. Jim Yergin
  21. Bob, I have never seen a set-up for the Plymouth. I assume the Dodge bulb holder is the same. That is what I am using in my Plymouth with the Dodge turn signal piece that I modified to fit my Plymouth. Jim Yergin
  22. Tim, I think Bob just posted that picture as an example of the assembly behind the dash even though it is for a Dodge. I don't think that is the turn signal piece that is in question. Jim Yergin
  23. Pat, I did not use Caddy calipers but they are GM. I am using the original ebrake on my transmission. Jim Yergin
  24. I used them for the front and rear on my '41. Here is the web site: http://www.aajbrakes.com/ Jim Yergin
  25. Rodney, Great pictures. Sure glad you didn't lose your camera. Where was the show? Jim Yergin
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