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Everything posted by Lefebvre

  1. My P19 sat for 2 years and now i cant start it there is no spark. I have replaced the condensor, coil and points with no luck.Ive run out of ideas, anyone have any ideas or want to help? Ive been sick for the last 2 years and this is frustrating trying to get back to the car. Any help would be appreciated Mike
  2. Try this one - the actuator on my turbo charger went on my VW Jetta - the dealer doesn't sell that part - they only change the entire turbo charger. Luckly you can buy just the actuator on line for $100 - that saved me quite a bit of money. I never got a quote for the turbo replacement, but I'm sure it would have been well over $1,200. Mike
  3. Thanks Mark - it's good to be driving it again - although I might have to do something with the exhaust - I feel a little dizzy after driving it on long drives. I'll check it out this weekend.
  4. I'd like to go - but my work schedule is also kind of up in the air - working lots of weekends. My car is now running so if I can get out of work - I'll be there. Mike
  5. Hey Mark, You're correct - they just need to have some verification that taxes were paid by the previous owner.
  6. I hope if someone buys it in Massachusetts that the guy can prove he owns it other than a bill of sale - he'll need to provide a tax bill or Massachusetts won't register it. It says he has no title - which is not a problem if the previous owner can prove taxes were paid - it's all about the taxes. Mike
  7. if you bring it to any upholsterer - ask them to do an 8 way tie on the old springs - they will then wrap the springs in burlap and put a 2 inch firm foam over that - I did it to mine - and it made a big difference.
  8. I was told by my insurance company that the reason some states do this with making you track titles - is because the state wants to collect sales tax when the car changes hands - even if you don't register it.
  9. I couldn't get to the website - got the same message.
  10. Hey Mark - glad to hear things are moving forward with Ruby. How was the carburetor rebuild - I know you were concerned about it last time we spoke. Mike
  11. That's a nice tool chest - I'd like to see pictures when it's full of tools. Am I the only one that is totally disorganized in the garage?
  12. Thanks everyone - I'll get the bright light and look around real well tonight - I've already done that twice, but it doesn't seem like it could have gone that far. Mike
  13. While taking my steering wheel off - the horn button spring got away and I can't find it. Any idea if there are replacements out there if I can't find it? Thanks, Mike
  14. I would imagine we would need to spend tax dollars to repair the roads - tax dollars no one wants to pay. The roads in Rhode Island are pretty bad - it seems like they have to rebuild 30% or 40% of all bridges because they are considered unsafe. Everyone wants better roads but no one wants to pay for them. Just my opinion.
  15. Check out these videos too:
  16. Yes - big BB goes in smaller hole - little BB goes in Bigger hole - ask me how painful it was to get the big BB out of the Accelerator pump.
  17. Nice looking job - I love the color.
  18. Hi Tim, What direct replacement electronic device did you use? Thanks, Mike
  19. Thanks for responding. Mike
  20. I started my car this morning and heard a scraping noise - turned the car off - opened the hood and found that the crank pully bolt had come off and was rubbing against the crank pully. Other than someone not tightening it correctly - is there any reason for this to fall off, and is there anything I should be concerned about? Also - I suppose I have to remove the radiator to get this thing back on? Thanks, Mike
  21. http://www.carburetor-parts.com/Carter_BB_Carburetor_Insulator_Spacer_p/121.htm
  22. Hope that was the problem for you, and that the problem seems to be resolved. Mike
  23. The only use I've found for the extra 80 dollars is when you have an important program that you use that is not compatible with Windows 7. Unless you use something other than MS Windows applications and surf the web - I'm sure you're be fine. At work - we have expensive software we purchase from vendors to do specfic tasks, and those apps may not be compatible with Windows 7, so we'd run those apps in XP mode. I think you will be fine with Windows 7. Mike
  24. I've tried poking a wire - tried pb blaster and compressed air - tried heating it. Tonight I will drill a hole and poke it out - then I'll tap it and use JBWeld on a screw and screw the hole shut. Not sure how this will effect the running of the carb - but I'll hope for the best. Thanks, Mike
  25. Hi Guys - I put the wrong BB in the Accelerator Pump - I've tried compressed air, dental picks - stiff wire - and also lightly heating the aluminum at the bottom of the Accelerator Pump. Any other suggestions other than drilling a hole at the bottom of the Accelerator Pump and pushing it out - then filling the hole with JBWeld? Thanks, Mike
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