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Everything posted by pflaming

  1. Carb is on the way, then will start it up. Lots of detail to get this far. Hope it runs at least decent since I only cleaned it, but I haven't spent any money only time. Put in a wrong engine picture, wanted to show the other side, can't add an attachment on and edit, will show that when I report the engine is running. Cab pictures show before and after wet sanding. Getting alot more color than I expected.
  2. A bit off topic but we all like old trucks, we just prefer Dodges. An old IH truck. It is complete and solid. Saw it at a friend's farm in Central CA.
  3. Better green than yellow! At least it's politically correct!
  4. I liked the old VW's with the 1 gal reserve tank. Drive til out of gas then kick over the lever and head for a gas station. Now that is what I call an accurate gauge!
  5. My heater is was mfg by Mobile Products Div., Hupp, Cleveland, Ohio, mobel 356 Heater. There is even a zip code on the label, don't know when the zip code system began, but I think it was later than the '50's. It has a fan not a squirell cage so will not throw heat like some I'm seeing.
  6. Reg, thankyoui, after seeing pictures in "search" for heaters, I realized I do not have a stock heater. I had to replace the core in my S-10 Chevy, I think an S-10 heater/AC would fit in a Pilot-house. May see what I can get one from Picker-Parts and put one in. Merry Christmas
  7. Most of us Californeans heat bricks and carry some maryjane to keep warm! Went to search and saw the midwest / Eastern heaters! Now those are heaters!!! Mine is an Arizona special, must have been designed to take people's money, yet I think I will install it and see what it does. Seems when I do a search, for example, I put in heaters and I get a whole lot more than heaters! Is there a way to get a more precise search? Should I put heaters in quotation marks or is the search quite general in nature and I need to understand that?
  8. Tinkered around with the heater, it WORKS! The core and the motor are nice and clean, the shell is very rusty but salvagable. Question: The heater is about 10" Square, with one 3" exhaust port. There are two small manual opening doors. I would guess the port is for the defrost, the doors for cabin heat. How much heat does this thing produce? Is it worth messing with?
  9. Just so show how slow I am, I thought this WAS Frankies' car!!! I couldn't believe he had fixed that Dodge up that fast! Now I get it! Someone else's vision, not Frankies'!
  10. What I like about old cars is the individualism. For my truck I like original patina, others prefer new paint and that makes it interesting, However I would find a chrome grill and see what it looks like. Great looking car, will show up nicely in that Nebraska snow.
  11. The sales person from Vintage Power Wagons said that early Dodges were discrepency prone, that it is rare to find two identical trucks. He said that the workers were instructed to put on whatever was available but KEEP the line moving. So, if no springs, then maybe they ran out of springs that shift. He also said that old Dodges, like Harley's were oil leakers!!!!
  12. abrading: Webster: to wear away be scraping or rubbing. It is the root word of abrasion. New word for me. Neat!
  13. Look at one of the pictures in the first post. It shows a crank on the fender so it could have a magnito. Seems the tractor dad had did NOT have lights, but it did have a starter. Had to have the gear in neutral for the starter to work, if my recollection is correct.
  14. I disagree: It is identical to Dad's WD 45 Allis Chalmers. The A-C had an oil clutch and was perfect for hay balers and cattle feeder wagons where the speed had to be irregular even though the PTO remained steady. It is not a rare tractor but a nice one to fix up. Good buy if you are into tractors. Its a great mowing tractor!
  15. Greg's picture is the same tractor. Dad had one, I mowed a lot of hay with it and cultivated a lot of corn. It is a model 45 Allis-Chalmers. I think White tractor / truck bought them out in the 70's.
  16. Since (if) the fuel flowed for a while then the clogged area is a new clog. Put the air from the other end and blow it backwards. That might get it open again and avoid "tamping" it tighter. Good Luck!
  17. Recieved my parts order and VPW's catalogue. It has detailed and numbered schematices for all major assemblies. It will be an incredible aid for me when I start reassembling. For example: it shows exactly where the choke and throttle cables go. Since my truck had some items removed from the engine compartment I did NOT know the throttle cable actually goes to the footfeed mechanism. Interesting. Please realize that the Power Wagon is different in many ways, but VPW's salesman fully understood what I needed so call they are very helpful. Well got my motor mounts so tomorrow the engine goes in. Worked on the tail gate today. Interesting that paint can hide behind surface rust. Called a painter friend today. Clear coat DOES adhere to shiny steel. Often if they have to wait to finish a task, they just shoot a coat of clear coat and stop the oxidation. The painter said he had his tail gate that way for a year and Clear coat will also adhere to good solid rust if it is sanded smooth as if ready for primer. Nice to know. PF
  18. "Whoever" is working hard to remove Christ out of Christmas even as complete as to include the exclusion from the public school text books. Wonder how the same "whoever" would react if we started to remove Lincoln, or Roosevelt, or Kennedys' names? It is Merry Christmas for me as well. The world timing system was changed because of Jesus, BC to AD the only time it has been changed!! Randrod, you have my respect!! Good work! Paul
  19. I have the knobs and the bezels but might like a nicer set of bezels. OK on the PB Blaster, didn't know if it would 'melt' something in the switch.
  20. Working on the harness. Light switch moves in and out with a normal feel but the panel light switch moves hard. Is there a lubricant / cleaner for switches or do most just discard and replace. I have the 'survivor' syndrome so cleaning has preference, just me! The switches, choke, and throttle have the same threated 'nut' which is cone shaped. Mine all work but are very corroded. At the risk of violating my survival code, are new / nice ones availalble? PF
  21. Do you want just any nomal Kodak photo? How about electronic photo via attachment? And a reminder on how to get a 2009 calander would be nice. PF
  22. Take last year's and update the date, time and directions. It was very sufficient. PF
  23. Is there a door lock 'kit' available for the driver's side door? As a daily driver to always enter the otherside would be a pain. Maybe an elctronic opener from the keychain.
  24. If you want durability, buy a Dodge with a few exposed bolt heads; if you want pretty buy frd or chvy. Another way of putting it is this: breasted or flat?
  25. Initially the bolt was to secure a Texas Longhorn button! Structurally and practically, it eliminates a strut maybe two, one for the fender corner the other for the running board. The back end of the running board is tied into the fender and thus each support the other. Haven't look at Chvy's and FRD's so cannot compare.
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