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Everything posted by DLK

  1. I have a 7 year old grandson who is pretty slender. Maybe I can make an adventure out of this for him.
  2. This driving season has been going too smoothly in spite of the monsoon weather we have had off and on. I have taken a couple of trips over 100 miles already. I went to open my trunk this afternoon and the latch turns fine but it does not unlatch the latch. I am puzzled as to how I can solve this problem. I don't think taking the back seat back cushion out gives me an opening big enough for my large frame. It's strange because I did not hear any noise and the latch seems to have the normal amount of resistance so I assume it's not like a pin sheared off. I tried pulling with extra force enough to rock the car but no luck. I assume the P-15 latch isn't a whole lot different than my 1950 Dodge. Can someone offer any suggestions? The good news is my spare is worthless and the bumper jack doesn't work so it's not an immediate crisis.
  3. I won't be signing any paperwork without more thought. I only have a two car garage and if I add this to my 50 Wayfarer my wife's Town and Country sits outside in summer. I admit to being impulsive - until a week ago I was intending to buy a convertible or P11 and fell for a pickup truck. I do think the 57 is the best looking of the C series. Thanks for all the helpful information
  4. Does anyone have specs that would show what the final drive ratio would have been on a 1957 with a poly 315 and automatic? I am looking at one (haven't driven it yet) and wonder what the comfortable cruising speed would be. My guess would be something over 4.0 and it is probably wound out at 60.
  5. My 50 Wayfarer went about 66000 original miles before I had it rebuilt. By then it still ran fine but its weak power was evident climbing hills and it smoked like a mosquito control vehicle and burned a quart about every 150 miles. Since I only put about 2-3000 a year on it this rebuild should long outlast me.
  6. My new middle school was named after him in 1962. What an appropriate choice.
  7. I second your suggestion. I have been there but may hit Studebaker museum in South Bend or Auburn-Cord museum in Auburn IN on way out.
  8. I am debating whether to makes the 650 mile drive in December. What a shame it will be closing. If our weather stays like it is it won't be a problem. It was 64 here in Minnesota today! I just wonder how busy it will be that last weekend. I was reading that a lot of people in Auburn Hills didn't even know it exists.
  9. I can relate to your feelings. Not only did I part with a P-15 from 1947 but also a 1960 Chrysler that I probably should have kept. Interesting car
  10. Call me when you are ready to sell. Like your car!
  11. DLK


    A lot of us let one go we should have kept. I bought a 1947 p-15 4 door in 1996 and sold it in 2000. As much as I like my Dodge I would love to have that car back.
  12. DLK


    Has anyone else looked up their car model on Wikipedia only to find a picture of THEIR CAR? Just for the heck of it I pulled up the article on the Dodge Wayfarer and when I got to 1950 I thought "Hey someone else has one the same color as mine!". I looked closer and it was my car - a picture taken at the W.P.C. National meet her in Minnesota several years ago. Appearance-wise about all that has changed since that picture is the addition of Diamondback wide whitewalls. What I found amazing was the comment in the footnote saying it was too bad the car was lowered and has custom wheels. I have slightly sagging springs - my car is not lowered and those "custom wheels" are Dodge wheel covers that probably date from the early 50's.
  13. DLK

    tranny rebuilder

    Well we pulled tranny and throwout bearing was fine. I never heard of this - but rear plate on fluid drive unit was loose (not repairable). Found a guaranteed fluid drive unit in SD. Also found a local transmission rebuilder. For what I have sunk in this low resale value car I could have taken a nice trip to Europe or Australia with the wife - but the car has been 7 years (hopefully many more) of mostly fun.
  14. DLK

    tranny rebuilder

    Ed it has fluid drive. My understanding is it is the same exceot that has a different input shaft - correct?
  15. The clutch throwout bearing went on my Wayfarer. I need to have the transmission pulled to fix that obviously. Here's my question. The synchronizer gear is worn so I can't shift from 2nd the 3rd without the gears grinding unless I shift as a snails pace. I am wondering if someone can recommend a shop or person that rebuilds these 3 speeds as long as I am pulling it? I thought I read something on here a couple years back but my search did not bring it up. Minnesota would be nice but I guess I could ship it if I have to.
  16. DLK

    oil consumption

    We have one guy in the car club that swears these flathead engines will burn off the first quart and you can run them a long time without dropping another quart. I am just reluctant to risk driving the car 2 quarts low. I will try some of the suggestions here once I have some free time - thanks guys for the help. At the reunion yesterday bringing my car lead to a discussion of everyone's first car. One cousin had a 52 Belvedere and another started with a 55 Dodge. The oldest "first car" was a 29 Chevrolet.
  17. Busy weekend taking the Wayfarer to a family reunion today - gorgeous weather here in Twin Cities today. My many cousins range in age from 58 to 83 so my 1950 Dodge should bring back a few memories... Back in 1950 my Dad (who would be 100) was driving a 41 DeSoto. Tomorrow we are going to a car club event that will probably put 180 miles on the car. I have one major concern with my rebuilt engine. I have about 2,000 miles on the rebuild and the car is burning AT LEAST a quart of oil every 500 miles. No blue smoke (or any smoke I can see) but that seems like way too high for a rebuilt engine. So what is the likely cause - main bearings? I suppose I should do a compression test and see if there are any ring issues. There is a slight oil leak with the new rear main bearing seal but nothing that would account for this.
  18. Sharp looking car in any season.
  19. Since my 1950 Dodge has a dual action pump I sent it to Antique Auto Cellar to rebuild and I keep a single action pump in the trunk as a backup. I had the exact thing happen I was cursing on the interstate at 60 and the car died when the pin broke.
  20. What could be better way to spend your kids inheritance? I think of any.
  21. Nice looking car. We are in a small fraternity with these Wayfarer sedans.
  22. DLK

    1950 Wayfarer

    Minnesota sedan
  23. I need to find out what the shop used, my guess is 90W gear lube. It is encouraging to know it may not require a total tear-down when I get around to it which won't be this year.
  24. For the six years I have owned my Wayfarer it has always been grinding going from second to third unless I pause in neutral for a second or two. In 2012 I drained and replaced the lube and the problem stopped for maybe a month. I assume this means there is a synchromesh gear issue. I can live with the problem, speed shifting would do nothing with my flathead six-fluid drive setup - it is a dog off the line regardless. But should I sell the car down the road someone else might not be as accepting of this as I have been. I assume the same three speed manual was used for many years and in many applications. How difficult would it be to replace the defective gear(s) - would it be just as simple to swap out the transmission for a good used one? But I assume swapping the transmission must also involve swapping out the parking brake unit.
  25. You ought to go in business! Sharp looking.
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