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Everything posted by PatS....

  1. Seems as though the Sumka Bros are still in business in Winnipeg. I wonder what the history of the truck is? It sort of looks like it may be an older "restoration" maybe for advertising, the seven digit phone number and the nice white wheels seem out of place on a bush truck. That is one of the nicest looking trucks I've seen in a while. Much nicer than my "bugeye" Fargo from '46!!!
  2. I have to go with my gut and my gut is saying this is going a bit too far, I mean when you get right down to it, we have all lost some cash...or alot of cash...over the years, and while it's a real pissoff, it's not the end of the world. I'm just thinking making personal information public on a website could be do more damage than is really intended and not in keeping with the spirit of this great forum. Just my gut feeling, take it for what it's worth. Pat
  3. Fred, I'm still on hold, not able to do much. I said a while back to heck with doctors orders, but that wasn't too bright...set me back a while I think. I putter some but nothing substantial. My nephew ( I have 9 of 'em!) said he would put the master cylinder in the Fargo and help with seeing if it will start...may do that this weekend. I have all the parts. Be nice to hear SOMETHING I have RUN!! Pat
  4. If you are the thread starter, I don't think you can. Otherwise, bring up the post, at the bottom press edit and there will be a delete option there.
  5. Robin I just got back home and I see that you have been itching. Rodger & Gabby COS Why send a pompous, arrogant note like that if not to just piss you off? There is no excuse for that email, none. Seems Roger isn't what he wants the rest of the forum to beleive. But that leaves the rest of the forum of good guys. Roger, keeping the money is simple dishonesty and no dancing around spouting excuses will fly here anymore. Send the money today, if not, you prove you're a crook.
  6. Don, the truck is BIG, the master is normal sized...I think. That looks like an auxiliary reservoir, so I'd need the other end to keep full. Or maybe it keeps the coffee hot and theres a spigot for under the dash for refills!!!
  7. I'll do that, Ed...thanks alot.
  8. Fred, I'm pretty sure Princess Auto carries the gloves...they carry the cabinets from China, and the sand/beads etc. Acklands-Grainger has them as well.
  9. That's the problem, Ed...someone needed mine before I got the truck and the whole thing's gone I think I may try a newer dual cylinder to see if it will fit and reroute the lines.
  10. Maybe the Stanley Steamer could make a comeback? Our University of Calgary solar powered car came in 6th, University of Michigan were the winners. http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20080722/CGY_solar_finish_080722/20080722/?hub=CalgaryHome
  11. Trying to locate a master cylinder for my 46 Fargo 3 ton, does anyone have any suggestions as to where I would find brake parts for a 3 ton??? Thanks!! Pat
  12. Finally, some sensible names and definitions...and the word "restored" is nowhere to be found. Why? Because it has lost it's meaning completely in the old vehicle hobby and should be banned. I waxed up the dash on my old 46 Fargo and can now sell the truck as restored:eek: Thanks for those, Tim:)
  13. Looked like a fun day with the kids. That old flattie sure does sound sweet, thanks for the ride, Don
  14. Thats the great thing about this forum!
  15. James, I think everyone here is very interested in the "adventure" you are involved with. No-one has vilified you at all, on the contrary, there were dozens of suggestions meant to assist in diagnosing the problem. I think when you spend 2 grand for something, you should get it, however I also think that when dealing with a very old car and very old components and an equally "experienced" seller, as much as you would like, there are bound to be hiccups along the way...that's just the nature of old cars and older folks sometimes. On the bright side...and there's always a bright side, you will be a virtual expert on these units and will be able to diagnose and treat just about every ill they would have. I know that every one of us on the forum would be dropping by to lend a hand in person if it was possible. We are all rooting for you to find the solution and get back to driving that great old DeSoto Pat
  16. Nice looking coupe, Bob. More details?
  17. Hi Ritchie, good to hear from you. Not running yet...a few health problems put the brakes to the project but will be back at it soon. I have a couple of brake assemblies now from a couple of parts cars I've come across, so I'm OK in that dept. I really appreciate being asked though. Thanks Ritchie. How are things with you? Pop in for a visit more often!!! Pat
  18. You're right Fred, it'd be nice to hear "Hey, sorry, I completely screwed up on this one, my apologies, here's the check." It's the lame excuses and blaming that makes it a bad situation. The need to be right overrides the obligation to do the right thing.
  19. "What is the going rate for re-stocking special order fees ???"
  20. Seems to me some of these yards are their own worst enemy. If they organized and cleaned up a bit and made it look and run like a car parts business rather than an abandoned scrap yard, they wouldn't attract as much negative attention and they would sell more parts to boot. Someone looking in and seeing a 25 year old tree growing out of an engine compartment would be led to think there isn't much interest in parts from that car or the owner has forgotten it's there, either way, they would think "Who's gonna miss it?" If they cleaned and organized into rows so they are accessible and can be seen, the business would do better and the neighbors and regulatory folks would be easier to get along with. Sad to see them go, but if they don't "clean up their act", they'll all be gone soon.
  21. T334 shows up here as a 54 Fargo Canadian built half-ton. I think your "down under" trucks were partially assembled and in Canada and used Canadian engines. We didn't have DeSoto trucks here, though. http://www.t137.com/registry/help/partspages/SerialNumberGuide1920-57/slide028.html
  22. Looks nice, but then I'm partial to 49 Chryslers I have a similar Windsor parts car for my coupe: The fact you got yours running right away is a real bonus!! And welcome to the forum, the best one on the 'net.
  23. Congrats on getting it running...and good luck on the brakes. Just like getting it running, a little patience and you can do it.
  24. Best wishes and prayers from Canada for Karen for a speedy recovery.
  25. Glad he is OK, maybe he should buy some lottery tickets!!! He is a very lucky guy for sure.
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