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Everything posted by PatS....

  1. Sounds like you're having way to much fun, Don. Keep it up...it adds many years to life and the kids never forget.
  2. Enjoy the hell out of your retirement!!! (Your wife sounds like a keeper as well.)
  3. I have learned the hard way that I am the place where the buck stops and I have to be the one to make that fact perfectly clear to everyone I deal with at work. I am normally a puppy dog, but at the drop of a pin, I'll be a pitbull to both the contractors and management. They back me up or I hit the road. Nobody else want's this job and besides, they know I'm usually right. That attitude now follows me into other areas. I have a very low BS quotient now and when I detect BS, well, it's my way or the highway and in this case if that means losing a sale, so be it. Living in an ice cold igloo tends to make you short-tempered. Getting the crap kicked out of you on the rink is OK because you always get to do it back. Great stress release. Although I'm to fat for the ice now:o
  4. If there is no deposit, they are not sold. Deposit can be PayPal, Western Union, etc. You should leave them listed until the deposit comes through and any BS should be a red flag. BEFORE they are picked up and leave your possession, they MUST be paid for by CASH. They don't get to hold on to a grand and take the car, they get nothing until the car is paid for in full. You will lose the grand AND the car! They don't run the sale conditions, YOU DO!!! Better to be firm and lose the sale than to lose the cars and the money. (Just my 2 cents Canadian)
  5. Moores has a 60 and a 62. http://www.mooresautosalvage.com/parts.asp?division=1&make=Chevrolet
  6. Maybe Pontiac means Plymouth in Nigerian;)
  7. fishing for suckers?
  8. He already HAS Japanese engine!!!!
  9. I would go as high as the last rest bench with a water fountain. Good luck to you. I'll jump out of a perfectly good airplane but I won't climb mountains unless Loni Anderson's on the top...so to speak:eek:
  10. Pretty sure very little thinkin' is happenin' in that house
  11. The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and one-by-one began to tell their stories. "Johnny, do you have a story to share?", the teacher asked. "Yes ma'am," Johnny replied. "My daddy told me a story about my Aunt Nancy. She was a pilot in Desert Storm and her plane got hit. "She had to bail out over enemy territory and all she had was a small flask of whiskey, a pistol, and a survival knife. "She drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn't break, and then her parachute landed right in the middle of 20 enemy troops. She shot 15 of them with the gun until she ran out of bullets, killed 4 more with the knife till the blade broke, and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands." "Good heavens," cried the horrified teacher. "What kind of moral did your daddy give you from this horrible story?" "Stay the hell away from Aunt Nancy when she's drinking."
  12. Try some "Restore" from the auto parts store. I've used it a couple of times and it worked very well for smoking. http://www.atvconnection.com/Features/Product_Reviews/Restore-Engine-Restorer.cfm
  13. Sprung and unsprung weight.
  14. A good friend, tired of the healthy food craze and no smoking everywhere wants to open the Artery Hardener Smoke House. No salads and smoking is mandatory!!!
  15. Rocky and Bullwinkle live here for sure!!!! The RCMP ride horses and wear their red tunics all the time, and we live in igloos by the lake. All 35 million of us Did you know we burnt down the first White House? Don't piss us off!!!!
  16. I hope it buffs out , Pete...that's just cowardly to do that. My only wish is to CATCH one of these cowards in the act. It would feel SO good to vent right about now.
  17. Canadian weather: 10 months of winter and two months of bad sledding
  18. Looks like the mouse droppings I had in my Chrysler, only I had 3 times that much!!!
  19. Didn't sell. Imagine that ! People just don't know a deal when it stares 'em in the face.
  20. I love the early morning just as daylight begins (around 4:30 up here this time of year) I seem to enjoy the coffee more and I get more done without people bugging me and no rotten phones ringing non-stop. Tim, even though you may have overdone it, sounds like you got alot accomplished. By the way, the truck is still running great...thanks for all the help.
  21. I see they are bidding up a storm at that bargain price:rolleyes: Nice home for the mice...or is that meece...or meeces?
  22. Sorry, no can do, been hot hot hot here for about 6 weeks...90's+ All the campgrounds south of here are closed because of the high fire threat. And it's a long weekend
  23. And when they go to sell them, they think people won't notice or care that the wheels aren't centered in the well or are sticking out like a 4X4. If they didn't take the time to measure the fit, what else didn't they take the time to check out...or bolt down!!?? I would pass on most sub-framed vehicles unless I knew the builder personally and knew his work.
  24. " but his wife forbid him to park it at their house and she refused to ever ride in it." Just trying to find the downside in that.
  25. Norm, here the hantavirus is from mice. Alberta is officially rat-free. I have never seen a rat and we have a Rat Patrol along the borders eredicating rats as soon as they appear. So far so good. http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex3441
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