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B1B Keven

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Everything posted by B1B Keven

  1. Mark, I have the extra bar you modified for me. Where do I need to send it?
  2. Here's were I got mine: http://www.ebay.com/itm/CAPPED-TRIM-CLIPS-GENERAL-FASTENERS-L-1-1-16-D-17-32-/320509642289?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4a9fdd0631&vxp=mtr
  3. Plastic push in fasteners come with the headliner.
  4. Look again at your first post and tell me that's not a Jeep.
  5. Barry, I think he's asking about the Jeep parked next to it.
  6. You will need to mark and drill the holes in the headliner.
  7. Shouldn't be hard to cut a hole for the floor shifter. Here's another option? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rubber-Cal-Fine-Ribbed-Corrugated-Rubber-Floor-Mat-3-x-6-x-3mm-Black-/350695510384?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51a714d170
  8. Mark, are there any pics around of the Roberts mat?
  9. Roberts lists one in thier catalog. Doe's he not make it anymore? T-46 '48-'53 Dodge Trucks. http://www.robertsmotorparts.com/truck_parts.asp?Action=search&c=Trucks+-+Floor+Mats
  10. Cool! Looks like you've figured it out! You know, after looking at the gauge pods you're working with, I wonder if the 'top swinging' gauges from the '49-'50 trucks would be a better option? I could modify the faces shown in the last pic?
  11. 6 volt Halogen headlights would be a good addition. I've been playing with back up lights. So far I have a set of cheap fog lights with 6 volt bulbs installed and a switch under the dash. Nothing wired yet.
  12. Welcome! Post more pics of the truck if you can.
  13. I have an 801. Kinda rare.
  14. Do you need a radio Jim?
  15. http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/cto/3575809361.html
  16. Tim, you've got a PM.
  17. Mark, if it breaks, VPW has new ones for $5.
  18. Sounds like you've got some wires shorting against one another. Reach around under the dash and see if you feel any hot wires. I had a similar problem and just started replacing one wire at a time. I found a bunch that had no or worn insulation.
  19. Looks great! I'm also using car arm rests. Out of a '50 or '51 Plymouth. Recovered to match the seat. Correct mounting holes for the '48-'50 trucks. PS. I've got another set of arm rests for sale
  20. Yep, this is the only board that gives me fits. Vista and Firefox.
  21. Well, that's another thing. I have to log in about every three visits, even if I check 'Remember Me'.
  22. I get a warning that I've used up my alloted visits unless I'm logged in. This is what I see without being logged in. You've exceeded the maximum number of pages views (9) you can open as a guest. To remove this message and become a member please register a free account or login. It will only take a few moments and you'll be able to view board normally. The restriction will be disabled at Today, 10:21 PM.
  23. Any word Mark? Need anything?
  24. OK. Once I come up with the correct shape of the gauge faces and speedo, it's not hard at all to change colors and fonts. Wanna be the guinea pig?
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