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Robin (UK)

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Everything posted by Robin (UK)

  1. Pitching in with re-worked versions of the T-shirt logo I designed a few years ago. I can re-work this into alternative colorways and can easily change the text. 2 examples attached. Also, I have already prepared silhouettes of P15 2-door and 4-door sedans, so that offers alternatives. Let me know what you think. I'd be honored if GTK wanted to include any or all versions as a download.
  2. I have two friends from France who have moved to the States. They just sent this picture. That is a great looking car! Anyone know who it belongs to?
  3. Bill, Not sure what you're asking. Are you referring to the extra water port on the front of the head? If so, it matches my motor as my car runs with a 51 Dodge 230. Sounds, from your most recent message, that you have it sorted, anyway. Best of luck. R.
  4. Here's a picture, for AndyDodge
  5. Guys My car is 6 volt It seems that the starter armature is worn, so when it's hot the motor won't turn. Once it cools, all is OK. Hoping the new starter will fix the problem. Getting the head was a LONG story. A friend imports Airstream trailers, so the plan was to have the head shipped inside one of those. Bill shipped the head to the address where the Airstreams are held, before shipping. My friend fills the trailers with other items, to make shipping more cost-effective. It was almost a year before the trailer was full and then nobody could remember where the head was. In fact, they couldn't even remember receiving it. Luckily, Bill had shipping information and we were able to confirm that it had actually arrived at the destination. I was getting worried, but the guys did some frantic searching and found it, still wrapped, under some boxes on their porch!!! A story with a happy ending. R.
  6. Anyone have one, or know of one for sale? Thanks. Robin.
  7. Hi Dave, I have no experience of headers on a RHD, but a friend owns a RHD 41 Plymouth that has a cracked exhaust manifold. The part is definitely different to the standard manifold and I know that the clearance around the steering box is limited. Hope you can get the parts to work. Good luck. R.
  8. robin....how does your car run with the finned aluminum head? improvement? easy starts, etc.? i have a 230 motor i will put one on. any advice..? dual B&B's. bill Hey Bill, I LOVE the car with the finned head. Mine is also a 230 and driving it is now a whole different experience. It's set up with dual Carters on a Sharp intake with tall repop Edmunds air cleaners It's also got Fenton headers and dual exhausts through Smithys mufflers. It sounds great. I had to have the head skimmed slightly, so I'm not sure of the compression. I found I was getting quite a bit of pinging at first, but I switched to premium gas and it's perfect now. The engine revs very freely - second gear performance is incredible. Starting is OK, but working against the increased compression it has shown a weakness in the starter motor. I've just got a reconditioned unit from George Asche to take care of that (hoping to fit it next week). The car is also running an R10 overdrive transmission, so it loves freeway speeds. All in all I would wholeheartedly recommend you fit the head but I think you'll need to make sure you have an efficient exhaust set-up to really get the full benefit. THANK YOU for selling me the head. I really appreciate that. I've lost count of the times I've had to pop the hood to show people, once they have heard the car run. (I don't like to leave it with the hood open, as I prefer to show off the fabulous lines of the P15) Let me know how you get on with your 230. All the best. Robin.
  9. At last - a picture of the ribbed rubber matting I used to replace the sill mats on the car I used to own. A quick, cheap fix. Hope it's some help. Robin.
  10. Have you ever seen one of these cigarette lighters? The Plymouth 'flag' floats around in the lighter fuel. Bryan, owner of my (ex) coupe, was given it. The story is that the guy was given it as a souvenir after a visit to the factory to see P15s being built. He was an engineer and was taken on the trip, from the UK, to see American technology in action, after the war. He loved Bryan's car and said that he should have the lighter. Sorry about the pic quality.
  11. I took a ride out to the Ace Cafe last night, for a car meet. Cruised out with Simon in his Australian-bodied 36 Dodge and his friend Vic, with his 36 Ford 5-window coupe. I followed the two cars and they looked FANTASTIC on the road. Here's a picture of my Plymouth with the two 36s. And another picture that's a bit of fun... Henry the buckaroo.
  12. You might like these...
  13. I think we could all use one of these
  14. Or T-Cut, if necessary. Again, try to catch it while the paint's still soft.
  15. How about this one?..... http://www.mecumauction.com/auctions/lot_detail.cfm?LOT_ID=SC0508-65922
  16. I'm in... The first UK pin. R.
  17. Yes, positioned to let the vent window open fully.
  18. Here are the SoCal mirrors. More pricey, but nice parts. Robin. http://www.est1946.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=124
  19. I saw Bob's message so thought I should chip in... I have SoCal swan-necked mirrors mounted on the doors. I think they really suit the styling of the car. I had previously tried clip-on mirrors but found that they shake too much to give a clear view - and I really need that clear view when I'm driving through London (on the 'wrong' side of the road) with the top up and have to rely on the passenger side mirror so much! Anyway, here are a few pictures. Hope they help. Robin.
  20. http://www.trifive.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13071
  21. Hi Niel, It's Rover P4. You can get all the info you need at http://www.roverp4dg.org.uk/ Good luck. R.
  22. www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxtoM5JEZNg
  23. Hi Fred, I sold the coupe to a friend 4 years ago. I'll ask him to take a picture. Robin.
  24. On my coupe, I used ribbed rubber matting, cut it to shape and glued it to the sill. It's still there, and looking good, many years on. Of course, the pattern on the rubber is not correct, but it's black, sharp looking and non-slip. An easy and cheap fix. Here's a link to the product I used (UK supplier, but I'm sure you will get similar in the US) www.woolies-trim.co.uk/pc-1709-120-broad-rib-rubber-matting.aspx
  25. Hi Guys, Anyone know of a nice P15 2-door sedan, or 49 or 50 Plymouth fastback for sale? Any leads greatly appreciated. Thanks. Robin.
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