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Robin (UK)

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Everything posted by Robin (UK)

  1. Look at the car in this music video...
  2. Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic... A friend's wedding. Again, no charge.
  3. Oops. Sorry. That was forwarded by Captain Neon.
  4. Guys, It's great to know that you're on my side.... To be honest, I never doubted that for a moment. However, I also think some of the comments may be a bit strong, and possibly too personal. Whilst I would be the first to want to seek justice, I think any threats to property or person, or implicating family members in this business is going a bit far. Rodger identified himself in the earlier thread, so his identity was no secret. I have posted his user name, email and picture, purely in order to help others avoid getting into a similar predicament or, if they choose to deal with him, to do so in the full knowledge of what has gone before. I think everything's been said but if i do receive payment, or hear anything else from Rodger, I will keep you posted. In the meantime, let's all get back to the business of enjoying our great cars! Hey! As soon I posted this, I saw that Rodger had also posted another message. But still no message to me... and still no refund. Come on, big man, do the honest thing!
  5. Guys, I just spoke to my friend, Dean. He has recently imported a lovely green P15 2-door sedan. He collected his car from the shop yesterday, after some remedial work to brakes and steering, and today he got it registered for use in the UK. I can't wait to see it. On Sunday we will be hooking up and heading off to a car show. Also meeting up with a D24 sedan and there should be others at the show. I'll try to get all the cars together for a picture.
  6. Hi Guys, Thank you for all your messages of support. I know that this Forum is still my favorite place on the web and I'm certainly not going to let this episode change that.
  7. Have any of you guys heard about this? http://www.nlslimo.com/antique-cars/antique-plymouth.html If we all start hiring out our cars at $125 per hour we'll soon be able to afford to put gas in them!!!
  8. Brilliant. That's great news. Best wishes from across the pond. R.
  9. For more on this, look at my new thread... Title: 'Ripped off... the sorry situation'
  10. Further to my earlier thread Apologies to all you great guys on this Forum, for sharing this mess with you, but since it was via this website that I was contacted about the radio, it seems the right thing to do. PLEASE NOTE THAT I HAVE NOW RECEIVED A FULL REFUND FROM RODGER AND I HAVE THEREFORE EDITED THIS POST. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT. ROBIN (16th August)
  11. Hey Don, Your name came up in conversation over a pint, in the pub. John told me how much he enjoyed meeting you. It's great for me to be able to put faces to names and to pay back some of the kindness I've experienced from this Forum. In fact, when I got my car it was missing a wind wing pivot on one side. That's a convertible-specific part, and therefore VERY rare. John took that piece off a spare door and sent it to me - free of charge! I was therefore really pleased to show him my car and take him for a ride in it. We drove around Trafalgar Square, The Houses of Parliament, Westminster Bridge, The High Court, St Bride's Church, St Paul's Cathedral, The Tower of London, Tower Bridge, London Bridge and lots more. I hope he enjoyed the trip. He sure took a lot of pictures. Anyway... anyone else planning on coming to London - just let me know.
  12. Hi Guys, I met with John T tonight and spent a couple of hours with him and his charming family (wife, brother and sister-in-law), driving them around the sights of London in my convertible. It was a lovely warm evening and the company was great. Here's a picture, outside their hotel. John is second from the right. I guess he might post some pix when he's back home.
  13. Hi Chet, Nice work! Great to see you back on the Forum.
  14. Thanks Don, I really enjoyed the ride. I'm off to a show with a bunch of other 30s/40s/50s cars next weekend, so might get my friend to shoot some video when we're on the road.
  15. My guess is yes. Certainly the 42 models will be the same, probably earlier ones as well. I'd suggest you call Bill Hirsch and ask him whether the patterns he holds for the tops for the earlier models are the same as for the P15. I got my top from him, ready stitched. I've always found him to be very helpful. He's at www.hirschauto.com Good luck. Robin.
  16. That's great. I love those old pictures. I already had the black & white one below, then I saw this color one from 1955 on the other Forum. In the third picture, you can see the screen price on the P15 is $245 - I'll take it!!!
  17. Here are Ian's pictures.
  18. It will be solved when the check arrives... and clears. You can be certain I'll keep everyone posted. Robin.
  19. WOW! I got a reply... see below. The excuses are a bit lame, but if the refund is forthcoming I don't really care. If any of you have received a message from the seller, please note that the stuff about re-stocking fees is ridiculous. I sent the money on 15th May after being offered a Mopar 602. After paying, it turned out to be a Mopar 800. On 9th June I requested a refund. On 16th June that was promised. Since then, I've received no replies to emails, until today. I have not rescinded on the original deal, and I resent the implication. I too have kept all the email correspondence. I think he should be careful about trying to blacken my name. This guy is starting to annoy me, now... Let's just hope we can now put this whole sorry saga behind us. I'll let everyone know when I receive the check. Robin The envelope with the check of $275 has been setting here at the house. The reason is I did not place a stamp on it and my wife had thought I was waiting for some reason. As said before, I work away from this city. If I go to work and there is an problem of some sort, it means I will be there some more. If you feel you need to let others know who I am, please send them my email address and I will forward them a copy of the emails so they may see the date/time line of this sagga. It appears as if I made an "mistake" of trying to help you. That is OK. I have learned something. Here is an copy of what I wrote to another today about this "... I believe Robin has written a very good note on his emotioninal sagga of wanting to get a radio for his car. What he has forgotten to say is the person with the radio informed him in a timely manner the radio was not a Model 802 as first thought. He was also informed the person with the radio went to a family funneral during the same time and the seller worked at a job that is away from their home every 3 1/2 days of every week. When Robin was sent a scan of the 800 radio ( Imperial, Chrysler, De Soto or Dodge face design un-known ) and it did not match his known design appearance of the face plate in his knowledge, he wanted his money back. I had informed him very throughly of the radio, and I now wonder what a dealer would do if a special order was placed and the customer then wanted to change their mind. What is the going rate for re-stocking special order fees ??? Oh Yes, the radio is fully re-built with a new re-coned speaker. For the last month I can not get on the P15-D24 site whenever I get back home. "
  20. Guys, I've decided I can't sit back and be treated like this, so I've just sent another email to the 'seller'. Body of message copied below. I'll keep you posted on developments. Robin. Hi XXXXX, Regarding the payment of $275 for the radio.... In the absence of a refund from you, or any reply, I posted a message on the P15-D24 Forum, to say that I think I've been ripped off. Lots of the guys wanted me to identify who’d done it, but I was reluctant to do that. However, having considered the situation, I think that would probably be the right thing to do. I’m the victim, here – and I don’t see why I should sit back and accept the situation without any action. I believe that the Forum, like all virtual communities, only works in an atmosphere of trust and it is everyone’s duty to warn others when the system is abused. Maybe you’ve hit on hard times. Maybe there’s some other problem. If there is, please let me know. I’m a very reasonable guy and I’ll be happy to help find a solution. If I don’t hear from you within the next week, I’ll have to go ahead and publish. I sincerely hope it doesn’t come to that. I look forward to hearing from you. Robin.
  21. Hey Guys, I look at all the answers to my thread and I see why I love this place. THANK YOU for all your messages and kind offers. I don't think it's right to name the culprit publicly but let's just say that he has less than 100 posts and no information on his member profile (perhaps I should have looked at that first). I am really pleased to see messages suggesting that maybe he is ill or out of contact... It's great that so many of you look for the good side in people. However, I know he's in communication because he recently (and presumably in error) included me on a circular email to his 'friends'. I replied immediately, but still no answer. Looks like I'll just have to write this one off to experience. Life goes on. I have my health and a happy family. Anything else is a bonus.
  22. PLEASE NOTE THAT I HAVE NOW RECEIVED A FULL REFUND FROM RODGER AND I HAVE THEREFORE EDITED THIS POST. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT. ROBIN (16th August) Guys, It makes me really sad to write this, because up to now I've had nothing but good experiences from all my correspondence and dealings with members of this magnificent Forum. Two months ago I was looking for an 802 Radio. A Forum member sent me a PM to say he had a restored 602. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but we agreed a price (not particularly cheap) and I sent him the money. After that he wrote to say that it was actually a Mopar 800. Looking into it, I found that the front of the 800 has a different finish, not suitable for a P15 dash, so I asked him for a refund. That was promised but I have waited a month and nothing has been sent. He won't reply to email, so I guess he's planning to keep the money as compensation for all the 'trouble' I must have put him through. Oh well - I guess he must need that cash badly. I hope he can sleep at night. Just wanted to warn you that if anyone offers a Mopar 800 radio, you should proceed with caution!!!
  23. Bob, I have a copy of the original build sheet and it shows that my car was supplied with cloth upholstery. It is not the original fabric, in my car - but the covers are about 30 years old, so they show a nice patina and give the impression of being original.
  24. just one question... WHY?!!!
  25. A friend just sent me these pictures of my car on the cruise at the Rockabilly Festival I attended a couple of weeks ago. I love the shot from the back. The last picture proves that it's impossible to ride in a P15 without a smile on your face!!!
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