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Johnny S

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Everything posted by Johnny S

  1. James .... do you have a photo to post of the setup? Sounds interesting.
  2. Does anyone have a manual for an ET805 Mac Tools Tach/Dwell/Volt meter? Just found one on a garage sale today and would like to snag a manual if I can.
  3. Looks like a great project !!
  4. Pete, I think I've got an extra trunk key blank that might work. PM me with your current address and I'll send it. John
  5. Bob, condolences on the loss of your Mother-in-Law ..... and I'm feeling a little bad about the coupe too! That was some work you didn't need!
  6. My condolences on the loss as well Don .... one of the more difficult decisions one has to make. Our last loss like that was 4 years ago now but the memories remain. And, our 14 year old Springer .... Sierra .... was hurting pretty badly when the time came. In fact I think we really waited too long in retrospect. But, we jumped right back on the bandwagon within the first 30 days and now have a 4 going on 5 year old "Wonder Dog" female yellow lab .... who goes with us pretty much everywhere. Different dogs ... different personalities but both wonderful pets always.
  7. Lookin' good Joe ... lookin' good. I can hear her "purring" already!
  8. I agree that some gaskets are sized such that they can't be scanned on a "normal" scanner AND I also agree that some gaskets are just plain easy to come by .... however, at the least for those wanting immediate and low cost access to the right gasket ... it's almost too easy. Get some gasket material and cut away everything that's NOT the gasket. No trip to the store ... you can make two if you screw one up ..... just plain easy. And, I like the ruler idea on the side to ensure that you are operating to scale. This technique has a somewhat limited application on a given vehicle .... cork gaskets may or may not be reproducible for example ... or carburetor gaskets. But, from vehicle to vehicle there are gasket differences on headlight housings and trunk-lid housings and tail-lights and parking lights ... etc. The small, flat, paper gaskets would be a piece of cake .... and you wouldn't have to drive to NAPA or AutoZone or order off Rock Auto or J.C.'s either.
  9. I was looking at some eBay stuff today and saw a set of gaskets for a standard 3 - speed transmission. I think this set included 4 gaskets. It made me think that it might be a good deal to have scanned images of those gaskets (and others of course) on file any time someone wants to make one up. Then you could print one out at 100% on your printer and transfer it to some gasket making material ... and walla .... a new gasket in time of extreme need. So, I'm wondering if anyone has done that with any of their new gaskets before they were all greased up? It just seems like it might be another addition to our archives that would prove useful over time. Johnny S
  10. That's possible Norm .... we leave a lot of "bread crumbs" as we travel the web.
  11. I've gotten similar email invites that purported to come from folks on this site but those invites were not to the "Twitter" site but to another similar type of site that's a new startup competitor to Twitter. Somethings up here .... it's almost like someone has harvested the contact list from P15-D24 and is using a new strategy to recruit. I just "shift-delete" them especially since there has been no discussion on this idea within this list that I can find.
  12. Lookin' great ..... any luck finding door hinges yet Joe?
  13. So, so far I take it as a "no". I found one that a friend of mine in the auto salvage world could get for about $1100 and the thought was .... great transmission at less than the cost of many Mopar overdrives, wonder if it will bolt up and work? And no Tim .... not a "tail-twistin" 413 ... just thinking plain ole vanilla flathead with a little flare to it that would add that "twist" in another way ... options thinking you know. Heck, Keisler has put one behind the Chevrolet 4 cylinder Ecotec .... http://www.kitcarmag.com/techarticles/general/142_0505_keisler_engineering_engine_transmission_mate/index.html . Last I saw the old Mopar overdrives aren't cheap either ... sounds like putting substantially over $1000 in those isn't hard to do. ..... but from the responses so far it sounds like the older T-5's are much cheaper and the more practical way to go. If practical is your goal.
  14. As I understand it the Tremec 5-speed transmission (at least some?) is the same as the older T-5 Borg-Warner transmissions albeit not made by Borg-Warner any more. I realize that there are variations on the T-5 so I'm assuming the same is true on the Tremec. I'm just curious if anyone has used one of these Tremec 5-speeds yet or investigated using one behind an L-6 flathead? I know that Don C. has installed a T-5 and swears by it? They do seem to be far less complicated than finding, fixing, installing, troubleshooting, re-fixing, and re-installing an original Mopar overdrive. Well, at least that's the sense I get from following the threads on the classic Mopar overdrives. So .... does anyone know if the same adapter that is used for the T-5 to flathead link-up works with the Tremec version? It does look like the Tremec offers several floor shifter position options. Just curious what others may know or think about this variation on a T-5 behind a flathead?
  15. Found this link that I thought some of us might be interested in. It does what seems at first glance to be a great job of explaining and illustrating how to connect two (2) 6-volt Optima batteries in parallel to increase your cold cranking abilities and make starting a little bit easier on our 6-volt systems. Granted its expensive but ... probably works well. Not something everyone wants to do but it does look interesting and easily doable. http://www.fzoldcars.com/Page_8.php And, the double bonus is that at the same link it describes and illustrates how to prepare and hand paint the recessed letters (or numbers) on newly chromed parts. Again quite well described and illustrated. John
  16. Very nice ....
  17. We went from 72 last week to -8 last night. I'm confused.
  18. Retired in late 2004 after 33 years in state service. Taught science for 3 years in Iowa and then spent 30 years in the wildlife management business, mostly in Colorado, doing a wide range of stuff from wildlife law enforcement to research and finally into management.
  19. John are your fuzzy dice 6 volts or 12 volts?
  20. 1949 P18 - Club Coupe 1949 P18 - Convertible 1949 P17 - Suburban 1950 P19 - Suburban 1950 P20 - Convertible 1946-1948 - P15 Convertible 1946-1948 - P15 Business Coupe 1942 Plymouth 1966 - 1967 Barracuda 1967 GTX 1965 Plymouth Belvedere convertible And one huge garage to keep ALL my toys in! I think I need the Lottery win too
  21. Bob, could you tell if it was a re-paint or not?
  22. Nice car Bob .... $8000 is pretty much on the high side. Engine condition would play a key role. I'd guess about $4,000 ..... maybe $5,000 if you were just dying for one like that.
  23. I'm generally out and about every few weeks during the winter. Had a nice 30 minute drive yesterday. Everything else gets started once a month at least during the winter.
  24. PM me and I can give you a guy here in Colorado who built a '34 Plymouth coupe with a Mustang II front (I think that's what he used) .... needless to say it's sweet!
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