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Johnny S

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Everything posted by Johnny S

  1. Well, it was a great day in Colorado and "Aunt Margaret" stretched her legs a bit. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law (wifes sister) were visiting so we all spent the better part of the day cruising her in and around the foothills west of Fort Collins. And no ..... I'm not calling a tow truck in the photo. I happen to be talking to my daughter who is calling from her new apartment. I'm explaining what she needs to do to kill the bugs in the basement. I told her she needed a big hammer and lots of patience .... its the organic method you know! I think all together we put about 65 miles on the old girl today without a glitch. She needs more exercise like that I suspect. Even got a few "nice car" comments which are always appreciated.
  2. Which ones do you need? I've got two sets of doors for the 4-door ... no rust or little rust. Anybody driving through Colorado and headed Joe's way?
  3. Definately different doors. The 4-dr versions aren't as wide as the 2-dr.
  4. Aw-hah ........ me thinks there's a "barr" in 'dem woods! And you know what "barr" do in the woods!
  5. The "Pile" is generally pretty sizeable and filled with the "fruit of the day!". Kinda reminds one of Paul Bunyan relieving himself in your backyard. Dog sized? Coyote!
  6. Reg....always consider the alternative!
  7. They look like Roulette Wheels to me!
  8. Excellent car Howard .... "Magoo" is and will be a great ambassador (no .... not a rambler) for P18's and P17 / P18 affectionado's everywhere!! Congrats.
  9. Not me either ..... I have 803's.....but nothing for the P15's.
  10. Did you brush it on or spray it on?
  11. Did you keep all of the pieces? Sure looks good.
  12. Very very nice .... a great touch to gain the benefits of a tilt and continue to maintain an original look. Was there any compatibility reason(s) that led you to chose and use a 1950 Plymouth steering wheel and not the 1949 Plymouth steering wheel?
  13. Tom, what have you found to be the most effective and "original" looking way to impress the correct numbers on to your tags? I'm thinking about the heater tag specifically although it looks like the generator tag will require more #'s. John Colorado
  14. Good chance the seat will work any...who! It looks to be a Dodge.
  15. If you are using Windows XP just right click on the picture (or file) you want to downsize. Chose the "Email Picture" option ..... choose a size you want (usually I click on "Show more options" and then choose "medium"). Then I just email it to myself and resave the file under a new (or slightly modified) name in a temporary folder. Then you can upload this "new" photo from the temp folder. It can't be much over 100K to work.
  16. Figured you might ..... lookin' good!
  17. Or my personal favorite .... a slightly modified and reconstructed ad turned into wallpaper for my computer.
  18. I'm partial to this one Bob ............
  19. John - Happy Birthday from another John - I'd sing if I could but I can't!
  20. Nicely done Norm. I agree, you should post a complete "parts" list on your homebrew speciality tools. The pain and suffering you save may be mine!
  21. Reg, mine jumped up as well ..... about 80. Fortunately no neutrals or negatives lurking in that pack of "new found" numbers. John
  22. I was just on it Bill...seems to be working fine. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/49-50Plymouth/messages
  23. Here's another look at the P17 fastback
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