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Johnny S

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Everything posted by Johnny S

  1. Not sure ... but if you find that they do fit I know a guy who has a really nice rear glass from a P18 Club Coupe.
  2. Success .... bet it feels really SWEET!
  3. Ouch Randy ... say it isn't so.
  4. Joe, I haven't done it for a long time but back with my first '49 I used a 12v battery to jump start it probably once a week during the winters. That didn't cause any issues at all. I didn't have any accessories on and I didn't grind it very long .... 'cause I didn't have to. It started right up pretty much every time quite quickly. Very important to have the cables connected right.
  5. The AC number for the pump Bob is 9418. There are a couple other numbers that cross as well. One version has a glass sediment bowl (earlier model) and the newer models do not. I've actually seen (and have one) other version that works as well but don't know off the top of my head what the number is. Could check it out if you are interested. Here are the numbers I usually look for: 1523670, 1523648, 9418, 506x, 506. The first two are casting numbers .. sometimes they are listed with that only. The last two .... I think the 506x is the version with the sediment bowl and the vacumn assist. I'm not quite sure on the one that is just "506" it may be a version without vacumn assist. The standard pump number is 588 for the replacement OEM non-vacumn pump.
  6. I think my wife is sorta like Don's wife ..... likes to ride in the car and thinks that's cool. Has a thing for older cars .... but .... when I'm gone ..... it's all up for sale! I have been reminded how much the insurance is for my "stable" ... more than once. Generally quarterly.
  7. Ahah .... I thought I saw that engine on eBay several years ago .... anyone remember what it sold for?
  8. Looks like an engine I saw sell on eBay several years back .... any ideas as to who currently has it?
  9. Ya but if we have a P15-D24 crowd there JD we wouldn't have to unless we wanted to !!! .... and in the right place we might be able to muster the bigger crowd .... maybe Portland is that place? :rolleyes:
  10. Measure twice ... cut once (or twice ... as the case may dictate). You're going to do what? I may be ugly but you're stupid .... and you can't fix stupid. After 50 never pass up a chance to use a bathroom or trust a fart How fast will this thing really go?
  11. I always seem to hate it when I'm "universally refrigerated" .... and so does my wife.
  12. Here's the link to Norm's website on this ..... I'm pretty sure he would be pleased that his work and ideas live on and continue to put more Plymouths back on the road or keep them there. http://www.indfloorcoating-repair.com/1948plymouthenginerestoration.html
  13. Very nice ..... welcome.
  14. Welcome .... very nice looking car .... and that itch just continues to grow most often!
  15. Welcome all .....
  16. Good point Pete .... I had forgotten that PayPal allows secure credit card transactions as well. As to cost ..... I get enough mail so any less mail would be a plus. I think that an automated renewal OR reminder would be worth the extra dollar or so and I certainly would keep a mail-in option available for those who would choose that as an option. And, in lieu of a multiple year renewal option (which I think should be an option as well ... it creates a better member retention situation!) I would set up an automated annual renewal.
  17. Jim .... thanks for the comment regarding on-line payment for dues. Yes, credit cards would be nice and would probably cover the vast majority of users and I do know that it would require a secure link .... but it is fairly easy and doesn't require a secure site or web link to use PayPal as a way to transfer funds and make payments. However, the person seeking to pay for membership via PayPal WOULD have to have a PayPal account ... which not everyone does. But it would be a start. You might note on GTK's site here under "forum donation info" how easy it is to make a contribution to the site via PayPal ... just a couple clicks and GTK has "got money" .... and that transaction contains the person information at least .... and could include individual car information at well if that were required. So .. that might be an interim step just short of a secure site but useful to many of us. Your comment was: "One more comment regarding the previous postings, regarding on-line credit card payment for membership. At one time we did have a secure website for this. We lost that capability and our current webmaster - who donates his time and energy at no charge to the club - hasn't had the time to pursue the matter. It was very handy for me as membership secretary to receive on-line payments and hopefully in the future we can again have a secure site to do so."
  18. Jim ... your comment was: "Over the years I've heard carping from various individuals from various parts of the country and I've asked them--point blank--name your complaints and make your suggestions. So far, NOT ONE SINGLE person has come forth and taken me up on that offer. The Plymouth Club may not be perfect but a lot of sweat, tears and hard work has gone into making the organization what it has become--a worldwide entity preserving the great cars built by Plymouth." Several of us have recently posted on the POC website regarding online renewals for POC membership with payment via PayPal. GTK has a PayPal link set up here to allow us to contribute and many of us have done so. So ... there's one suggestion to improve POC .... update the ease at which memberships can be renewed. A small step but clearly an offered recommendation. John
  19. Top to bottom should be around 11" if P18
  20. It looks like from point to point on the long axis you might be close to 33? If so .... P18 Plymouth
  21. Look like 51-52 Plymouth to me ... the '49 P18 skirts look identical but are 33 long. At least one model of the 51-52's used the shorter version.
  22. Rest in Peace John ... and my sincere condolences to the family. John was one of the few "Midwest" mopar guys in the crowd and will be missed.
  23. Condolences to his family. I always enjoyed John's thoughts and also that he was one of the seemingly few "midwest" Mopar guys. He was certainly a creative sort. John .... you will be missed.
  24. Just found this Oct 2009 post for your then new car ..... looks really nice. I have one that is Kitchener Green as well. Did the previous owner provide any information on the paint formula? I have a Kitchener Green '49 as well and it's in need of some fresh paint for sure.
  25. Nice to see you on the forum Bill ....
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