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Everything posted by BloodyKnuckles

  1. You'll be very pleased. BloodyKnuckles
  2. I have had a failure with my OD which is being taken care of as we speak. This has given me some insight on the straight 3-speed and the OD. The regular 3-speed has the slow 2nd. Believe it or not I really like the slow 2nd. With the tired engine it pulls real nice in 2nd. The OD has the fast 2nd and it takes a long time to get into the power band. I like the fast 2nd but the slow 2nd is just as nice but in a different way. With the regular 3-speed I run a steady 60-65. I don't feel I'm taxing the engine too much. With the OD I run a steady 80-85 and have done 115 a few different times. I have driven the heck out of my OD, at least 28,000 and about 2000 without OD. It failed on me for some undetermined reason. It is at George Ashe's being rebuilt. I have to admit, the OD is worth it's weight in gold. They are priceless if you really drive these cars. BloodyKnuckles
  3. I am just about ready to roll 100,000 miles and I believe the engine to be original and un rebuilt. I have had the head off and oil pan and the insides look great. I have put 30,000 miles on this car since I have owned it. I can be abusive at times to the poor little engine but I do take care of it. I was very happy when I put the OD in. It keeps the rpms down and I feel it has probably saved the engine so far. BTW...I run Lucas and 1 quart of 20w50. BloodyKnuckles
  4. It was nice to see you too. Maybe next year?? ...and Saturday.... Where are you staying? If you want I can at least give you a shop tour and show you around a few of my projects. Keep in touch. BloodyKnuckles
  5. It's back!! Our club, Iron Lords, hosted this party last year during the Charlotte Auto Fair and it was great. So we decided it was a good idea to host another. Here it is; http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=461594 I know that this was posted on the HAMB but I want to invite my Mopar family again. It will be a great time. Please feel free to stop by and say hi. Myself and my club brothers would be happy to have you. I look forward to April 10th!! BloodyKnuckles
  6. Thanks, I will check that number tomorrow with the 3 NAPAs I have locally. BloodyKnuckles
  7. #99 Cool!! BloodyKnuckles
  8. Thanks. I am curious as to what they find. Keep us posted. BloodyKnuckles
  9. The Bosch at 3 NAPAs that I frequent is not available and the Carter has been built by Airtex for a while and is now discontinued. Also Auto Zone and Advance can't get them. Now there probably is a bunch of them still out there but if they are coming up N/A in computers it's hard for me to believe that they are accessable unless you know someone. I am probably wrong about all of this but I just wanted to share my recent experience. BloodyKnuckles
  10. So I have been having a heck of a time finding a fuel pump for Heather's DeSoto with the big six. I got info from Don Coatney about the Airtex 588 so I did a ton of reasearch and phone calls trying to locate one. A friend at a parts store called Airtex and got the confirmation that 588 has been discontinued. He also said that the Airtex rep said that they have had many negative calls about this. What other options do we have at this point? BloodyKnuckles
  11. Thanks alot for the info! I'm not a radial fan at all. I have a set of DBs on Heather's DeSoto and they are OK. They look like radial WW. Aero3113's tires and the whole car looks great! James could you post a few pics of yours? BloodyKnuckles
  12. Damn Tank! Things are looking really good! You should be very happy with the final outcome. By the way, I also just picked up a '61 Econoline panel van. It's really amazing how easy it is to get sidetracked when you end up with one of these things. Good luck. I look forward to the updates. BloodyKnuckles
  13. So, I'm enjoying the beautiful 80 degree weather we had yesterday while driving the Plymouth. When all of a sudden it felt as I was running out of gas. Pulled over. Went through the typical routine of checking and cleaning all 3 of my glass fuel bowls and filters. The fuel pump had the most sediment with half of the bowl full of large chunks of stuff. Then the ceramic filter was pretty dirty and the bowl had a bunch of real fine sediment. Then my "Mileage Minder" pressure regulator had only a very little bit at the bottom. So after cleaning and priming the carbs I got it running again. But, the Pressure Gauge read 4 pounds at start up but it began to creep lower and lower until it hit 0. What do you think could be causing the low pressure reading? Dirty lines from the tank? Bad "Mileage Minder"? What?? Thanks guys! BloodyKnuckles
  14. The '54 DeSoto; Honestly, I really like the '51 Plymouth grill. I plan on a full blown custom and will always run the Plymouth; BloodyKnuckles
  15. Wayfarer, I didn't realize that was you on the other board. Thank you so much for all the info. So you don't think the stock '51 Plymouth bellhousing will work? BloodyKnuckles
  16. So, I have an 833 that I was planning on using for another project but I have decided on a different route for that one. Well now I have a nice 833 with the 4th gear OD and I need OD now that my original OD failed on me. So what would be involved in swaping in this trans? I would love as much info as possible as I have a close friend with the same trans and a need for one in his '56 Dodge Panel. Thanks alot!!! BloodyKnuckles
  17. I should have known you would be able to help. Thanks alot! BloodyKnuckles
  18. I know this is a bit OT but a close friend of mine and I have been looking for a set of headers for a 225 slant 6. We have found Hooker (very expensive), Clifford (flakey service, very:confused:), Dutra Duals (very nice but pricey). So who has the best bang for your buck? Who would you buy from? Does anyone hand build them that you would recommend? This is driving us crazy. We need help bad!!!!!!!!! Thanks. BloodyKnuckles
  19. Heather told me to tell you that she sure as hell hopes so. Thanks Robin. BloodyKnuckles
  20. That's great!! Thanks man. Congrats to you too. BloodyKnuckles
  21. You guys are great. Thanks for the kind words. We have been happily together for such a long time. Before we decided to get married we had a discussion for the first time about starting a family. We never wanted a child at the same time until just recently. We both agree that we should be married before we start a family. So we will be hoping to start a family soon. I'll keep you guys posted. BloodyKnuckles
  22. I posted this over there but would like to share with you guys my excitement. After 20 years Heather and I got married. Here is the link to the pics, Mopar proud!! http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=421256 BloodyKnuckles
  23. Very cool. I have a bit of a weakness for the old car haulers and old work trucks in general. Thanks, BloodyKnuckles
  24. I'll tell ya, I am very impressed with our buddy Norm. I met him in Austin this past April. We spent a good amount of time throughout the weekend sharing stories and admiring each others cars. He has a very cool little set-up and great co-pilots. I just had a chance to see Norms coverage of his 6000 mile trip and all I have to say is that I only hope to be able to enjoy my life as it seems Norm has throughout this adventure. Norm, Thanks for the pictures. It makes me very proud to have a Plymouth brother that makes all of us look good. I'm glad I had the chance to meet you and I look forward to the next time. Safe travels. BloodyKnuckles
  25. I love it Norm! Congrats and well deserved!! BloodyKnuckles
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