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Everything posted by Bob_Koch

  1. Interesting as mine was cracked on the right, just before the spring mount. I thought it was just my truck.
  2. If you want patterns of the headliner and side panel pieces for your truck give Reg Evans a holler. He has blueprints of these available
  3. These trucks end up everywhere. It's great you're driving it in the Netherlands. With the wiper motor out, have you tried running it with the correct polarity? Seems like this would tell you if the problems from running it backwards, or if the motor has other issues. Keep reminding us about $10 gas. It makes me feel better when I have to pay $4 a gallon lately
  4. looks like you did a real nice job restoring the engine and truck. Glad my radiator helped you. only wish you were able to keep it.
  5. I received this in an email and am posting it here if anyone is interested in saving this truck. You can contact him directly at the number below: I hope you folks can help. I am doing some research for a friend has an old (1947 Job-Rated dump) Dodge truck and want to give somebody a great chance to own it. He had taken it to a local repair shop and paid up front to have it restored only to find the shop had closed and the truck sitting in an empty lot with all of the glass smashed. My friend just wants to have this whole event to be in the past and was going to sent the truck to junk yard and I told him I thought some body would like to have an old truck for parts or to restore? The truck is in Albany, Oregon and waiting for some body to come and get for not much money. Can you direct me to that person? Thanks Dave 541-740-7223 dtvic@comcast.net
  6. A 48 woodie is too awesome to keep in storage. Hope you can get to work on it soon. By the way, I live in California. Just let me know where it is and I'll take care of it for you.
  7. This Sunday night is again our monthly scheduled chat. This has been a great place to get valuable information and share information. Date: Last Sunday of the Month - September 28th Time: 5PM-PDT That's: 6PM-MDT That's: 7PM-CDT That's 8PM-EDT Where: DPETCA Website We will again be using the chat page on the DPETCA website as it seemed to work well last time. Here's the link: http://www.dodgepilothouseclub.org/chat/ NOTE: When accessing the chat page, it is helpful to register before logging in, but not necessary. If desired you can simply enter your name and click enter without any password. We will email a reminder again at the end of this week to all the members. Hope to see you there, Bob Koch DPETCA President
  8. Your jig is a great idea. Just a reminder to anyone doing frame rebuilding, we have the blue prints for these trucks on the DPETCA website: http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/know/blueprints/index.htm
  9. We need "those" for the same reason we have spare tires. What does a V-31 look like?
  10. Website back up again. Here's a link that will give you schematic and info on a wiring harness if you want to create one. http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/know/know.htm
  11. dodgepilothouseclub.org has the info. Seems the site is down at the moment. The website is hosted on a server in Houston, TX and the hurricane aftermath is effecting it. It should be back up again soon. Support is being handled by a skeleton crew right now.
  12. Nice blog. Glad you're finally gettin goin on the truck. My sat all summer this year without my working on it. Time for me to get back to it as well.
  13. A great story and a terrific looking woodie. If you need any more help just holler, we're all here to help eachother.
  14. Finally got pictures posted of the truck meet this summer in Fullerton, CA. Thanks to Dave and Terre Simons who made a lot of phone calls to make this happen. It's off to a good start with another one to come next year. http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/gallery/v/fullerton_2008/
  15. On occasion some of us have asked where to locate parts for our old trucks. One source mentioned is Turners Auto Wrecking in Fresno,CA. Dave and Terre Simons stopped there this summer and took pictures, so if you want an idea of what they have take a look. http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/gallery/v/turners/
  16. Reg, I also want an old Power Wagon , like 46 - 50. And I still want one of those wonderful pilot-house trucks with the extended cab from Australia. But my budget, time and space limit all of these things. In reality, I've been working on my '53 for almost 4 years now and it's not done yet. As it is, I got sidetracked this summer with a 1980 Honda CX500 motorcycle that was given to me. Always wanted a motorcycle, too. Now, at my old age I'm learning how to properly ride a cycle without killing myself. I guess I better finish the one project I have before I start anymore. I'm like a kid in a toy store with big eyes.
  17. Always wanted a COE. Thanks for the pics.
  18. We have our monthly online chat session scheduled for this Sunday night, August 31st. This is always a good time of sharing information and a wonderful way to ask questions. Here's the link for our chat page: http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/chat/phpMyChat.php3 Here's the starting time: Time: 5PM-PDT That's: 6PM-MDT That's: 7PM-CDT That's: 8PM-EDT Hope to see you there.
  19. I love our trucks. And I think they should be worth more than some of them sell for. But this is ridiculous. Keep this ad so when you sell your truck for $40,000 the buyer will know he got a real bargain. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dodge-Other-Pickups-1-2-Ton-1948-Dodge-Truck_W0QQitemZ130249365459QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item130249365459&_trkparms=39%3A1|65%3A10|240%3A1308&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245#ebayphotohosting
  20. Sounds like you've got quite find. And a rare one at that. Glad you got it.
  21. Nello Apostolico tried to weld back the stud bolt on his Dodge script and burned right though it. In response he machined his own script from solid stainless steel. He has also machined many other parts for his pilothouse. He wants to know if others would be interested in these parts. If he can get a number of people interested he thinks he can create more at a reasonable price. Take a look at the parts he has created and let him know what you think. He's also looking at recreating some proper outside door mirror mounts. I put all his pictures in the DPETCA photo album, so have a look and give your comments. http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/gallery/v/Nello/ Here's just a few of the pics:
  22. Did you look at the manuals on the dodgepilothouseclub.org site? they may give you a hint of what might work. http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/know/know.htm
  23. It may be the security setting on your internet explorer. Try this: on the internet explorer tool bar choose tools choose Internet Options choose the security tab slide the security level bar down one level.
  24. Here's the link Philip is referring to: http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Poor-Mans-Paint-Job-or...-How-to-paint-your-c/?ALLSTEPS
  25. You have a firewall program that is blocking access to the pictures. Make sure your firewall allows access to the site and it's scripts. There's nothing harmful in the scripts, it's just the way the program works to allow you to click the pictures to get to the albums.
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