Yeah, I've got the two wire sender. I told them I need a two wire sender and that's what they're (Yogi's) supposingly sending me. If not I'll return it. BTW: I ran the car for about 10 minutes a little bit ago and now it's reading constant between 1/2 and 3/4 which is close with 9 gallons in the tank. Weird.Tom
Tim, I'll pull it out and check it again. To tell you the truth, I don't like the looks of the Andy B. unit. Kinda cheap. Tanks had me call a company they deal with that has sending units. They sold me one that's adjustable and comes with full instructions. It don't hurt to try I guess.Tom
What would cause a fuel gauge to go to 3/4 then to 1/4 then back? It does the same on Acc. or On. I put a new sending unit in and another dash gauge. All connections are tight and I even hooked a ground from the sending unit to the trunk floor.
Well..... here's an update on the gas tank situation. I got the sending unit today and unhooked the battery and installed it. Still wouldn't read anything. Figured out the dash gauge shorted out on me. Unhooked battery again. I had a spare guage sittin' around and put it in. Tightened all wires and ground. It works now but it'll go up to 3/4 tank then it'll drop to 1/4 and so forth. Why would it fluctuate? Just curious. BTW: I've got about 9 gallons in the tank. 17 gallons full.
Wow! That sure is a nice Hawk. A guy I knew in the U.S. Air Force had a gold one like that back in '72. He used to let me take it on beer runs on our off hours.
Greg, It went better than I expected. I'm surprised the original straps fit. They told me stock capacity which is 17 gallon. I can't wait to put the sending unit in. I'll finally know how much gas is in the tank. I had a 5 gallon plastic tank in the trunk just to drive it around.Tom
Don, It's the hose that came with the tank. It also came with the rollover vent valve. Everything's installed properly. Just waiting to get my sending unit to install next week. My old tank had so many seam leaks that nobody would touch it.
Well guys, I installed the new Tanksinc. gas tank today and it went smooth. I even got the sending unit hole to line up and I even got to reuse my straps! Even got the piping to the fender to line up. So all I gotta do is hook my fuel line up and put the sending unit in when I get it next week. I already ran new wires from the gauge to the tank and am getting around 6.5 volts when the key is in acc. and on. I'm one happy camper!! Next week I'm gonna finish the brake job.
Bob, Everything seems to line up. The only thing is this tank has a vent right in the middle on top. The tank can't be flush with the trunk floor. I'll probably have to cut a small hole in the trunk floor to accomodate the 45 degree vent. It's always something huh? The only place that had a sending unit right away was Andy B. Won't get that 'till Tuesday or Wednesday.
New tank update. Dummy me dropped the fuel sender by accident and broke it. I took it apart to see if I could fix it and it's unrepairable. Is Andy B's units junk? I need one right away.
Do you have the horn plate that looks like a T under the horn button? Mine wasn't on there at the beginning but I found it in a box of stuff that came with the car. I installed it and the horn works perfect.
I got the tank in last night and it don't look like it will be too hard to install. I might have to modify the straps a little. I'll keep ya'll updated.
I just bought a gas tank from Tanks inc for my P-12. Could somebody tell me ahead of time how many things I gotta alter to make it fit properly. I heard a couple of different things.
No, I sold the Charger back in January. My girlfriend and I run a real estate school here in Melbourne and by the end of the year the market took a nosedive. Bye bye Charger. So I worked on the 41 Plymouth I have and made it a driver.
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