Bill, It is a pressure switch. And like Greg says, it's usually right off the front of the master cylinder. Don's also correct. It has two small posts on it. Here's a picture. Sorry it's a little blurry.
Harold, pressure bleed them. I had the same problem. Once I pressure bled them, then I readjusted the brakes and I got an excellent pedal. Still do and it's been a couple of monthes. Remember your freeplay.Tom
:DWelcome to the gang Michael! You've found the best ole' Plymouth site on the WWW. For your question, are you talking hubcaps here? I see someone posted before I could finish typing. I see you got your answer.
I just got home a bit ago and checked the oil filter gasket. I.D. is 4.00 inches and O.D. is 4.75 inches. If you can use this filter and gasket somehow, you're welcome to it. Here's a couple of pics. Part# 861032 (PN-15) Thrift type Micronic. Still has the instructions and parts tag inside.
I agree. Mine used to stick like that. My problem was the grommet for the accelerator going through the firewall was missing and the rod was rubbing on the edge of the firewall.Tom
My parents had a P-12 in 1950. Then in 1966 they were Mopar 'till my Dad passed in 1988. My first two cars were Furds. I quickly realized what junk they were. My opinion, of course. I bought my first Mopar in 1973 (1969 Plymouth Roadrunner) I've had all Mopar's since then, including 10 Dodge Charger's. This is my first older Mopar. I really enjoy this car.
My P-12 had no weatherstripping when I got it. Besides the door, is there weatherstripping on the door opening also? I plan on doing this sometime soon. The guy I bought it from left about 50 ft of it in the trunk. I know I need more. Appreciate the help. You guys are the best.
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