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P-12 Tommy

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Everything posted by P-12 Tommy

  1. And that's his story and he's stickin' to it! Tom
  2. I also agree!Tom
  3. Your right Tim!! I use brass rivets. I said steel by mistake. My bad.Tom
  4. Just pop the old rivets out with a hammer and a small punch. Then use steel rivets to rivet the linings on. You need a special tool for that. I bought a tool from these guys: www.partsformodelafords.com It cost $39.95 plus shipping. It works very well. BTW.....you can find linings and rivets on E-Bay. Tom
  5. I had a local mom and pop exhaust place do mine about 8 months ago.. They had a guy that has 40 years experience bending pipe. Made the whole system in about 2 hours. Aluminumized and runs very quiet. $240.00. Just an example. Tom
  6. How did you get the 81's to fit the holes? They are twice as big as the 55's.Tom
  7. Welcome to the gang Mike! You won't find a better site on the WWW. There is more than enough people here willing to help. As for your problem, you can also check,clean and re-gap your points to 0.20. Tom
  8. I know alot of guys here won't buy stuff at Andy B's but I bought a set of cables there almost two years ago and they work great. They have the starter cable,positive and negative cables there for $46.00 altogether. Tom
  9. I agree with Norm entirely!Tom
  10. Mike, I bought one at Auto Zone and it has worked great for the past two years. Just make sure all your grounds are tight and your genny and VR are up to snuff and that'll help your battery do it's job. Tom
  11. Ed, Looks like an older re-build. Still in the box. I posted pics on another post awhile back.Tom
  12. Congrats Bob! Tom
  13. Thanks Shel!!Tom
  14. I've still got an A/C 9418 dual action pump if somebody needs it. I know.... I sound like a broken record. Tom
  15. You guys know I asked a question off an old post from Nov. 2006. Right?
  16. Where do you get 81's.Tom
  17. Hey Jim, What kind of paint did you use for the front bulbs?Tom
  18. Well.... from what I understand the brace is just for added stability 'cause the oil bath unit is top heavy. Tom
  19. Mike, Somebody on e-Bay is selling the heater and vent stuff you're looking for. I think it's a buy it now type of thing. As far as skirts go you can search the forum archives. Tom
  20. Welcome to the gang Happy! You won't find a better site on the WWW. Tom
  21. Those on e-Bay look like they'll fit my P-12.
  22. Yeah, I spent $215.00 plus tax on mine from TanksInc. and has been great ever since.
  23. I've still got my one wire unit in the box if anybody needs it. Tom
  24. Paul, Here's a pic of my lower shock mount on my P-12 if that'll help. Tom
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