Just pop the old rivets out with a hammer and a small punch. Then use steel rivets to rivet the linings on. You need a special tool for that. I bought a tool from these guys: www.partsformodelafords.com It cost $39.95 plus shipping. It works very well. BTW.....you can find linings and rivets on E-Bay.
I had a local mom and pop exhaust place do mine about 8 months ago.. They had a guy that has 40 years experience bending pipe. Made the whole system in about 2 hours. Aluminumized and runs very quiet. $240.00. Just an example.
Welcome to the gang Mike! You won't find a better site on the WWW. There is more than enough people here willing to help. As for your problem, you can also check,clean and re-gap your points to 0.20.
I know alot of guys here won't buy stuff at Andy B's but I bought a set of cables there almost two years ago and they work great. They have the starter cable,positive and negative cables there for $46.00 altogether.
Mike, I bought one at Auto Zone and it has worked great for the past two years. Just make sure all your grounds are tight and your genny and VR are up to snuff and that'll help your battery do it's job.
Mike, Somebody on e-Bay is selling the heater and vent stuff you're looking for. I think it's a buy it now type of thing. As far as skirts go you can search the forum archives.
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