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Robert Horne

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Everything posted by Robert Horne

  1. I have not figured exactly what I will use on the throwout bearing setup. I have several arms and bearings on my table. I just pulled my 38 trans out this morning. I have been slow at this setup, with my health not so great lately. I had my 5 speed front plate machined, rather than machine the 5 inch hole in the bell housing, either should be ok. I had a couple bolt holes drilled for the top 2 trans bolts, and added a piece of angle iron for the bottom 2 trans bolts.
  2. I installed an electric fuel pump I bought from Advance Auto Parts. I first installed it near the center of the car, got 5lbs of pressure. I moved it to the rear, near the fuel tank, have 7lbs of pressure.
  3. Your white 48 looks great. I wish my 48 looked that good. I will have to buy alot of sandpaper for my wife.
  4. Welcome to the forum. This my long time friend's car, Charles, Ironton, Ohio. 350 Chevy engine.
  5. I was checking prices of 2000 Explorer, Rotors, Calipers, Brake Pads, Hoses, for my wife's Explorer, on ebay......$145 delivered for all...
  6. You have a beautiful Granddaughter there Bob. We have a new addition to our clan here, as of 30 March, his name is Brice..
  7. Yesterday, I tried an explorer rotor on my 38 Coupe's front hub. It would fit with a little grinding on the Coupe hub, or a little grinding on the inside of the Explorer rotor.
  8. I bought a new boat tach for my Plymouth, on ebay, about $40, easy to read, works great.
  9. I see many Jeep fuel tanks on ebay, 73 to 76 CJ, 25 x 18 x 11, about $100 delivered. Maybe a little deep, but may fit. The 78 to 86, 15 gallon look good also...
  10. Excellent videos, thanks for sharing..
  11. I bought two of the Ranger trans, incase I break something. I was hoping to install my 5 speed this fall, but my 3 speed 1st gear is not going to hold up any longer, so looks like I will be working on the 5 speed setup soon. I am on the hunt for another Explorer rearend also. The Explorer I bought to get the rearend, was repairable, so the wife took it. She knows, that now she has to wash & wax (bikini style) the Plymouth Coupe very often.
  12. $3.85 here is Virginia this week... Last week I was over in N.C., saw a couple of places, $3.67..
  13. My wife, (the old China woman), now understands, "the Bikini Car Wash",:) and she understands, "wax on, wax off".:) The next step is for her to understand, "Fryed Taters":eek:
  14. The spring is to hold the filter in place. I have been using Fram C3 from Tractor Supply...
  15. Rich, thanks for the offer of, to borrow the tool, but I have already bored the bushing 3 times, first bore-too small, second bore-.001 clearance, third bore-.004 clearance. I installed the bushing yesterday, and attached the trans. seems ok for now.... I have searched the internet for clearance numbers, so far .002 to .005 seems to be ok. I was concerned why the difference in a needle bearing type have a loose fit of .010 to .012. This set up is going into a spare empty frame, spare engine, spare 5 speed, for testing, fit, etc. I drove my 38 around the property here for several years before putting on the body. thanks, Bob..
  16. Randy, great news, congrats. That is something to braggggg about, for sure.
  17. I bought a new Oilite pilot bearing for my 5 speed Ranger to Plymouth project. I bored out the bearing and have a .004 difference from pilot shaft OD to bearing ID. Another bearing I bought last year, was the needle bearing type and had a difference of .012, that seemed very loose. Anyone have an idea of what would be a good clearance for the Oilite type bearing? The .004 clearance seems ok on one trans, but a little snug on the second trans. thanks, Bob..
  18. When I lived in Cleveland, Ohio, any vehicle over 12 years old was a rare collector item. more salt, more salt, more salt.....
  19. 39 Plymouth. On my 38, I am not running any muffler, yet, only 2 inch pipe all the way to the rear. I plan on experimenting with different mufflers soon. At 80HP it is not really tooooo loud,, maybe...
  20. Back then, your car stayed dirty because of the dirt roads. About anyone you knew could be found at the local gas station, ice cream shop, or pool hall. Most people went by a nickname. The car you drove was the only family vehicle. Eight out of ten high school boys could tune a car's engine, and four out of ten could rebuild that engine.
  21. Auto body work has been a hobby of mine for many years, but each year doing body work gets more difficult. I am very lucky to have a understanding wife that is willing to help out a little. She makes good coffee also......
  22. The advantage of two pipes, "true" or not, would be that you would have less backpressure near the engine. If you run "true" duals all the way, many people add a "H" pipe to balance backpressure, one pipe with another.
  23. Rebuilding what you have, or changing to disc is all up to you. You can have your shoes relined, get wheel cylinder rebuild kits or parts from Napa Auto. Master cylinders can be cleaned/rebuilt easy, or modify with a newer type Master cylinder. OR, You can go with the disc setup. There are several suppiers on this site. If you read the threads on here, you will see there is not much problem changing to disc, and parts are easy to get at a local auto parts store. I have drums on my 38, and 48, but went with a more modern Master cylinders for now on each, and they are doing very good.
  24. My Parts List Book of 24 Jan, 1938, lists many 12 volts items available in 1938. Parts are R. H. D., for export. "Parts peculiar to right hand drive trucks are indicated by (R.H.D.)."
  25. My Dodge is registered as a 1949 also, but has the 48 body style I believe it depends on what part of the year the car was produced.
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