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Bradley S.

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Everything posted by Bradley S.

  1. I've changed that switch twice now. I always carry a spare. It is indeed a tapered pipe thread and I prefer pipe thread sealant, but teflon tape works too.
  2. Outstanding, quality product!
  3. Rest in peace Don.
  4. I checked it out, you guys are spot on. Exhaust leak past the shaft when the valve is closed. Stops when the valve is flopped over to open. Thankk you! Brad
  5. Hey, I just checked out the flyer for it on their facebook page. I just might drive up there Sunday!
  6. Thank you for the technical advice. When does one find this heat riser kit? Vintage Power Wagons perhaps? Thank you!
  7. Is it possible for this flapper plate to rot and start leaking exhaust gas into the intake? Seems like I hear some exhaust noise coming from that area on my truck. It goes away when I turn the flapper plate to the open position. I don't remember hearing that noise before. Brad
  8. It is a small show. I had the only old truck. Probably a dozen Road Runners and Super Bees. A few Vipers. Some Cudas. Maybe 25 - 30 cars and trucks total. One guy brought his AMC Pacer.
  9. For all of you who like near Fox Lake, Il, there is a small but freindly show in Fox Lake on June 22. See link below for the flyer. Big Red and I will be there. Hope to see you there too! http://www.chicagolandmopar.com/forum/content.php?131-2014-Chicagoland-Mopar-Club-Events Brad
  10. Hi Fargos! Thank you for the great information. I want to buy a new used Intake and exhaust manifold combo for my 236.6 cid L6. I plan to pull the engine on my B1F and go through it next winter and I would like to have a spare intake and exhaust in case I break something. Want me to send you some pictures of the one on the engine now for comparison? Thanks again! Brad
  11. Oh, one more thing, where might I find a intake / exhaust manifold for a 236.6 cid L6 in my B1F? Any ideas? Vintage Power Wagons does not have any. Thank you! Brad
  12. Quick question for ya'll. In the attached picture, that Fargos Go Far posted, is the heat riser flap in the open/cold or closed/hot position? Thank you! Brad
  13. I am very sorry to hear about the fire. I can only imagine how you feel.
  14. You guys are too funny! Probably better to leave firearms out of the equation. Go to the grocery store instead....
  15. Whoa! Boar hunting? Serious? If so, I need some more information on this for sure. Public or private land? What website should I visit to find out more about Cali rules and regulations?
  16. All; Thanks for the information. Todd wrote me and has a tank I can use as a pattern. Good excuse to drive up and see him. Let's see where this goes! Brad
  17. That weekend is open and I am seriously thinking about flying out.
  18. Hello all; It's real cold here now and I am getting bored. I need a winter engineering project. I was thinking about what it would take to get a reproduction fuel tank for our 48 - 53 Dodge trucks made. That might be an interesting winter project. That said, do any of you guys have an old worthless tank that I could use as a pattern? As long as all the dimensions are there, I don't care how many holes are in it. Let me know if you have one and what you would want for it, plus shipping to Fox Lake, IL. I would also be interested in your opinion on whether a repro tank should be metal or plastic. Also, my thinking is to go with the 5 hole sending unit mount rather than the stock locking ring type mount. What do you think? Maybe is is possible to somehow make an adapter so either could be used. If you have any technical data on the dimensions on the original locking ring sending unit mount and locking ring let me know (see attached). I can get the dimensions for the 5 hole mount off of a modern sending unit. OK, just looked for the JC Whiney universal sending unit pn 1JA 128525 and it is no longer there. This look similar to the one I installed: http://www.jcwhitney.com/equus-direct-fit-fuel-sending-unit/p3040431.jcwx?skuId=6875803&filterid=d51471y1948g2u0j1 Anyway, just a thought. and I am sure I wil be overwhelmed at the cost to try to do this, but it's a long winter and there is definitely a need for a repro tank. Brad
  19. Need the face plate label too.
  20. I installed a UL Listed Cole Hersee Model 2484-16 master battery disconnect switch in the front of the seat base on the driver's side. It is rated for the service and works like a champ. http://www.colehersee.com/home/item/cat/207/2484-16/
  21. All; Resurrecting this thread. My truck's clutch pedal is doing the same thing; wobbles left when depressed and squeeks against the floorboard. I plan to install Dennis's fix for now. I thought I read somewhere that to get the pedal off and replace the shaft, you need to remove the cab. Is that right? Thanks! Brad
  22. Thank you Merle for a great day! Really appreciate your hospitality. Those brats that Ralph brought were outstanding. The drive up and back was also a lot of fun. I had to flog Big Red to keep up with Tim. Oh, and thanks for helping me finally determine my truck's axle ratio which is 6.285. It was great to finally meet face to face some of the fine folks on the Forum. I am already looking forward to next year. Brad
  23. Josh, my son goes to UW Platteville too. He is a senior.
  24. Saturday's Forecast for Waukesha, Wisconsin for Merle's Pilothouse - A - Go - Go. Sunny, no chance of rain and a high of 60 degrees, a perfect fall day! That cool air will make those flat heads purr. I am bringing a big dish of my German potato salad and perhaps a few Lienies..... Y'all in Cali, if you start driving now, you still could make it. Brad
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