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Everything posted by dgrinnan

  1. Yes, I placed an order over the weekend and it shipped and is scheduled for delivery today. I called yesterday and no issue. I tried calling them this morning and the number is disconnected.
  2. I hope it is just a local service outage. I have not been able to reach DCM Classics today. I talked to them yesterday. Today I get a message saying the phone number is not in service. That would be a big loss of vintage Dodge/Plymouth owners if they have shut down. They are a great source for parts and they have been working to add hard to find parts to their product line.
  3. Fresh out of paint. In the process of re-assembling.
  4. I need to install the rubber outer windshield frame seal on my 47 1/2 ton WC. It is not obvious which direction it faces. I think I know but wanted to get confirmation. One side of the seal is smooth. I think it is suppose to face the body. The other side has a contour that I think faces out. Also, should it just press into the channel? Smooth side Contour side
  5. Thanks, I ordered them from DCM. Luckily I had just place an order with DCM and was able to contact them in time to get them to through the bolts in the box with my current order. Saved me $10 in shipping for 80 cents worth of bolts.
  6. I hVe a 47 WC. What are you guys doing to upgrade the front suspension and steering? I don't want to cut the frame and weld in something Are there any bolt in kits. I am only considering this to improve handling/steering at higher speeds.
  7. I have new mirrors for my 47. I know they are held in place by the hinge pin but there is also a hole in the middle of the bracket that aligns with a hole in the middle of the hinge. It looks like it is threaded but I can't seem to figure out what size bold should be used. Does anyone know what size and thread bold that should be?
  8. I figured it out. Much more simple than I thought. It just sits in place with the interior trim piece holding it. It doesn't give me a lot of confidence about how water tight the seal is but it is installed.
  9. I have a 1947 Dodge 1/2 ton truck. All the glass was out when I got it. I am putting it back together. I have the rear window glass and purchased a new rubber gasket. The gasket is just a C channel. Can someone post a close up of their rear window so I can see how it is supposed to be installed/sealed. I was expecting the gasket to be like the front windshiled where you have a channel for the glass and an opposing channel to fit on the body flange.
  10. Does anyone have a diagram or the dimensions of the bed boards for a 1947 1/2 ton. My 47 had no bed boards, just a sheet of plywood. I want to replace the boards and was not sure what widths they were. I also have a 54 Chevy 1/2 ton and was able to find this for the Chevy. I am looking for something similar for the Dodge.
  11. I will try a new thermostat and report back.
  12. Should I be concerned? I have a 54 Plymouth 218 in my 47 Dodge truck. At first I thought the temp gauge was defective. I added an aftermarket gauge that starts at 130 degrees fahrenheit. I can run the engine for 20-30 minutes and it does not register and temp increase. I can place my hand on top of the engine and leave it for 30 or more seconds. the engine is still pretty cool. Not much more than warm. If I back out the temp probe antifreeze does pour out.
  13. Does anyone know of a source for decals to refresh/enhance the front trim on a 47 dodge? I see decals for other vehicles. The red areas. Similar to what is availabe for GM
  14. My mechanic who has been working on these engines for 60 years had me get Champion CHA 844. You can get them at NAPA. They are OEM style copper core.
  15. I have seen different people post different speeds they cruise at in their stock trucks. I have an original 218 (recently bored to .040) with an original 3 speed transmission and the original rear end in my 1947 WC. Based on your experience, what is a comfortable sustainable cruising speed without running at extreme RPMs?
  16. I am preparing my 47 WC for new paint. I have the front trim off and I am in the process of polishing it. The new after market trim has red highlights in some areas. Looking at my trim in a couple places I can see indications the original did but it has simply wore off over the years. Have any of you re-painted the red areas? How did you go about it? Did you just carefully mask it off? Did you paint it with a brush or spray it? any tips to get a good crisp edge would be appreciated.
  17. My 47 project did not have a horn or any of the parts. I have source an original horn assembly. The button and the components (rings, springs, etc...) including the wire tail. I also have a horn. Does this require a horn relay?
  18. Nice looking truck
  19. I checked out Speed Shop. They don't appear to have the headlights with built in turn signal in 6v.
  20. I just purchased this from eBay. I might start out trying the cowl lights. I have not looked at the headlight bulbs with built in turn signal light yet. I do need new headlights.
  21. Next thing you know we will have running water. Who knew. I will have to take a look at those. Thanks.
  22. Thanks, I knew those lights were referred to as cowl lights but I was not clear what they were supposed to be used for. I am assuming some sort of running light. I agree with you on finding an original instead of a new replica. I have until spring to figure it out.
  23. My 47 WC did not come with a turn signal switch. Are these lights supposed to be turn signal or are they for something else. (stock photo, not my truck) I am attempting to track down an authentic turn signal switch. If I find one I was not sure what I should connect to it. My new tail lights have a dual filament bulb and I know how to wire them but was not sure about up front.
  24. JB Neal, very nice write up. A lot of good information.
  25. Does anyone know if the original 1939 through 1947 six cylinder oil cannisters had any decals/labeling. I have a 47 WC 1/2 ton. It appears the original cannisters where black but I haven't been able to find any photos of any labeling they might have had. DCM and Andy Berbaum sell a decal set but they don't look correct.
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