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1955 plymouth

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Everything posted by 1955 plymouth

  1. Thanks for sharing the pics.. I would have loved to been in the mall for once.. looks like fun, just watch the lookie loos:eek:.
  2. ;)o.k., it looks like the upper line from the engine block is a hard line and it runs from the block just below the freeze plug to a fitting on the bottom of the filter housing, the Lower line from the block is a steel braided flex line and it runs to a fitting in the top of the oil filter housing, here a a couple pics I shot in the dark... hope it helps. in the attatched photo 1091 and 1993 you can see the entire hard line ran from the upper fitting on block to the bottom of filter canister, you can almost see the entire lower steel braided line that runs to the top of the filter housing also. you might have to tilt your head a bit, the camera was sideways getting the shot...
  3. i will look at my 52 and let you know what I find.
  4. DOT 5 is a silicone base, not a Glycol base as the DOT3 or 4. the o-rings and seals used for DOT5 are different than the o-rings and seals used in DOT3 systems. The DOT4 has a shelf life of about 2 years as far as I know the DOT3 does not have this crucial shelf life..
  5. Went to a car show in bellingham today, took a few pictures, not many Mopars in attendance to this show. Nice show, a nice mix of "super clean":rolleyes: to "rust buckets":eek:
  6. you are looking for a trumpet looking horn or a smaller rounded one? I will check and see what I might have.
  7. nice, looks like it wasn't too bad to adapt. I need to do something like this for the '55 Plymouth Belvedere I have as a project for me and my son, it does not have a master cyl. I saw one on e-bay last night for about $80, perhaps I will try to adapt another instaed. After all it is just a fluid resivour with a plunger inside to push fluid right...
  8. what type horn are you looking for? I have the internal pad and wire components to a five window b3. It has the trim ring around it, the trim ring is busted but the guts to the horn are good.
  9. I live in Concrete, 30 miles East from I-5 along Hwy 20. I run a motorcycle shop in Concrete called Eagles in Flight. Check it out. I will keep pitures coming, I need to put a couple on here from the tear down. http://www.eaglesinflightllc.com/
  10. I found a Bullseye on my '50 Deluxe.
  11. Wow Hank, looks like a good time. I hope I am up to the task, I have been a mechanic for about 13 years working on motorcycles, have always repaired my own cars, never any major undertaking. I feel now is the time. Tim, the KB1 is a '48 I have posted several pictures of that truck on here in the past, thread title "free truck" or something like that. It needs a major undertaking itself, that truck has sat since '73.
  12. I have a radio in rough condition, not sure what it may be worth? in a 52
  13. Nice looking truck Hank! The Five window cab has less cancer than the three window I have running right now. it does need some help in a couple spots. The tractor used to pull the cab put a nice dent in the top.
  14. how many think a cab swap would be a good move, to install the 5 window cab I got in this deal on my truck in place of the existing three window?
  15. Fred. It almost looks like you have a small bare spot on the power wire coming into the distributor, as the plate moves the wire will jump arc to the housing and loose spark, will idle perfect when you rev the engine up it will have a steady miss that will increase with rpm?. The little wire will do that and it looks like yours has a bare spot.
  16. One of the heads is from a P20 dated 1954 it is a "P" head.the other I really haven't looked at too closely yet. I will post some pictures of the heads soon to this thread. Thanks for the link to the compression ratio milling chart. I can cc the head no problem and set up the mill to take the surface down, might do the block on the spare engine from the '54 Plymouth I have too.
  17. I have recently came into a couple extra mopar heads:rolleyes:, the 23.5" versions, was just wondering if anyone had the "magic" formula to re-work these heads, mill.050" from the gasket surface? port? I would like to play with one and try to install on one of my other engines once ready. Thanks for any sucessful stories re-working a head.
  18. the last post makes me think of this problem I have on my Chevelle. I have replaced the starter recently due to broken end cap for pinion gear housing, now the car is hard to start when hot. I asked an older hot rodder and he said the Chevs had a couple different starters that would fit and I should try to find the higher rated starter. Good point, You might very well have a wire contact issue or a weak starter armature.?
  19. I would try to not touch the gas pedal when starting the car unless it has been sitting for a while.
  20. nice to see someone out there cares...
  21. I have one too, we found this one in Dads 52 Chev. He removed it and I told him I had to have it, just trying to figure what car to run it in.
  22. The number on the block indicates it is from a 1954 Plymouth 218. The head also has a 1953 date casting. Crazy stuff..
  23. here are a few more of the body parts that came along.
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