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    Love Old Cars
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    Tinkering with old cars

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  1. My first car was a 1973 Dodge Charger SE.. Wish I still had it. Never had any trouble out of it for 6 years..John
  2. Didn't the "Shop" test drive it before releasing the car to you? That way they could have found the problem and fixed before letting it go.
  3. If you could find the wire baskets that go with the rims would make it look alot different.. OOPS welcome and it doesn't look like you have too much work ahead of you..God Bless US All...John
  4. It looks as if Rodney is scratching his head trying to figure out what you did.. Great progress on your car Joe and it looks GREAT... Bet you can't wait to Cruise in it...John
  5. Did it have a screw loose somewhere?
  6. Myself personally..I wouldn't use any type of additive on a fresh engine..
  7. Drive it about 25mph and tap the gas pedal. If it makes noise then...probably a u-joint. If it does it under a load probably a mount or exhaust system. Possibly spring from pressure plate.. So many possibilities..Wheel bearing????
  8. Well at least it's a Chevy...
  9. Here in Tn. There would have been alot of hoops to jump thruogh to get a title...Unless the P.O. signed an affidavit stating as to why he didn't have the title. In my case the title was lost in a tornado some 35 yrs ago and the car was from Georgia.. with that one document everything was smooth as silk:)...
  10. They look like good ones.......DEAD...
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've had my P15 for about two months now, driving it almost every weekend and having a great time with it. Even the wife likes going for rides! This weekend I spent quite a bit of time under the hood tinkering with things that need attention. What I've noticed is that the hood seems very flexible where it meets the cowl and thought it strange. So I was looking in the service book for images of that area (not many)... I think I might be missing a rib at the back of the hood underside that would act as a stiffener. I don't have the parts manual yet with the exploded diagrams, and was hoping that one of you gents that has one can tell me if I am missing a part of my hood... Thanks! PS, weather and cruising this weekend in central Mass was great! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1946-...item33676a594a You will have to drill out your hinges and fabricate a support
  12. Al: I'm sorry about the wrong advice on the bleeding of the brakes..I was taught to do it that way years ago...In hindsight I should have read the manual, before posting.. God Bless US All... John
  13. When you start bleeding the brakes...start with the wheel closest to the master cyclinder..then the next closest and so on...you may have to do it twice..LF...RF...LR...RR... God Bless US All... John
  14. Falconvan.. I've used a drill and then taken a file to make it rectangular..Drill out as much metal as possible..then take the file to it..Takes a little time but if you want the factory look..then worth it.. God Bless US All...John
  15. Thanks Again.. I was thinking on getting the driveshaft too...Just to be safe..Thanks.. John
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