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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Here is a very nice colored drawing of my Fargo, done by a local artist, it took him 20 hours. It is very detailed, even my lack of nice body work on the door, very much impressed. This was a gift from my Wife and 2 kids at home...
  2. Condolences to Greybeards family. I was wondering for quite a while where Dave had been. RIP Dave....
  3. Well no Don, George was at Carlisle this Year with Tim Kingsbury, but did not set up a booth to sell his wares. George, was out and about enjoying the event and saying hi to folks he met...
  4. Using lead in the last few years, maybe 40 years...LOL
  5. That's actually a good idea, and would work well, if this sludgey crud can be picked at first. The stuff is like a fairly solid matter, and has to be dug out so to speak. I am leaving it alone, until, I can take the intake and exhaust off again, only a year ago, so should come off easy. The truck, does not have a removable inner fender, so it is very difficult to get into this are, with manifolds in place...
  6. Why look at pictures, here are 2 videos with George, his good family friend too,
  7. Yup, least of my worries, is getting in there and cleaning this area out 1 time,, not being cocky, and will wear gloves. I have cut asbestos tile, and done a few other no-nos over the years, doing it once or twice ina lifetime, may not be as injurious as a daily routine..........
  8. Had a Chebby friend out with me the other day, he also said keep the 6, it was running great and 100 km/h like nothing. I am chasing some vibration issues, have not figured it out yet, so not wanting to go too fast. You and I can get away with slower vehicles where you and I drive, for the most part. I would not really enjoy these vehicles where everyone is driving 120-130 km/h up my bumper. So there are advantages to living in slower parts of prairie Canada
  9. That's 1 fast little Roadster, I hear....
  10. I believe you are correct on this. Mine also does not use oil, very good oil pressure, decent compression, although 2 cyls are a bit lower. After changing oilpan gasket, not even leaking any oil to my knowledge....
  11. So popped off the side plates to the lifter chambers, not as clean as I would like, thats for sure. The oil pan and bottom end were much cleaner, than in the lifter chambers. I have sludge sitting in the little pockets, dug some out, but looks like I need to do some work to get this area clean, maybe do the valves same time. Anyone else have to clean this area out in a runner engine while in the vehicle, don't think leaving it alone is the better answer, although have considered it....
  12. Sure it's available, so is having that cam regrind to higher lifter/longer duration. I know Rob well enough though, He will prefer stock. This engine is most likely a long block 218 OEM HP rated at 98 hp, 1 of the shortest stroked engine in the Canadian Mopar Flathead 6 lineup.
  13. Looks great, only thing I may have done extra, was had the head planed a little more, just for a little more umph. Everything looks good.
  14. How about Moose headers and Intake, get some Zoooommmmmm factor at the same time
  15. This was removed from a 1955 Dodge 1 ton, with a 250 engine....thanx
  16. The motor mount I posted, it's from a truck, is that different than for 1940-48 cars? Fred would like this mount, but do not want to send him something he can't use.....
  17. As promised and delivered.
  18. Just took some pics Fritz... post in a bit
  19. Thought so too, but have read should not be an issue with the chrysler ECI, can anyone confirm this either way. The solid core wires are a pain with radio noise resistance, that's for sure....
  20. Here is mine in late winter this year. It has improved to 19, but needle still bounces.
  21. Okay, well thanx for the pleasure of facilitating this pleasure to you guys, with my pain.........
  22. Posted this on the truck side Rob, we have not had snow yet except a few flurries blowin in the air, a lot of mist, drizzle and fog. Supposed to be mid 50s temps for the weekend. Here is something for Jeff and PP, the 2 Californians. Just took the trusty ole Fargo for a spin, drove into town, drove around town down Main Street etc. This is not an overly long excursion, maybe 20 miles total. It is a very dark and cloudy start of the evening, 33f, the odd flurry , and a northwest wind of 11 mph. Heater is going in the truck, temp is 160 steady, oil pressure is 50-55 on the highway, and 40 at idle. Highway was driving about 60, lots of commuter traffic, and lots of Deer running around. Just thought I would let you Guys know, even though it's cold and dark, can still play with the old truck...
  23. Here is something for Jeff and PP, the 2 Californians. Just took the trusty ole Fargo for a spin, drove into town, drove around town down Main Street etc. This is not an overly long excursion, maybe 20 miles total. It is a very dark and cloudy start of the evening, 33f, the odd flurry , and a northwest wind of 11 mph. Heater is going in the truck, temp is 160 steady, oil pressure is 50-55 on the highway, and 40 at idle. Highway was driving about 60, lots of commuter traffic, and lots of Deer running around. Just thought I would let you Guys know, even though it's cold and dark, can still play with the old truck...
  24. Although the OP is now drwaing a hgher more stavble vacuum, and this was a result of adjusting the lifters, some or many were too loose, hopefuully he adjusted when hot, and will check them again ina heat cycle or 2. His new vacuum readings are good, but that slight bounce of the needle indicates somehthing is slightly amiss here, mine is the same. I have no intake or vacuum line leaks, leads me to believe, 1 or more vavles not sealing 100 %....
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