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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. I do know that Wayfarer stated it is not a simple swap, some fabbing rear trans mount, as you will no longer have th fluid drive/clutch housing, shifter install, driveshaft cut and matched, throttle cable kickdown (Lokar possibly),external trans cooler and lines, starter motor. I am not sure whats involved in bolting the flexplate to the trans crank, possibly comes with trans adapter. With all of this, and the cost, it has been said a 318/360 might be no more work, and most likely cheaper.
  2. I think if Jeff, seriously wants to go auto trans route, he needs to speak with Gary aka Wayfarer. This will be a somewhat intensive project, but has been done, and it may give you want you need for your driving environment...
  3. Look forward to this build JR, keep us updated with progress and pics....leanin tower opower oh yah
  4. Here ya go JR, this is the slant 6 for you,
  5. Here are the Chrysler A833 4 spd gear spreads, A-833 Transmission Gear Ratios 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 6-cyl (also 64-65 273, 74-75 318) 3.09 1.92 1.40 1.00 Fine-spline V8 (most pre-1971) 2.66 1.91 1.39 1.00 Coarse-spline V8 (1966-70) 2.65 1.93 1.39 1.00 Coarse-spline V8 (1971-74) 2.44 1.77 1.34 1.00 Road Race T/A; most 1971-74 fine spline 2.47 1.77 1.34 1.00 Overdrive (mid-1970s and newer) 3.09 1.67 1.00 0.73 OD A833 with 4.10 gears 1st 12.66 2nd 6.84 3rd 4.10 4th 2.99 The A833 trans would or may likely have a more suitable gear spread in this application..
  6. I couldn't agree more John, I have 3.23 gears in my diff, not always optimal, but nice after 45-50 mph. I have no problem starting off in 2nd gear, and no revving or clutch wearing either, I do find a problem on the highway, when trying for max acceleration to highway speeds. If I am bucking a head wind, and once I shift from 3rd to 4th, it can be doggy until I get to at least 50 mph, which is around 1800 rpm or so. With your current set-up, if you shift into 5th at 45-50 mph, how is your acceleration and power after that? When dealing with an approximate 100 hp, for most of us, we need all the help we can get. Even gaining 30 to 40 hp with some engine add-ons would make a difference....good thread Jeff T 98 Acme 4 spd trans 1st 6.40 2nd 3.09 3rd 1.68 4th 1.0 Final drive with 3.23 gears 1st 20.67 2nd 9.98 3rd 5.42 4th 3.23 Final Drive 4.10 gears 1st 26.24 2nd 12.66 3rd 6.92 4th 4.10
  7. And this,http://www.napaonline.com/Catalog/Result.aspx?Ntt%3dtimken%2b14125A%26Ntk%3dInterchange%2bNumber%26Nty%3d1%26Dn%3d0%26D%3dtimken%2b14125A%26Dk%3d1%26Dp%3d3%26N%3d0
  8. Probably this, http://www.napaonline.com/Catalog/CatalogItemDetail.aspx/Wheel-Bearing-Cone-Outer-Front-Wheel/_/R-BRGBR09074_0074411765
  9. And this, http://www.napaonline.com/Catalog/CatalogItemDetail.aspx/Wheel-Bearing-Cone-Inner-Front-Wheel/_/R-BRGBR14130_0469122912
  10. Is this what you are looking for, http://www.napaonline.com/Catalog/CatalogItemDetail.aspx/Wheel-Bearing-Cone-Outer-Front-Wheel/_/R-BRGBR12580_0225694290
  11. TAT, if your distributor is in the correct position, and your #1 sparkplug wire is indexed on the cap in the right spot, start her up. You can dial in your carb and timing with a vacuum gauge, by setting carb, setting idle to it's highest vacuum, then then back off slightly. Set your idle, do you have a tach/dwell meter? Next advance your timing to it's highest vacuum reading, then retard it slightly. I would go ahead first, and get it running, see what you have> As long as the dizzy is in the right way, and the plug wires from #1, are lined up, you should be good to go. If you are having issues, you can static time to get things going. Keep us informed of your results, and good luck..... PS timing light, hook as per usual, hook up battery cable power to a 12 volt battery if you need to, set timing at 2-4 BTDC. Just go start the engine, get the coolant flowing and burped, check oil pressure, and watch for leaks. Okay get out there and try it....
  12. Welcome to p15-d24 Dave, hope you find it informative and enjoyable......
  13. The RCMP appeared to use Fords in their fleet. Would not be a bit surprised if Winnipeg City followed suit. Did see some pics of NYC using a late 30s Chrysler for a Cruiser Car in their police fleet..
  14. Yes I have read and heard this before too. I believe many cabs in Winnipeg, used these for Taxi Fleets also. Taxis stay runnin all the time, and stay at operating temps too, if proper maintnenance, must have got a lot of miles out them. Police Cars, up here it appears, that Ford Flathead V8s were used a lot...
  15. Okay Fair enough, no hard feelings.
  16. Okay Don, so now you are in a "Process Of Discovery", so after TK, posted in a lot of detail, that other flathead powered vehicles, he owns, as well as George Asche's 29 Desoto, has gone several 100s of thousands of miles. What was your intentions on seeking information on his 49 Plymouth? I am surprised you did not ask, how many miles he put on the dragster too? Don you let's get honest, your sole intention was to get a reaction, and steer this thread into the ditch, as you have done many many times before, with many different people over the years. Don I have been active on here over 10 years, and some members have not had the experience to account for the aforementioned events, so they may not understand the nature of the beast, or your beast I should say...
  17. Oh now I get it, TIm and Don get challenged on their conduct on this thread, so they need your help. I hate to say this Boys, but have got a number of PMs since yesterday, from different members who are in agreement that Don and Tim, need to chill out with their antics. Neither 1 of you Gents and I have had bad words and would like to keep it that way.
  18. Tim, what in the heck did you add that was positive to this thread???? You are correct, but did ask you to share as per directly related to the topic, I am not expecting perfection here Tim. You now are qualifying your yourself, because I posted you personally to add in your comments and experience, just like you did on the "Top Speed Thread". Please Explain Tim, how has your Content helped facilitate a positive theme in this thread? OI do not understand Tim, you State, you have made Posts related to this topic over your 21000 post history, why on earth did you associate yourself to this thread, if it you feel you have nothing to contribute. Tim at the end of the day, I think we can "Agree to Disagree", and nothing wrong with that, you are not perfect, but neither am I. Again Moderators, please close this thread..
  19. Tod or GTK, please lock this thread, my intention was to have some good dialogue and discussion on the very topic of Chrysler Flathead reliability, not some pi$$ing match with Don Coatney and PlyMouthy Adams. It seems many times these 2 feel compelled to interrupt and bring a negative slant to many threads, Don and Tim, you both revel in the business of "trouble making:, so their sub handle the " Boo Birds" is really fitting.There are many on here who would share this opinion, and in all fairness, many who would not. I know you may get a perverse pleasure out of this "Grand Standing" antics, but it is quite juvenile in nature. So I move to have this thread locked and closed from further posting, another good thread, has gone sour,,because certain individuals have been allowed to sabotage content on this forum far too often....
  20. Buy a GPS, and have it with you all the time......
  21. Now Tim, are you Braggin or Complainin? ......LOL my wallet's empty Tim, but I'm okay with that.
  22. I see a lot of dusting in your future Tim, ever though about buying a "Swiffer"?
  23. Dust in a barn on a top speed thread Tim, does Don have his fingerprints on your barn cars too?
  24. Pekka, these are great guys, knowledge, quality products, and good service. Keep us posted how it all works out for you. You going to drive the car this winter at all?
  25. Tim, glad you are enjoying the thread, I know I have, and hope the posters and readers did as well. Hopefully You have gained something from it, as I know I have. So to get back on topic, if those so choose, please share your experiences and stories if you feel so inclined. I am hoping Tim, this steers this thread back on track, as it is appearing to go off the rails a bit. As you are a very avid poster, I think you will see my point.
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