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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Well Robert I still have a little more prep work, but I had the doors already done, so like a kid, I just had to try out the paint..........Fred
  2. Hi all, mixed the paint with Dupont Medium Speed enamel reducer, and Evercoats DOI Wet Look Acrylic Enamel Hardener. The ratio was approx in parts per 8-3-1. This proved to be a tad too thick, as I laid on a tack coat, followed by a heavier coat, this coat was a bit cloudy. I let this coat flash, sprayed on a nice full wetcoat, the paint glossed up, but I got a little peel and 1 run. This paint dries fairly quickly, I,likes the color, it is a good hide color thats for sure. This paint is super glossy, and smooth, I did get a little peel, but thats my fault, should have thinned the paint a little more, and I had a gut feeling it was too thick. The paint is every bit as shiny as any acrylic enamel paint I have ever seen, and it will get glossier by tomorrow, as the enamel lies down more. I will have to wetsand this door, and recoat, beacuse of the peel, but who cares, no big deal. I do not have my camera at my disposal, or would post pics. Thsi paint is much glossier than Tremclad(Rustoleum in Canada). The test will be how it does in the coming weeks..............Fred
  3. You guys will get a full report and pics of the results of this paint job. My expectations are not super high, but I expect a failry decent quailty, shine etc. I will be very candid on any negatives and/or shortcomings with this product. I hope to be on this forum a long time, and will be forthright on any degradation of the paint product on my car. My budget is tight, as was mentioned, if I could this car may very well be sent in for a paint job. The truith is this, although I have enboyed the process, I am not interested in doing a lot of body and paint, the fumes, from painting, the ISOs from catalyst/hardeners, spook me to be honest. I have used this alkyd type of enamel a number of times over the last few years with success. I have heard it stated, these cheaper paints can sometimes be just as good as the entry level paint fromt eh big companies like Dupont or PPG........Thanx Guys
  4. Looks good Greg, do you hope to get a bunch done this summer.........Fred
  5. Not true, maybe where you live, this stuff does quite well in the northern sun. I have a trunk lid that has been out side with rusto paint and hardner, it's out 7-24, and is just as shiny as when I sprayed it a year ago. This stuff is not friggin hardware store paint, it dries in to the touch in 20 minutes at 70 f, and is hard dry in 1 to 2 hours,is much like Nason or Omni Acrylic enamel, probably better, has great reistance to chemicals, excellent reilience to sun, and is very very shiny. What is with so many guys, and I don't just mean you Dezeldoc, when anyone wants to use anything but SS urethane or BC/CC, then what ver else a guy want to use , is inferior garbage. Now I realize that the southern sun is far more damaging than the northern sun, but my car will not be parked out on some black top parking lot 7-24. Anything with paint on it, up north here will last 10 times longer than down south...........
  6. Hi all, went and bought the paint for my car finally:rolleyes:. I finally settled on a High Gloss Synthetic Industrial Enamel, it is much like the OEM paint, if left outside would need a maintenance to retain it's shine. My car sits indoors when not in use, so will help the fading out too quick problems. The color is Platunum Grey, much like OEM Dove Gray, I was set to go blue then changed my mind. I was at work the other day, and in our staff gym, they just painted the walls a beige type color, it used to be pumpkin orange.The first thing that occurred to me, was all the rough spots on these walls were much more concealed to the eye, they did not jump out as they did with a darker color like orange. So I figured, maybe I better go lighter with the old 47, my bodywork is only amateur, and I AM NOT GETTING ANYONE TO FINISH OR TWEAK MY CAR, so I thought I would go lighter to conceal a little more. The platinum grey looks great with the dark blue dash, and window garnish trim, the seats will eventually be a grey cloth as well as my door panels and head liner, so it will be a nice contrast with the dark blue. I have a couple of days prepping then will set up my shop for painting. The paint was very cheap, $42.00:) for the gallon, which is contractors/wholesale price, it would normally retail about $65.00, I bought 2 quarts of dupont enamel reducer for $20. I do have a pint of Evercoat DOI Wetlook Hardener, but the gent I bought this paint from said not use it:(, he said it may work fine, but it will not crosslink with the paints synthetic resin. I am leary not using any hardener, as it is shinier,harder,cures faster, when added. This paint has a gloss level of 93 @60 degrees, which is very shiny:).....Fred
  7. Larry, if you can send them to someone by email, you should be able to upload them onto this website as a thumbnail. You might have to reduce the size quite a bit first, are you on windows 98, or XP? I see Nates sedan chimed iin to assist, I will also do the same if you need the help.......Fred
  8. Nothing wrong with these sill mats, the price for repro mats are up there. BTW I am on dial-up, had no problem, but I run at 56 kbps, and with the accelerator it varies from 200 kbps up to 600 kbps at times.........
  9. These front clips can be a bee-atch to align, mine is like yours Pete, not quite right, but good enough, looks okay, and you forget about after a while , like paint flaws, paint chips, imperfections, they sorta don't matter, as long as you can go cruisin,especially at high speeds, that be, what counts................LOL
  10. Condolences to you Don. These Pocches become real members of the family........
  11. Eeryday, when I am not thinking about my Old Mopar.....LOL:p
  12. No, but I Have had this happen before, no big deal, maybe just a coincidence most likely, but still a little strange when it happens to you.........
  13. Hi all, was returning form dropping my Son of at school about 9:00 AM, I am about 2 miles or so from home, see smoke rising up near my home. I think to myslef, better not be my house. Since I live in Farm Country, I figure someone is burning old straw bales or grass or something, as up this far north it's only seeding season for crops now, as it is a late spring. As I get nearer my home, I see my house is fine, but look down the road about 1/4 mile, I have 3 neighbours, one house after the other, there all relatives. I know th first house ar the old folks, they have a wood stove, so I go have a looksy, no fire there, but rioght next door there is smoke I go further down the road, the old garage, about 30 fet behind the house is on fire. I see cars in the driveway, but the owners work van is gone. I immediately phone 911, then as I am doing this pull infront of the hose, start honking the horn, and calling the lady of the house. About 2 minutes go by, I figure I might have to go through the front door, my 3 YO daughter was in the Van with me. Just then the lady of the house comes out, and starts moving the trucks away from the fire. She tells me she was in the shower, did not know the garage was on fire, and heard me honking and yelling. The fire dept arrives, the garage burnt to the ground, on their black lab dogs was in the garage, but exited, without harm, the heat was so instense it melted the vinyl siding on the back of their house. Now the strange part, this morning I wake up early, then go back to sleep start dreaming, in my dream, I trying to get some woman, unrecognizeable out of a shower, but it's all glass walls, and I am banging on the glass to get her out of the building for some reason. Vey strange coincidence..................
  14. I have no experiience to back me up, but I get the feeling a good quality alkyd enamel would and could be as good or better than the lower end lines of AC Enamel from the big auto paint companies.........Fred
  15. I just did a little experiment with Tremclad Gloss Medium Blue, put a small amount in a plastic cup added some Tremclad aluminum. Instant Metallic Medium Blue, nice color. I would try this with large volumes it takes to paint a car, but may try this for small projects. The aluminum is mor satin, and it would dull the paint a bit, plus the aluminum would be hard to control in the mix for large amounts of paint it take to paint a car or truck. At least I think it would be difficult to do, I could be wrong.....
  16. This is what I love about this forum, you guys are open minded enough to look at alternative methods, and ar not ready to criticize, if you don't necessarily like the idea. I would not use an alkyd paint, like Industrial enamel or Tremclad, if my budget would allow it, it does not at this time, so I either go cheap or don't go at all., not looking for another option at this time. Alkyd enamel is very much like the paint of the 40s 50s on our cars, unless they were lacquer paint jobs. They will not tolerate the elemnts as a BC/CC or SS urethane or AC paint, but with hardener added they are tough and shiny. They will require more maintenance to keep shiny, especially if left outdoors especially in the south. I do not know how long cars in the 40s and 50s stayed shiny if left outside, but I would imagine a few years, and they would need a polish to restore the shine. I do not bring this topic to autobodystore.com, they will get mad or laugh you off, as they are into professional products/methods only, same with hotrodders bulletin.com, the Mods get downright angry, if Rustoleum or roller painting topics are posted, and they will delete the post if this happens, no more discusiion on roller painting or alkyd enamel is allowed on there. That is why this is a true old Mopar forum, guys who understand.......Fred
  17. Hey Big Bad wolf, that looks good from my screen, and it was a cheap alternative for the time being. This paint can be polished and waxed if it gets dull......................fred
  18. Thanx I thought it looked half-a$$ed decent, there was no substrate prep. The paint itself went on well, no peel runs or paint problems, it's darn glossy, but would look slick on a well prepped surface. I posted thgias there was some interest in low-budget painting on here a number of times over the past couple of years..........Fred
  19. Aren't you a lucky Dude, to have an old car which does not need work. Did you already get all the work finished, or was the car in nice shape when you got her. I'll tell you though, I started with a basket case, a lot of work for an inexperienced type, without a lot of the right equipment and know-how, has been a challenge. I will never do a car that far gone again, cuz I am restless till things get done, an I mean this can go for years with me......
  20. Tim I have the same basic set-up, but at 60 mph, which is reading about 65 mph on the speedo, she sounds busy. I have close to factory sized tires, P205-75-15 tires, about 27 inches. 2 things in my case, no inerior except seats and carpets + more noise, so may sound busier. My engine has miles on her, but does have decent compression, about 100psi average across the board, good oli pressure, 40 psi at an idele, and 50 to 55 at 50 MPH. But I am still afraid to push her too hard, plus my car is a 47 Chrylser Coupe, probably weighs about 700 more lbs than a P15 coupe........Fred
  21. Hi all, here are a couple of pics of a quick Tremclad (rustleum paint), sprayed out of a HVLP gun, reduced with , medium speed enamel reducer, and Evercoat Wetlook Hardener added. Mixing ratio is 8-4-1, where Dupont Nason Acrylic enamel is 8-2-1, the Tremclad is thicker viscosity paint to begin with, has a high contnet of mineral spirits, so a slower flash and dry compared to conventional auto acrylic enamel. I only took this old hood and quickly scuffed it's rough surface with 220, then wiped with lacquer thinner. On a slick smooth 400 wetsanded surface the gloss would be more brilliant yet, so would cuttting and polishing. I am only posting this for a few of the guys that are interested in this kind of low budget painting on there cars,trailers, houses,mother-in-laws etc.
  22. Thanx Joe, but not to many offers up here to tweak my work, which I will do myself. The secret to laying on filler is to apply filler on intended area say 8 inche X 6 inches, then sand with board/block with 80 to 100 grit, then fill lows, block again with 100, then do a skim coat over entire area, with either a premium filler like Rage Gold or 2 part glaze, then block with 150 to 180 eeven 220. But if you have large areas of filler, and think you will add a bit here and there, and make her level and straight, that might be tough, a final skim coat over the entire area and past, is the ticket. Make sure all your outeredges of filler is nice and feathered. On real rough panels, try the Evercoat Feather fill, use a cheap 2.0 or 2.2 gun, this is polyester primer, like shootin filler, does not shrink as much, you could bury a quarter on the panel if you had to. I personally have no tried it, but it will fill 36 grit scaratches no problem with some coating.....Fred
  23. Sounds like you had a blast Robert. That is one Cute Litttle Grandson you have their, looks like a car buff too......
  24. This is why I am now on to Lacquer primer if needed, and an enamel topcoat finish, going to even try and avoid the enamel hardener, or use it sparingly. Going with urethane, and having the paint last a few years longer is not worht mine or any family memebers health. IMHO, BC/CC does look great on some restos, and of course mdern cars/trucks, but somehow can look out of place on original type antique cars. JMO........Fred
  25. This is how your trans works, reverse is up and pulled toward you the driver, then low range is at the top, push out toward windsheild, like 2nd for a 3 spd, high range is out and down, like 3rd gear on a 3 spd. Place the shifter in high range, let foot off clutch, car won't stall with fluid drive , take off, at about 15 to 20 mphlet foot off gas, trans if working will upshift to 4th, then keep driving............
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