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Hi all, it was 64, sunny here at my place in Southern Manitoba today, so rolled the car outdoors, and did some sanding of the base primer. I sanded it with 220, will shoot on 2 k urethane primer surfacer next, the plan is to do the whole car, but will sand each panel as I go. All chrome is off, still need to pul lights, grill and bumpers. Hope do shoot on the primer in a few days. The this will be blocked, and anything that needs re-filling or glazing will get it after the first blocking. This will be followed by more urethane primer/surfacer. It was a real nice warm day, the car was even warm to the touch, was able to work outside in my shirt. Hope to get this over with my June, the latest..........Fred PS Tim, the Tremclad primer sands nice and slick, it actually sands quite well
I hope all goes well with your starter, Welcome to the forum, hope to read your posts in the future.........Fred
Now Now, Scotty, we let folks see, "the error of there ways", then allow them the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. Now getting you all riled up, isn't good for you or for others on this forum. We all make mistakes, sometimes over-react, and say and write things in the "heat of the moment". As in many arguments, the "the Victor seems to win, our triumphs are short lived. Anger is not good for most of us. I have gotten offf on the wrong foot before, been angry, and made poor early impressions, then it takes a humble Man a lot of work to undo those words. Words once spoken, have a life of there own. Now no more preaching from me, I am only directly quoting you, because I see your new to this forum, and do not want you to think we operate like this, or have a problem of in-fighting and pissing-matches, like so many other forums do. So glad to have you here.........
Radioguy, glad you posted this, your comments were getting little "below the belt".I guarantee, you will not make fast friends on here, by going for the jugular. Now I realize you don't have a beef with me, and in most cases I think I would let others do there own deflecting, but heck Man I started this thread as Good Wishes to you all on here for Easter, and to let you know I was able to go and take a quick boot in the 47.An d having said this, I don't particularly appreciate you sidetracking it with your pissed off thinking. I am not trying to get anything going here, or to try and have Cyber Scrap with you, but this forum is a great group of guys. Now I realize we all have different personality types on here, and some will clash at times. I have known Don for about 4 years now, he is a great Guy, sometimes a little direct, and he has a dry sense of humour, a guy who can see the light side of things.But a Man with a lot of Knowledge and he has a truly very excellent mechanical aptitude, he sees the BS in things, and usually will point it out,"free of charge". So stay here a while, get to know some of us, this is a truly great Forum, I am a member of some other forums, and it ain't comfy like this one.If people want to abuse each other and make nasty comments on those sites let-em So lets get back to Old Mopars, like this Website is dedicated to.
Glad things are moving along Rodney, it's overcast with the odd shower here today, about 52. tomorrow it's supposed to be more of same with a high of 60........Fred
Hi all, in the early morning hours of Easter Sunday, the ice jams let go on the Red River about 5 minutes from my house, the waters rose like a small tidal wave and homes and properties were flooded, Ice Jams destroyed a number of homes too. Although my propery is a just over a mile from overland flooding, I will be completely safe here on high ground. Here is the link for anyone interested.... http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/frantic-residents-flee-homes-42891072.html
Nah, just crank the engine a few times to get the fuel pump to pump up some gas then what I do as I have an electric choke is push down on the gas pedal slightly ans she fires right up. With manual choke, you may need to pump the gas a bit set the choke and away you go........
Hi all, today I decided to tackle the front bumper misaliignment on my 47. I previously had tried a few things, I took a spare bumper frame and slotted the mounting holes, this did not work, after a lot of effort drilling the slots out. Today, I unbolted the drivers side bumper bracket, then forced it back and up, until it was fairly decently lined up with the right side, I then clamped the bracket to the frame horn. Next I pulled out the 1/2 inch dirll, and drilled new holes into the frame horn, inserted bolts, and the rest is history.The frame horns are a bit out of line, so they throw off the bracket as well, my fix was simple, looks good too. I played around with this a number of times over the last few years, with no success, it is not 100% perfect, but is pretty darn close. I also did some cosmetic work on my rocker caps I made , they were welded onto the square tube steel, but the ugly welds were exposed, when you opened the door, along the sill mat strips. To fix this I filled the area with metal 2 metal filler first, then a coat of regular filler, sanded, primered, and you would never know there is a complete weld along this entire area. Wish I could post pics, but the Other-half, does not share the camera willingley...........Fred
Hi all, and a Happy Easter to those that observe. I did not bother to go for a spring ride in the car till 10 minutes ago. I fired up the car, using the on Coatney Coax Method, fired right up and tha car hasn't been started in almost a week. The new 2/0 cables and coil have made a huge difference. I only went a few miles down my gravel and road and back, all went well, even the speedo was moving well, did not lube it yet this spring. Brakes are fine, they need a minor adjustment. The car is of course noisy, no interior except the front seat and floor carpet, burnt the back seat last winter while welding. Today I will remove the lights,bumpers, and remaing trim, then will shoot on a few coats of high build 2 k urethane primer, then the blocking starts. But although my car is in primer, it is still a pleasure to go for a ride, isn't this what it's all about. Happy egg hunting........
Very True it is much more humid here because of the Lakes, I also remember being in Calgary one July, it was about 85 in Winnipeg, it was Jacket weather In Calgary the next night. I thought, hope there summer isn't always this cool.............LOL:D
Hey Pat, i thought Calgarys -30 was the same as Winnipegs, mind you -30 one day and 32 f the next in Calgary. Your weather is a little more like Minneapolis, and someimtes even warmer inwinter than the twin cities. When you drive the 450 miles southeast to Minneapolis in the dead of winter there is generally a major difference, it could bu -25 in Winnipeg and 25 to 30 f in Minneapolis. Winnipeg has super cold winters, but we are gerally blessed with nice hot summers, probably the nicest Summers on the Prairies
Hey Pat, that would be great, let me know when you will bi the area....Fred ps Matlock is about 15 miles from my door step
Bob, this alkyd oil based paint can be thinned with mineal spirits, or automotive enamel reducer, which is xylene and touluene, you can evn add hardener too it. If you are brushing, or rolling just thin it a bit with mineral spirits, or just straight from the can for frames floors etc, at most for this type of thing for brushing, about 10 % mineral spirits. If youe spraying mix ratio approx, 8 parts paint-4-parts reducer-1part hardener, that will result in a super shiny smooth hard finish, and dries much quicker than straight from the can.........Fred PS if you can go to Zero Rust, to find a dealer in your area, this stuff is also very good, a high powered XO paint....Fred
Hi all, I met another Old Mopar Man today in Selkirk Canada. This Dude has a 50 or 51 Plymouth, and is a member of the Plymouth Club too. He has been on our forum maybe a silent user not sure, as I forgot to ask him his handle. So just thought I would mention this, as I have been a member on here a few years and never had the opportunity to meet any of our users. So this is good, gonna try and help him out, and hopefully he becomes a commited member of our forum............Fred
Yes this is true, 10 feet into the intersection, or not hitting a kid on a bike is well worth the disc conversion. Years ago I had a 1960 Pontiac, a real beater, I was only about 16 , this car had the worst brakes, mind you, there was not much left of the shoes, so mybe the owners fault, "if you know what I means". But just for curiosity sakes, it would be interesting to see a stopping test, with 2 P15s, 1 with a front disc brake conversion, and 1 with well maintained stock drum brakes, in a brake test. invoving certain speeds, stopping distance, vehicle control,etc. the disc brakes m,ay control the vehicle better in panic stops...
Bob, the OEM brakes that are well set-up, and have excellent parts,drums etc, will work very well. They however need maintnenance for adjusting etc, they heat up after a few hard stops. the disc brakes cool well, do not require adjusting, easy to maintain, and parts are plentiful. Having said this, a side by side trial of Disc brakes versus OEM Drum Brakes would be interesting, I am betting on the Discs for better braking and shorter stops, but if the Drum Brakes are well maintained, they may not be far behind.......
Hi Reg, yes the stock brakes can work well, if adjusted and are in good shape. However, I do not think they would have the mechanical efficiency of disc brakes, the disc brakes cool faster, and are quite a bit stronger in the actual braking too. But this does not mean, you cannot use well maintained stock brakes, especially with a stock drivetrain and keeping your cruising at 55 to 60 MPH and under.If you add overdrive, go wioth V8 engines, it may be wise to get the disc brake conversion, especially if you travel at high speeds with huge volumes of traffic(Southern Cal), and there is hilly terrain. In my parts, it's flat, and plenty of highways where you can drive slow.........Fred
Hey glad to hae it went well John and the new Disc Brakes are worth it. Is it me or what, I don't have to start using my stock brakes 1/2mile ahead, I have hit the binders at 50+mph and they have responded well, nothing like modern power disc brakes, but not bad. I did not evn adjust mine with an Ammco brake tool either, just by feel, and they seem to be wearing well. Am I out to lunch on this one or what?
Here is a Chrysler Convertable, that was freshly painted OEM Catalina Tan, which is a cream/pale yellowish color. Not sure I would go with this on mime or not, as there is a guy near by with 2 Chrysler T&Cs, that are both painted Catalina Tan, or cream color of some type.....
Thes cars look very nice in a cream color, or a pale yellow. The chrome, and the body design makes the car with a cream color look real classy. The guy who is supposed to paint my car, wants to talk me into a cream color, not sure, my car is big, it will look bigger in cream, but cream color hides a lot of waves........Fred
Looks great, and the finished product will be very nice.. You are doing this project the right way, yes it's a long haul doing bodywork, hey it could be worse with lots of welding in patch panels and such. Keep up the good work.......
Guys thank you all for the compliments, but really, pics don't give you the real scoop. My body work is very amateur, and probably a little below average, I will be lucky to get the panels somewhat straight for paint. BigRed 48, is doing a fine job, he is doing more work than I did by the looks of it. I thank you all, and appreciate your comments, but it really is not that great, the car needs a lot of prep yet before paint. I hope that the final product is presentable enough for cruise nights etc, hope I too would not be ridiculed for average or home body work.....................Fred
Thanx Big Red, but trust me there is lot's more prepping to be done yet, not sure what color I am going with yet. Maybe Catalina Tan or Dove Grey, or a blue like Coatneys....
Rodney pics are deceiving, it was a true basket case, it is not ready for sealer yet, still lots of glazing, more blocking, possibly a little filler here and there too, but thanx for the wellwishes.....Fred ps stop in sometime when your back in town.....LOL Here is a pic of the day my car came home in 2005, I had owned it since 1988. That old shack in the backgorund is where my Momma was raised along with 11 other kids, my Mom left there in 1951. In the pic is my Mom's youngest Brother and 2 of my Cousins, this is a real Back country small little town....Fred
Thanx Tim, been a long haul, as it is for most beat-up old cars....