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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. This one I should have known Tim, as there is about 4 soccer balls around this place, all with different inflation......LOL ps do the raidal tires require different inflation psi, than old bias type tires?
  2. Just checked my Chrysler service manual, states 28 psi for tire pressure, not sure how this will relate to modern radial tires. Does anyone know if bias and radial tires require different inflation?
  3. Hi all, my 47 seems to run rough on the gravel roads, cracks in pavement bumps etc. The car steers well, with the esception of some extra steering wheel play, no unusual tire wear either. I jacked up the front end, the king pins seem okay, with minimal play, the tie rod ends are in good shape, I have decent colis up front, new shocks all the way around, and the leaf springs and shackles are in fair shape. This morning checked the tire pressue again, the gauge I ws suing, I have about 5 of them, seemed off, and was hard to get a good seal for reading. I pulled out my newest gauge, I was getting a reading of 35 to 36 lbs, on the other gauge I was showing 28 psi. So I wlet air pressure out to 28 lbs, have not gone for a ride yet. Would having my tires inflated to 35 plus make a hard ride? These tires are also 10 yo, there Good Year, but a light suv tire P205 75 15s. Have any of you expereinced this on your cars?..................thanx Fred
  4. Use it or lose it:eek:, participaction is the way to go:D......LOL
  5. Steve, I can relate, weather is been okay here, but this summer is much cooler than usual, mid 70s all the past week, and mid to upper 70s for the next 5 days, and sunny. Usually it will be mid 80s and hotter here in July, once ina while up to mid 90s, so this is a cooler summer, great for old car drivin. Hope all is going well in you neck of the woods.....
  6. Frankie , mine wasn't too far off..................LOL
  7. Not 100% sure on the P15s and D24s, but on the 46 to 48 Chrysler it makes no difference, as is the same for the front clips, hood and fenders. This should also be true on the P15s and D24s. The trunk lids are different, as with the obviuos the doors, the rocker trim can be used on either too, but not the body side trim mouldings....... Happy Independance Day to you too
  8. You gave me an idea Shel, pull the driuveshaft off the parts car, then pull a u-joint, and take that in for shopping.......
  9. Shel, will have to pull them, but most likely any parts house will probably have something to fit, just which ones. I am surprised this is not simpler, there only cross and yolk u-joints, you would think that places like Rock Auto would have them........
  10. You Boys, makin fun of me now.................LOL
  11. Stayin fresh inside her bedroom..............Vrrrroooommmm
  12. The bumper are reall sracthed, and flaky big time, it might be best to sand blast them and paint them to match car, that would cost me $20 for the sandblasting, I already have the paint. But I love chrome, I actually know where a fairly decent set of bumpers for my car happen to be, but the owner wants me to buy the whole car, don't need another car around, he won't part it out...........
  13. 50% naptha and 50% mineral spirits, is what Dupli-color wax and grease cleaner is. This is very much available here in Canada. You could try and add this to some wax, and see what you get
  14. Thanx Greg, I have had an estimate, for $625.00 Canadian or $531.00 US, for both bumpers, which is not bad these days
  15. What is the difference, these just look like u-joints to me. What is the difference between the regular u-joints and trunion style....Fred correction mine are regular cross and yolk type
  16. Hi all, want to replace my u-joints on the 47, anybody got a supplier, and or part number. I looked on our parts list here on the forum, but so far has not been any help. So if you know where I can buy u-joints, could you please let me know........Fred
  17. Nah it's the shorter little brother Royal. I used the Roberts elcheapo, universal seal, it is not joined you cut to length, then I glued down half, let dry, then glued down other half, with joint at the rear dead center. I used 3M weatherstrip sealant.........Fred
  18. Thanx Bob, yah the screen, I have thought about pulling iout, and painting it black, or giving it an acid wash to turn it black, but what the heck, most of them look like mine or yours..........
  19. Jim, that may be possible, but it may be hard to slide the vent seal into place with the sealant. I removed mine, it was easy to do...........Fred
  20. Hi all, installed a Roberts Universal cowl vent seal, it was very easy to do. I hope it seals well against water, my drain tube is clear, so that works. My car dfoes not stay outside when not in uise, nor does it see much rain, as I live on a gravel road, and will not drive it on there in rain, if I can help it. Also included some morning pics of the ole girl, still need the bumpers re-chromed, and the stainless polished.....................Fred
  21. Don, this I did not know, I have removed my dizzy, and the one I shipped you, without spinning the engine to TDC, am I missing something here............Fred
  22. Happy Independance Day Bob, and the same to all my American friends on this forum. God Bless America and Canada...........
  23. Don, maybe its a still a noveltie, but I would drive this car daily if I could, I would even drive it to work, but because I work at a prison farm, do not want inmates seeing my ride, and getting nosy with ??ss. I plan to go to at least 2 shows before Labor Day, one 10 miles away on July 19th, sponsored by the Lily Pad Cruisers, and the Mopars only show at the Chrysler Corp building parking lot in Winnipeg on Labor day. Some day when I can afford it, that 251 with full flow filtration I ahve sittin in the yard, is getting built, shave the head, mild cam,split exhaust and a 2 BBl Webber, to be followed withand OD trans or a S10 5 spd OD, will eventually want front disc brakes too. I love drivin this car, but because the engine has miles, I don't push her too hard.................Fred These cars are for drivin, not parkin!!!!
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