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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Just dust off the snow and gitRdone, yuou Guys got all this snow, and your 600 miles south of me, and we got nothing, and gonna be 40 today, go figure........
  2. Anywhere in the 1/2 way poitn say between Winnipeg and Calgary/Edmonton would be a good area, but hey if it is hosted in Alberta that would be fine too......
  3. How about 1 crazy motha..............LOL
  4. Good Idea to me, How about in Winnipeg, just kiddin.......
  5. Looks like a great time Unc, the nice thing is at -30c salt doesn't do all too much. Usually we have that kinda weather here, on Feb4th, but it was around 0c or 32 f, very pleasant, supposed to be 40f tomorrow for Super Bowl sunday....
  6. Are you feeling a bit bored:rolleyes:
  7. Okay thanx, will try this out for size....
  8. The headlights are 6 volt, but the truck is all set-up for 12 volt, got a GM alt in it already, and a 12 volt starter motor. I still need to get a sender for the water temp gauge, the fuel gauge I could wire in and see what happens. This truck starts great compared to my 6 volt 47 Chrysler, it really is an improvment, which I like....
  9. Hey all, anyone know what sender I need for a 1955/56 Dodge truck, with 12 volt system. I am not not sure if my gauge is 6v or 12 v, or if it matters............thanx Fred pS what about gas gauge, will it work on 12 volt, without a runtz wired in???
  10. Now ain't you a Lucky Man Rodney, Mercy Sakes, send some of that my way.....LOL
  11. Latex yes, never had a problem with enamel paint that has been in below freezing temps , had many paints in unheated buildings, including rattle cans that worked fine when warm again. Would not leave body fillers in below freezing temps though.....
  12. I used Testors red paint, thinned it a bit, then used a nice fine tippped brush and did all the red, it turned out okay. Some guys have used spraybombs, and wiped excess with lacquer thinner, right afterward. I have seen paint pens, not sure how well they would do the job. Anybody have a super idea on this particular job, speak up if you do.....
  13. Hey all, pieced together some exhaust pipe and an old muffler I had laying around here. It makes it run much quieter, this of course is just a temporary thing, although it is put on securely. Here is a short video of the truck running....
  14. Nobody said it was not good, POR and many other stick like $hit to a blanket. Some problems have been delaminating etc, but it is a very expensive product. Zero Rust topcoats work well too, but are less money. I clean up the rust, use Picklex(phos acid), then rusty metal primer shot out of spraygun, and topcoated, works excellent for me. 2k epoxy primer is very good for adhesion and corrosion resistance, but needs topcoating. Depends on what you are doing, frames, floors, battery trays, etc, POR away, whatver works for you, is whats best........
  15. Here hit all the rusty areas with this great little item from 3m. These things go on any drill, and make short work of rust and old paint, and they get into a lot of tight areas, if you have good dexterity with your hands and the drill. Then hit those areas with the acid, and prime or topcoat with your POR. Used this item on the front clip in pic, which was full of corrosion and old paint http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/MMM0/03171.oap?pt=N0483
  16. Phosphoric acid, rusty metal primer or 2 k epoxy primer, and some enamel topcoat (tremclad or rustoleum), has worked great for floors, inner fenders, etc. I think that POR 15 is over priced and over rated, there are a lot of other good less expensive products on the market. the POR 15 paint, is a good product, but for the money, I have used other products with great results
  17. Randy all the best to you and Lynn, wishing the best for a Speedy Recovery, and hope to see you back on this forum ASAP..........Fred
  18. Larry, most likely wil lbuy a trailer in Texas, at some future point for retirement fun. Lots of people from around these parts do that...
  19. Here you go Bob, the 2 star General, Fargo. Interesting how Canada got the name for Fargo trucks, when the name Fargo, is totally American, with Fargo ND, Wells Fargo etc. The name Fargo has no history in Canada, other than the trucks, and shoppers from Winnipeg, driving to Fargo ND on weekends....
  20. I have done primer at 45-50 degrees, with no probelm other than slower flash and dry times. A lot of the 2k products dry/cure with a chemical reaction. I do not keep all my solvents and paint in the house, they stay in the shop, and have gone below freezing with no issues. I do keep all fillers,glazes etc, in the house, do ot want that freezing....
  21. Hi Pat, -3c or about 28f here right now, highs of about 34 this week, but hats it. We never did have quite the deep freeze you Guys had, but not far off, it went down to -28c or -16f here a couple nights....
  22. Which is the M5 trans, also know as PrestoMatic,Simplimatic, Klunkomatic. The predeceasor to the M6 trans in 1949...
  23. Sorry Bob, there were only 3 outta 4, and I broke 1. So have 2 left, kinda different, maybe I will put 2 on and see what it looks like, post pic later....
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