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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Whats the favor of the forum on blackwall tires out, or White Letters, for a 55 Fargo truck. I have my preference which I will not disclose yet, just want to know what a lot of you Guys like. I know the consensus is older Guys like the white lettering on the outside on display.... This is just an informal poll, to discover what the taste of the masses are, some like only blackwalls, some don't like any whitewalls, and it's interesting to see what everyone prefers......
  2. Thats okay, as long as that grass and the crops don't stay brown all this summer. Did you not get a drought in some of your state last summer. I would think some snow would be good for the ground there, if it is dry....
  3. Okay here is the question poll, what do you guys like blackwalls out or white letters out. Now these tires are okay IMO, but the rims are a bit contemporary, but I am going to use em for a while. I am bead blasting them tomorrow, repainting, and mount tires back on. I will keep my preference to myself for now, just want to know what the masses like with regard to white letters on display or blackwalls all the way...
  4. post deleted
  5. Very cool Minne snow ta, from the Winterpeg area of Manisnowta Canada, your next door neighbor. We have way more snow then i ever remember, this is unreal, the Fargo Moorhead area, all the way to Lake Winnipeg, is in real danger of the Red River flooding this spring. Winnipeg will be fine, as it has a huge floodway around the entire city....
  6. Very good , case closed...
  7. OSB engineered beams or joist would burn very fast, lets face it, fire can be nasty , unless you have a concrete floor, walls, it's all going to burn in a big inferno. The response time is critical, out where I live, it's all volunteer, no hydrants, firehall is 3 miles away, so this place would be in trouble. I can tell you this a neighbors large very old garage burnt to the ground in no time flat, all old time wood construction, There are fire codes and standards in this country regarding construction using wood trusses, here is a link. http://www.cwta.net/fire_safety.php
  8. Okay Paul this is true, but every fire situation is different, really if a major fire strikes any building, your "F" ed anyway, so whatever, rebuild your garage to code, to your needs and liking and be done with it...
  9. what is this, a new Ralph Nader thing? What the H are nails going to do, if the lumber burns. I dunno, about this...
  10. I have 5/8 fireguard on the ceiling in garage, fire extinguishers too...
  11. Absolutely, they do ride and handle better. i would cetainly not be afraid to use a good quality bias ply tire, as long as the steering ans suspension were in good shape...
  12. Very interesting thread, some of you Guys have a a lot of good ideas, lot's of knowledge too, Wish I had a little more skill in the engine building area....
  13. While this may be true, not many buildings are using built on site rafters. Would not the lumber(usually spruce), burns up,either way, a rafter nailed together with support strapping/bridging, collapse once the lumber has burnt enough. With a lot of rafters you require more support for load bearing, trusses all but eliminate this, which is a strong building. If Moose had on-site built rafters, would he not have a beam and support posts throughout the building, less floor space and more obstruction..
  14. great idea Moose, cathedral trusses and 10-12 ft walls make good sense. I see you have what looks like a Yamaha 200 cc Blaster, we have 1 of those a 2007, just got it for my Son. Maybe you can guide me on the maintenance and care of a 2 stroke engine, I know nothing about them.
  15. Just suppose for a minute, that I keep these rims, at least for a while, they need to be bead blasted and painted, which I can do at work. What color might work best on the rims, the trim rings and center caps would offset the color difference if not repainted aluminum.
  16. Hey Paul, going up, with a gambrel roof would certainly give you a lot of storage space. I would check with local codes for foundation requirements, if adding a loft, you of course will need beams and joist for the loft floor, and a perimeter foundation to code to handle the load. I built a 24X36 garage 8 years ago, 3 overheads on gable end wall, 2X6 construction R 20 walls R40 in the attic. I would think you do not require insulation, but when it is real hot here, that insulated garage stays nice and cool. If you cannot build on the ground the size you want, then go up, just get a spec for building codes, if you plan to use the existing cement pad. Up here any garage over 880 sq feet needs an engineered foundation/floor. Under this you still require a re-bar, cement type, and a thickened edge on the perimeter. So do your homework first.....good luck, just clean up the truck re-wire, etc and get her going...
  17. Lighten up there Wally, it's a joke, the point of the update is to state the radial tires, improved handling on my truck. It is quite amazing the ride improvement, with respect to steering and handling.To the bias tires credit it had a softer ride, the radials are a bit harder ride. The bias tires are sitting on my bench, gotta tell you they look brand new tread wise, gonna keep em for special occasions..
  18. Now Now ther Dave, you didn't see them in person, sounds like you have a bias opinion......LOL
  19. Your right Ed, looks like a modern truck too much though...
  20. Sorry man, didn't mean to pi$$ in your cornflakes.......LOL
  21. A very good Old Car Friend, had a set of SUV/LT tires off a vehicle he sold a couple of years ago, they are also a couple years old, mounted on old 80s Ranger/Bronco rims. So I put em on the 55 and went out driving, yes a night and day difference in handling, very good traction, steering, and no vibration, cruised nice at 60 mph on the highway too. Some pics, before anyone gets annoyed , the tires are being pulled off these rims, back to 60s style rims and baby moon caps, white lettering on the inside...
  22. Nice to be able to get that instant worn in effect via the arcing machine. Bob I followed your experience and directions for my past 47 Chrysler brakes, they took a bit to wear in, but those brakes were and still are excellent, could put someone through the windshield when hitting that pedal hard. The new owner says they are the best out of several vintage Mopars he owns....
  23. Did you resolve this problem yet? if yes, please post your findings and resolution, if not, have you undertaken any corrective action, that did not resolve this problem.......
  24. Paul, was the actual cause of the blaze determined yet by investigation? 5 years ago, I discovered neighbors garage on fire, it was very close to the house, they had no idea there was a fire going on, saved the house, and my neighbors too, it was a nasty blaze, and in the country, no hydrants, and volunteer to boot. They got a new garage deck and house siding after all was said and done. they were quite grateful to Me for being in the right place at the right time...
  25. Looks great Hank, I vote for you, as having the best threads and post design and quality. You really do a great job, of organizing and detailing your posts. Evidently you also appear to do very fine detail work....
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