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I have a couple friends that were born and raised in Hawaii. During WW2 Spam became very popular there and is still held in high respect. One friend, when I mention Spam, starts to salivate kinda like Niagra Falls.


While we're on the subject, another product that sadly bit the dust was Glass Wax. I understand that when the inventor died, his company was shut down. What they didn't realize, this stuff is great for removing any black residue left from polishing aluminum.

I've heard that there may still be some old stock lurking in older Ace Hardwares and other shops. I haven't found any in my area. If anyone here happens to see it available, I'd be real interested in buying a few cans, and paying for shipping.


Perhaps the Postum could be replaced by this:

"Kopi Luwak coffee comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatra, an area well-known for its excellent coffee. Also native to the area is a small civit-like animal called a Paradoxurus. That's the scientific name, the locals call them luwaks. These little mammals live in the trees and one of their favorite foods is the red, ripe coffee cherry. They eat the cherries, bean and all. While the bean is in the little guy's stomach, it undergoes chemical treatments and fermentations. The bean finishes its journey through the digestive system, and exits. The still-intact beans are collected from the forest floor, and are cleaned, then roasted and ground just like any other coffee.

The resulting coffee is said to be like no other. It has a rich, heavy flavour with hints of caramel or chocolate. Other terms used to describe it are earthy, musty and exotic. The body is almost syrupy and it's very smooth. One must wonder about the circumstances that brought about the first cup of Kopi Luwak coffee. Who would think to (or even want to) collect and roast beans out of animal feces? Perhaps a native figured it was easier to collect the beans from the ground this way, rather than having to work harder and pick them from the trees? We'll likely never know. But because of the strange method of collecting, there isn't much Kopi Luwak produced in the world. The average total annual production is only around 500 pounds of beans."



I think I will pass on this stuff thanks! :eek:


even think about why severe health issue are from third world contries...and how they get here..(drinking feces coffee) we are slowly cross contaminating everythng there is ..don't worry aboutthe a-bomb--we being taken out my microbes.


Didja ever wonder what the second human thought of the first guy the picked up a clam, cracked it open and said MMMMMM this looks good??????

Tim your killed by microb point is ever more valid today especially in Developed Countries. Remember when our moms ar grandmas used to day, "OH, let him go, he'll need to eat a buschel of dirt before it kills him?"

These days, parents keep their kids wrapped up in saran wrap, spray them down with antibaterial soap, keep them in their climate controlled cacoons, then wonder why they have no imune system response and are sick all the time. Same thing for alergies, Kids get exposed to nothing, then when they have a cat cross their paths they go anaphlactic.

I recently had to take a regime of wide spectrum antibiotics for a procedure, they wiped out the flora and fauna in my system, and I was beat down, irregular, and cranky for about two weeks after.

So you are right, its the small stuff we gotta sweat.


"These days, parents keep their kids wrapped up in saran wrap, spray them down with antibaterial soap, keep them in their climate controlled cacoons"

but they let the kids run wild in a restaurant or department store!!! :mad:

Oh, ya...spinach makes me sick too, Norm ;) (salad is not food)

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