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Over the holidays I got a chance to watch the movie "Flag Of Our Fathers." I was surprised to see a scene near the end of the movie that involved a 1941 Plymouth station wagon. This is especially interesting to me because that is the year and model I own. Has anyone else seen the movie and recall the car?

Jim Yergin


Kay Jewelers used to have a Christmas ad that had a Santa-appearing character driving a yellow P15 taxi cab. I always meant to get a copy of it, but they have since stopped airing the ad.


the offbeat movie "Fido" has a nice Plymouth sedan, either 49 or 50, they took the badges off for the movie. several other nice late '40's-early '50's rides in it also... not to mention the movie itself is a riot.

L.A. Confidential had lots of early '50's cars in it, too.

memory jogged! what got me hooked on old cars in general is Life Magazine! my uncle Larry, a high school history teacher and later a prison official, loaned me his collection of LIFE magazines dating back to the 30's.... which i read issue by issue page by page until the collection ended in the 70's. the 40's and 50's were my favorites; and the wartime ads showing staff cars and P-40's etc drew enduring images in my mind. all i wanted as a kid was a real Army Staff Car.... olive drab P15 with a white star on the side and numbers down the hood! it didn't help that there was a P15 close by, whose owner would not part with it....

so now i have my P23 sedan.... maybe a Navy Staff Car..........hmmmm...


Then you should check out Vintage Power Wagons and see if you can get yourself a troop carrier or something. I'm amazed at the stuff they have. I wouldn't be surprised if you could find a staff car though it wouldn't be WWII era.

The old Jimmy Stewart movie "Strategic Air Command" had some Dodges and Plymouths in it, I think. Also, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" has a Plymouth in it at the very end--a taxicab.


however cool a Power Wagon might be, and very cool in this weather(!), i'd prefer a nice steel roof and roll up windows!

of course, a halftrack might do... i could put a roof over the cab.... but it would HAVE to have a Quad .50 in the back.....


Jim, I recall the title but haven't seen the movie. I'll keep an eye out at the vid store. It's fairly recent?

62Rebel, no time like the present to start creating your own staff car. And, you can never have too many old Mopars!


Jim, that woodie was nice, I was on the set with two cars. I brought a 49 Plymouth a 1941 Plymouthand a 1946 Ford. We filmed at 7:00 Clint is very prompt, it was filmed at The Virginia memorial. Near the end of the movie when they had a award ceremony. The Marines marched over this small hill. You can see the Ford(gray) to the side, in the back drop as you look over the people seated our cars are rolling in the far background. This is a great movie to watch and they used so many old cars though out the movie, Mr. Eastwood loves old cars and uses them in his movies with great respect, not to mention he pays very well.:D


Interesting about movies with old cars. I just saw a movie about Jake Lamotta, the boxer. In one scene there was what looked like a 4l Packard, and a 4l Plymouth in the background. Which got me to thinking. Is there a movie clearinghouse where one can write to about seeing if a production company can use old cars in movies? Ed P.


I think you can sign up with your local film office. Many cities have one. Contact your local government and see if they have such a thing. I think there are guys on this forum that do this.

Check out "The Man Who Wasn't There," with Billy Bob Thornton. What a period piece. It takes place in the late 40s, I think, and is in black and white. Strange movie, not for everybody, but the clothes, the cars, and the atmosphere are amazing. I think it came out about 5 years ago.


I would strongly recommend against letting one's car be put on a list for Hollywood. I have heard and read too many horror stories to ever allow my cars to be in a movie. I am glad that Rodney had a good experience w/ Clint Eastwood. He is the exception and not the rule when it comes to Hollywood's attitude towards antique automobiles.

I would strongly recommend against letting one's car be put on a list for Hollywood. I have heard and read too many horror stories to ever allow my cars to be in a movie. I am glad that Rodney had a good experience w/ Clint Eastwood. He is the exception and not the rule when it comes to Hollywood's attitude towards antique automobiles.

I have also heard horror stories. In the big picture (pun intended) car crashes SELL better than car shows or show cars.


the fellow i bought my p23 from has a nice Impala hardtop he loaned out for a movie about 25 years ago.... they dropped it off that rolling rig they film on and bent the bodyshell like a banana over the rear wheels which popped the back glass out and ruined all the stainless trim on each side.... they offered to pay for repaint.

the Imp is still sitting there looking like a big white banana. SHAME...


Not sure when it was last updated but a list of movies is on the P15-D24 Home page. I know everyone who has been here a long time knows what is stored on this site but anyone who has not checked out the main page there is a lot more then to this site then this forum.

That would be the link on the menu that says

Return to P15-D24.com http://www40.addr.com/~merc583/mopar/framesets/welcomeframeset.html

Once there hit the sightings link for a list of cars in movies


I have been doing movies for about 10 years, the first time was actually a promo for Chryslar they had my car for about 10 weeks, got a check every week. That was nice since I was working on a project and was not using the car. There is a company called picture cars inc. Because my car club does alot of free functions for the Dc area, we got a proclamation in 1992 with this proclamation we were listed with the movie actors guild, when ever there is a movie in our area they have to ask us first. The only bad experience I have had is we did a music video that took 10 hours and did not get paid. The shoot ended around 2:00 AM We were promised 500.00 for the day's shoot, never got it. We were watching mtv and saw the video.:) we just laughed, we ate good that day and the "chicks" man they were out of sight! I have had some great times with these cars. The only time I said no was when they wanted to dance on my T-bird 1960 :mad: now I have to draw the line somewhere! CNXT0064.jpg


...I was fortunate enough to be needed as the driver. They needed to record many different driving conditions, movements and body noises and felt nobody would be better able to take direction over a headset than myself. I would have been terrified to let someone else drive my car all day.

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