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Went to Spring Carlise today after rescheduled

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Well Carlise rescheduled their Spring event to this week June 17-21 but without the car auction.  I got to the parking lots around 7:30 and basically I was the 30th car in the lot and that made me nervous. Ususally you have to pull into the shoulder lane of the PA turnpike because of the amount of cars getting off the turnpike. Today there was no waiting and I drove right into town without any traffic.


I was told about a 50% amount of venders in attendance. But really there were between each venders at time over 10-20 open spaces.  Not a lot of old parts. Mostly was new tools, Chinese tools, signs new reproductions lots of paper manuals.


At one point there was talk that the state might even shut down the event because of having over 250 people at the event. The PA state Police came into the fair grounds and did a walk around.  I left the fairgrounds around 5 PM.


Some of the venders think the poor attendance was because of the rescheduling  but some also fear the C19 issue.  There is also talk of trying to have the fall carlise extended into a second week since the Hershey event that is held right after fall Carlise. The venders would like this to happen so they can take advantage of getting more people to Carlise instead of Hershey.


even with the limited amount of venders they were still charging the full entrance amount of $12 per person at the gates.


I found some small items for my 39 Desoto but basically it was a bust but the weather was great sunny and temp was in the mid 60's.  Felt good to be outside and walking.  The rest of the week is calling for some rain so who knows what is going to happen 


If they have a fall carlise lets all hope they have more venders. Did not see any of the major Mopar venders there this year.


Rich HArtung


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Yes the state police came to the main gate on Wednesday and they walked into the grounds and also heard that they put up a drone to take pictures.  I stayed the entire day and there was never any announcement that we had to leave.


They were trying to limit the number of total people to 250. But you already probably had more that that with venders and their helpers just on the fairgrounds.


Hoping that the fal event will have more venders because of Hershey not happening but who knows.


Rich Hartung

3 hours ago, Plymouthy Adams said:

I was on the way to take the wife to the hospital for her surgery when I passed a sign that said...


Corona Virus will not last long, it was made in China...

can we ship it back to them and say it was defect in their manufacturing.


Rich Hartung

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