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Made it Arrived without incident

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684 miles, no problems,18 hourd driving time, used about a pint of dino squeezins in the motor and 32 gallons of fuel. Last tank 212 miles, 9.78 gallons. (you figure it out) Mostly limited access at 62 indicated, some mountain climbing. Temp never over 180.

Met up with Mark Aubuchon 49 Ply Bizzy coupe in the hotel lot doing some Nascar shops tomorrow while the groups does the bus to a Moravian Village. Signeup for the event and checked into our hotel. They are expecting about 70 cars from preregistration, may be a few more from us unregistered POCO members (Plymouth Owners Club Outcasts)

Carbs still chuggin, mitigated a bit by giving her s bit of choke. Might have a vacuum leak to the wipers, I hear a strange sucking sound on deceleration under the dash. Glad I borught the duct tape.

Norm, we still use the 2d analoge navigation device (a map) and my wife didn't even have to turn it upside down or nothin'!!!!

Have a few pics to post but camers software is on cpmputor at home so please be patient as the story develops


Glad you made it safely. I just returned from picking up the dog sitter. Lisa is packing her bags as I write this. Hope to be on the road no later than 6:00 AM in the morning. We will be on the freeway most of the trip so should arrive early afternoon. Looks like about 430 miles for me.


Greg, that's great, enjoy the trip, let us know how things are going and have a good time...........Fred psare the new back tires making a difference speed and gas mileage wise


Thanks so much for the play by play for those of us still in the salt mines! That is outstanding mileage what was your average speed, you got an overdrive in that thang?! Keep us posted we are hangin on your every word and salivating for pics.:P

QUOTE=Norm's Coupe;42400]Glad to hear you made it ok. I see I'm not the only dinosaur who still uses the old tired and true paper maps.:)

By the way, according to my calculator you got about 21.4 MPG. Not bad.

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