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ah. e-bay. the current refuge for the completely incompetent. say's he has two chrome tires for sale and doesn't know the size... either a joke listing, since i'd warrant the whole world knows the difference between tires and rims; or he really is effing stupid. e-mail him back and tell him he can't ship to California unless he empties out the air in the tires and reinflates them with California Air Resource Approved air. is it obvious that i loath e-bay, or should i step it up a notch?


while in the vendors tent..they had this product for polishing the rubber on your tires..made them look awful in my bood but I guess it is a show stopper...spray on shine..multiple coats..I have a feeling that this would lead to eventual cracking...

To be at least a little fair to the poster, maybe they are talking about the wheels and not the tires that the size is unknown? (diameter, width, offsets) Still a funny post

That may be Brad. But.......you would still know the diameter of the wheel by simply reading the size of the tire. You could also come close to the width of the wheel by looking at the size of the tire by looking at the series number on the tire. For example: 205 (would be width), 75 (height of tire) and the last number would be the diameter, like either 14, 15 or 16" diameter.


Eh, could be a divorce sale. Wife kicks husband out, husband leaves dirty tires and wheels in the garage, wife wants them out, posts them on craigslist.

And thanks for the lesson how to read tire sizes, Norm. I'm going out right now to see what size tires I have on all my cars.:P



I'll bet calling that number wouldn't help a bit. Bet they wouldn't know where to look on the tire for the size. Also would really be thrown for a loop if you ask what the bolt circle and backspacing was. You'd think if the person really wanted to sell them, they would find that stuff out, or at least tell you what make and model car they came off of.:rolleyes: Then the buyer could figure it out for his/her self.

If you want to run some rather high side walls and such on your car and still use the 15 inch rim, and say you need 15 ply tires...get the nose wheel off the Air Force C-17...baja tires for sure...(Michelin also)

That would give "Wide Whites" a whole nother meaning.


Norm, people make mistakes. Many dont know there is a difference when describing a tire and a wheel. Years ago I did the same thing, called the whole thing "the wheels." Could be many reasons why it is labeled wrong but one look at the ad and it's not hard to figure out the subject. Chill dude :P

Here's something for your sunday school class, " to belittle is to be little"



We gotta have some fun when we see something like that ad. Can't be serious all the time, that's no fun. It's like, Don, Tim, myself, and a few others take shots at one another. I know some people (like my first wife) always took things like this personal when it wasn't. Can't be that sensitive.

Never forget the first trip my brother in law and I were taking to a swap meet years ago. Told him to pull off the freeway at the next station because I had to use the "John" (bathroom). Had to listen to him carry on about people shouldn't call the bathroom a "John", because that's his name. Don't get me wrong, I think of my brother in law like a blood brother. However, he can be too sensitive about things sometimes. But.........out of consideration for him and his feelings about calling the bathroom a "John", I no longer use that term when around him.:)

Meant nothing about him when I said that. It's just a common name people call the bathroom, because the inventors name was John.

It's even hard to tell good ethnic jokes today without upsetting someone. That shouldn't be. There are jokes about all ethnic groups out there. However, that's what they are, just jokes, not meant to belittle people or groups of people.


Brad...many years ago..in the days of the first wife...(not to be confused with the present two)..my ex was always dieting..now most men know thisis an arrangement from hell. I had just put my Porsche on the road when the Tiger buy came to me..I moved on it..she did not like it..said I spend too much money on cars..well I carefully explained to her in the best manner possible that I had spend equal amount on her diet stuff etc etc...and that I have a nice fast red sleek sports car and she is still fat...and you can guess the rest of it...lol...I may lack diplomacy..but I always tell the truth

Ed' date='

We gotta have some fun when we see something like that ad. Can't be serious all the time, that's no fun. It's like, Don, Tim, myself, and a few others take shots at one another. I know some people (like my first wife) always took things like this personal when it wasn't. Can't be that sensitive.

Never forget the first trip my brother in law and I were taking to a swap meet years ago. Told him to pull off the freeway at the next station because I had to use the "John" (bathroom). Had to listen to him carry on about people shouldn't call the bathroom a "John", because that's his name. Don't get me wrong, I think of my brother in law like a blood brother. However, he can be too sensitive about things sometimes. But.........out of consideration for him and his feelings about calling the bathroom a "John", I no longer use that term when around him.:)

Meant nothing about him when I said that. It's just a common name people call the bathroom, because the inventors name was John.

It's even hard to tell good ethnic jokes today without upsetting someone. That shouldn't be. There are jokes about all ethnic groups out there. However, that's what they are, just jokes, not meant to belittle people or groups of people.[/quote']

The thing is Norm it was funny at first but when you keep ragging on it the mood is gone. It's just like telling a joke. If the presentation isnt done well then no matter how funny the story is , the joke isnt funny anymore.

I agree with what you say about having some fun and trying not to be serious all the time. This is where we are different. If my borther in law or anyone else had said that abt the John I would have never let up after that until I made them smile or got them mad, however serious they may be.

Maybe I have a sick sense of humor or worked construction too long but I'm the type if you bust a knuckle or bump your head I'm going to bust out laughing while your hopping around. I'll take it serious if your really hurt but 9 times out of 10 I'm still going to bust out laughing at first. Sure I've had some coworkers chase me around after a good ragging but they eventually end up laughing about the whole ordeal once the pain's gone. Working in the trade I was in you could not have thin skin or they would eat you alive.

Here's a good example of "me" having fun. Working at Dupont on the second level of an acid tank on the grating. Look down and see two coworkers walking by just under me. 2 cups of water dropped down over the grading on them and next thing you know they are dancing like a swarm of bee's are attacking. Why? They thought a acid line had broken and that it was acid, not water that hit them. At least until they heard me laughing so hard I couldnt keep hidden.

I know how to have fun and when to be serious. Beleave me, I've held my tounge many times here. You do know that I will speak up from past experiance as well. ;)


ooops. i read the listing and didn't notice where it came from. makes me just as guilty as the seller! in the immortal words of Homer: "D'oh!"

in all fairness, the seller could have many reasons for lack of information or how to get it. doesn't really make 'em stupid, just not competent on that one area. i couldn't begin to describe how this PC works that i'm using, but i still get my point across effectively! it's all smoke and mirrors from my vantage point!

and i really don't think much of e-bay anyway. my .02.

Brad...many years ago..in the days of the first wife...(not to be confused with the present two)..my ex was always dieting..now most men know thisis an arrangement from hell. I had just put my Porsche on the road when the Tiger buy came to me..I moved on it..she did not like it..said I spend too much money on cars..well I carefully explained to her in the best manner possible that I had spend equal amount on her diet stuff etc etc...and that I have a nice fast red sleek sports car and she is still fat...and you can guess the rest of it...lol...I may lack diplomacy..but I always tell the truth

Tim, that would sound like a punchline for most people, but knowing you for as long as I have, I can totally imagine those words coming out of your mouth. Hehe


if there was ever a waste of time and effort it has to be that Chrysler sporting a CHEVVIE engine. where to start? no; i'm done. i'm already redoing another guys' imagination-mobile. he "imagined" the things he did would work...

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