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Hello fellows,

I am about to have a new windshield and seal instaled in the D24, but having studied the new seal rubber I got from Roberts Motor Parts, I am a bit uneasy to cut the old in pieces. It does not look like it would install the way the old is.

See the attached pictures: "recent1" shows how the original sits in the body. "detail.jpg" shows the stainless trim and the where glass is resp. to the trim and seal. Now, "new_seal" does not look the same: obviously glass goes where the piece of paper is in my photo. There is only one lip opening in opposite direction. I suppose the body steel goes there... But what is the opening above to the one for the glass?

Have I got wrong profile rubber???






Your car has the optional chrome reveal around the window frame. The chrome piece fits over the window frame and then the weather stripping fits over that so it looks like you have the right thing. My D-24 had the chrome reveal but I'm leaving it off because it has rotted out the frame underneath it.




With all due respect, but that looks like a Plymouth (blue car) in other words it may have Dodge written on it but the body is pure Plymouth..thus the rubber you got will not work due to both design and size..the D24 is a larger seal than the P15 (Dodge D25 export) car. I base this on the upper and lower clips that join the two trim halves, absence of an overlapping Dodge style center divider that eliminates the clips and the style trim that is attached to the rubber and not the trim that attaches to the pinch weld common to the Dodge. Then again it could be I cannot see the pictures clearly.



The car is D24 Custom, originally from the States. It also has a chrome divider bar, no clips joining the trim halves. I removed the bar a couple of minutes before taking the picture, because I was about to cut the rubber to remove the glass.

What is worrying me, I cannot figure out, where the trim fits and where the steel lip in the window opening in the body. It looks like the rubber has one groove too many in inside (on glass side) and one to few on outside (the body side)


You don't have to cut the rubber, just fold a piece of the cornor rubber inward (off of the chrome reveal) and press inward. While holding pressure inward start working the rubber lip off the chrome piece and the glass will start to fall out (inward). Thats how I did mine, same with the back glass.



Like Tim Adams said, I can't tell what you have from the pictures either. And, if your Dodge is a Canadian Dodge, it has the Plymouth body, so you would also need the Plymouth rubber for it, for the reason Tim mentioned.

All that aside. There is a way you can tell for certain what you have. Go to Steele Rubbers web site, http://www.steelerubber.com Once there look up the windshield rubber for Dodge and Plymouth. They have pictures (cut outs) of each piece of rubber, along with the measurements of the rubber and the cut outs (grooves). By looking at that and measuring what you have, you should be able to determine if what you have is correct for your car.


Yep, D-24 for sure. Like the gaurds also. Look like they may be off a Chrysler. Seems like I've seen those with a flat bar that connects to them as a grille gaurd. I think Dwight may have that type, maybe others.

Are you planning to replace the glass while you have the seal off? It would be the best time to. Nice color by the way, Ed


Thanks to all for advice, looking at the Steele Rubber pages it appears I got the right of the two available profiles. Still I am almost positive that it is not exactly the same as original from the factory. I am still worried, how the glass & steel trim will fit in and sit resp. to the body with this repro rubber seal...


There are two types of seals for the windshields. One fits Dodge De Soto and Chrysler,as they shared the same body. The Plymouth has its own with the extra groove for the stainless trim that goes in AFTER the windshield is in place. On the three others---the stainless trim remains on the pinch weld and the seal just lips over it. What showed in his pic is for a Ply body,and he has a Dodge. Steele Rubber has the correct seal,either completely assembled with the division bar piece,or in whatever length you want to order. Also the division bar rubber can be ordered separately . They are diff. enough in size that I think it would be very difficult to use a wrong one. Frank M.

There are two types of seals for the windshields. One fits Dodge De Soto and Chrysler,as they shared the same body. The Plymouth has its own with the extra groove for the stainless trim that goes in AFTER the windshield is in place. On the three others---the stainless trim remains on the pinch weld and the seal just lips over it. What showed in his pic is for a Ply body,and he has a Dodge. Steele Rubber has the correct seal,either completely assembled with the division bar piece,or in whatever length you want to order. Frank M.

I am even more confused, Tim & Frank tells my car has Plymouth body? On what grounds? The picture Shel posted (metallic blue car with black Fulton sun visor) is mine, the same car is in the detail pictures I posted to begin with the thread. In the detail pictures there is no chrome center post, because I removed it, you see the holes throught the center rubber seal, that's where it is fixed with.

Another question: Steele rubber web page does not tell the difference between Plymouth / Dodge & al - There is only one profile for cars with stainless trim (that's what I got from Robert's) and another for cars without the trim. Where do I get the right one, where to find a picture of the different profiles to be able to see it for myself?

P.S. The rearview window has different type of window trim. The trim does remove and mount without messing with the glass or seal. The seals I got are the same profile for rear & front and I see that it is correct for rear for sure. What does this tell of the front window?


Sorry that I didnt make it clearer. What I meant was---the rubber seal you showed appeared to be for a Ply,and it looks like you have a Dodge body. I understand your confusion. It drove me nuts when I started fooling with these cars,because I have Plymouths AND Chryslers. The Seal for Ply has the extra groove for the stainless trim pieces that go on AFTER the windshield is in place. Chry. De Soto and Dodge Have a stainless trim that stays on the body pinchweld and doesnt need to be removed when replacing the rubber. OK----the way to tell is the stainless trim on the three others is outside of the rubber and on Ply its inside towards the glass. I wish I knew better how to explain this and sure hope I havnt confused you more. Believe me --both seals are availiable. I will try my best to answer any questions you have beyond this. Frank M.


Ok, Thanks Frank,

What you tell is exactly what I suspected, i.e. the rubber is wrong profile. What I did not know is it is for Plymouth. I suspected they sent me two off rear window rubbers, even if the other one is way longer.

Stupid thing, because I ordered specifying make, model, year and the issue, that it is for D24 Custom with the trim around...

Me being based in Finland, the far corner of the earth does not make it any better...

BR/ Pekka


Pekka, I did not mean to cause confusion..I stated I could also not see the pictures very well and with the center divider off the car it is hard to tell just looking at the glass only the type car you have. The center divider has the overlap for the center built into its design, the Plymouth has two cip top and bottom locking the trim together...your picture of the rubber as shipped to you is showing the paper in the glass slot, slot above that is for the pinch weld and the top on is for the trim. After seeing the picture of the entire car..yes the body is D24. can you post a picture of the window chrome with side profile?

...your picture of the rubber as shipped to you is showing the paper in the glass slot, slot above that is for the pinch weld and the top on is for the trim.

Ok Tim, no problem. However, I still cannot understand, how the slot above the glass slot could be for pinch weld panel, they are bot to same direction! Glass slot opens inside Ok, but pinch weld panel is the frame opening, thus slot must open outside, right?

Where could I find a picture of the specific profile for Dodge & Chrysler Frank mentioned?

Frank, Where did you got the right rubber for the Chrysler?

The Seal for Ply has the extra groove for the stainless trim pieces that go on AFTER the windshield is in place. Chry. De Soto and Dodge Have a stainless trim that stays on the body pinchweld and doesnt need to be removed when replacing the rubber. OK----the way to tell is the stainless trim on the three others is outside of the rubber and on Ply its inside towards the glass. Believe me --both seals are availiable. I will try my best to answer any questions you have beyond this. Frank M.


I got a printed catalog from Roberts with the delivery. Now I see there is one item MORE to the sortiment in their web page "P2A". In the web page there is only "P1 = 39-48 cars without chrome moulding" and "P2 = 39-48 cars with chrome moulding". In the printed book the extra item reads "P2A = Chrys, Dod, DeS 39-48 cars with chrome moulding". There is not, however, any picture for the P2A profile. I guess the P2A is what I should have?

Did you bought yours from Roberts?




BRAINFART....yes your rubber has three slots..I was wrong on the pinch weld and chrome molding, I listed them in reverse....AND it looks identical to the rubber on my 48 Plymouth...now this may be correct as I do not have a 46-48 Dodge on hand, BUT..the Dodge windsheld is larger than the Plymouth. I also have new in the box here for the D19 and it also is listed in the catalog as the same for a 46-48 Dodge with or without reveal, from two different suppliers and the rubber is just one large slot for the glass and the rubber lip in opposite direction for the pinch weld..remember this glass is installed from the inside of the car as the rubber is held tight in place by the garnish molding with the outer lip going over the reveal molding. My D19 has the reveal molding that slides on the pinch weld itself. I cannot say more due to the fact you did not show me a picture of the chrome reveal as I asked.



The rubber for D19 may be suitable for D24 for what you told. I am sorry I cannot post better pictures as you asked, because I do not dare the cut out the rubber in middle of the summer having nothing to replace it with. The car would be useless without windshield on. The old rubber is petrified, thus I cannot get the screen out by twisting the outer lip and pushing the assembly in as Jeff P suggested...

Anyone has a photo or drawing of the profile P2A as listed in the Roberts printed catalog?

The rubber in the photo I posted to begin this thread is Roberts' P2, which would be correct only for 39-48 Plymo as Frank said.

...to be continued...


Not to cut the rubber or the reveal molding...is not the reveal two pieces..left semi and right semi oval? and if such does this reveal slip over the pinch weld first prior to install or does it go on the the rubber after the glass is installed. The middle groove is for the reveal to slip into and as I stated is exactly the way my 48 Plymouth is done. My molding that is here from two supppliers, Steele and Clesters for the 48 show only two grooves and that it is for the 41, 46-48 dodge, Chrsler, Desoto closed cars. Just would like a picture of your reveal molding...can you get a close up of the rubber in the center bottom of the glass showing the relationship of the reveal to the rubber itself?


couple pics of my D19 out in the barn..kinda dusty out there...lol The outer lip that turns down goes over the top of the reveal molding after it is slid onto the pinch weld.

Trust me Steele is by no way always right and their rubber IS NOT a direct representation of STOCK either...

...is not the reveal two pieces..left semi and right semi oval? and if such does this reveal slip over the pinch weld first prior to install or does it go on the the rubber after the glass is installed. The middle groove is for the reveal to slip into and as I stated is exactly the way my 48 Plymouth is done.

Yes, the molding is two pieces, the chrome center bar covers the gap between the right and left moulding ends. The moulding in my REAR WINDOW goes on the rubber after the glass and rubber is installed, but the WINDSHIELD is different, I suppose the windshield moulding is slipped or fixed on the pinch weld - I do not know how, because I haven't dismounted it yet...

Just discussed on the phone with Roberts'. They seemed to understand the problem, but not the fact that the postage is the primary problem for a finn. It costs me twice the value of the rubber to return it to the States...

Yep, D-24 for sure. Like the gaurds also. Look like they may be off a Chrysler. Seems like I've seen those with a flat bar that connects to them as a grille gaurd. I think Dwight may have that type, maybe others.

Are you planning to replace the glass while you have the seal off? It would be the best time to. Nice color by the way, Ed

Check out the pic's of PATS's 49 Chrysler on this thread. Looks to be the same. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=4389

Yep, D-24 for sure. Like the gaurds also. Look like they may be off a Chrysler. Seems like I've seen those with a flat bar that connects to them as a grille gaurd. I think Dwight may have that type, maybe others.

Are you planning to replace the glass while you have the seal off? It would be the best time to. Nice color by the way, Ed


I belive the guards are common after market item for Mopar cars. There is metal stamped text "Wanaukee, Detroit" on top of them.

They seem to be the same as in the '49 Chrys' in the older thread, tall with perfect sphere on top.

Actually the need to replace the glass is the initial reason to get new rubber: The glass has gone cloudy in between the laminated layers.

There is also a minor crack due to hit by a rock in right side.


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