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Official Drive Your Flathead Mopar To Work Thread

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Well drove truck to the "Pen" my workplace twice this week, ran very well, absolutely no issues.

Today, went at 2:45 PM to pick up Son from Middle school 10 miles away, again runnnig well no issues.

I was driving down my gravel road, then some moron with his older Dodge  4X4 3/4 ton truck, big trailer with Kubota tractor is driving down road at about 60 mph, rocks and gravel flying everywhere as we met, my front the truck had some gravel shooting against it, I was ticked to say the least. My next door neighbour had his truck behind me a ways, he got a rock in the window, not impressed.

I drove down the highway, all was well, turned off to Sons school, then all of a sudden my rad blew, all antifreeze everywhere, engine temp right to 210, pulled over and shut it off.

Coolant everywhere, cause, rock stuck in rad, made a hole and well the end results.

I called a flat deck tow truck, no luck would have to wait 2 hours, called buddy, he towed me home with his van, on side gravel roads, and on the shoulder of a busy highway, not fun, got home cleaned up the mess.

I telephoned the perpetrator, and left him a mesage, about his driving habits and the end results.

Called rad shop, $350 to recore rad, oh well, at least the engine and head gasket seam fine started truck, it ran okay and started easy.

What the heck is wrong with someone who drives like this with a trailer and tractor on board on a gravel road. I am pi$$ed right off.

I am at work now for a 12 hour night shift.....yay

Had a talk with the Guy, who's truck and trailer, sprayed me with rocks, and 1 rock punctured my rad, and almost dead center of all places.

He stated he feels badly about this, but does not feel fully responsible, he admitted he was driving at about 50 mph or so, on a gravel road coming toward me, shooting rocks.

he did not offer to pay for it, asked me what I would like, that irritated me, I am the type, who would offer to either pay for it, or at least offer to pay for half.

Such as life, will not make an insurance claim, my deductible is $300, and am not taking my truck to some shop, where the wrong hands can be on it. I will be pulling the rad, it will be $350-$400 to recore..............just was minding my own business, and this is what I get 


Fred have you looked into a champion brand new radiator? If they have one that fits your truck it could be cheaper than your 350-400.


Fred have you looked into a champion brand new radiator? If they have one that fits your truck it could be cheaper than your 350-400.

Well they are cheaper at $208 USD, they are not an exact fit, and I do need the filler neck on one side. Factor in shipping and exchange, not much cheaper after that. US Rad, has exact quality replacement rads, but at $440 plus shipping and exchange.

I am going for the recore, quality US made brass cores...thanx for the idea Ed

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